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MMOGaming News

New trailer Teasing the Sandbox Housing System of MapleStory 2


New trailer Teasing the Sandbox Housing System of MapleStory 2

The Alpha test for MapleStory 2 is now going in Korea, and Nexon Korea has pushed out a new video to introduce the new housing feature. In MapleStory 2, players are allowed to customize parts down to the tile designs, the internal decorations, and there is even a wardrobe system to keep costumes!

Rift The Life : Ep.18 "Nightmare Tide Goodness"


Rift The Life : Ep.18

I just wanted to show you guys a little glimpse of whats to come in Rift. The new expansion is literally around the corner. And we can show you guys a whole lot more of the game now. Not everything and not everything is in to show. But in this video I'll show you some nice sights. And the up and coming Mastery System. As well as the new minion system.The Minion System is a new mini game of sorts. You can find and collect new minion monsters. That you can send on quests around the game's world. It appears it can be very lucrative to you. If you pay attention to this system and level minions. Stay tuned on this one because it isn't working yet to its fullest extent.

Heroes of the Storm: Final Phase of Alpha Testing Coming Soon!


Heroes of the Storm: Final Phase of Alpha Testing Coming Soon!

The final phase of Technical Alpha is Coming and here's the summary of all the important information you need to know. The store will be down on Sept, 22. After that, all Heroes will be temporarily free to play. (No weekly rotations). In the week after Sept, 22, the Tech Alpha will shut down for extended maintenance (that will last or over a week). The final phase of Tech Alpha will start after the maintenance and will be on the live B.net servers. It will use your normal Battle.net frieds list. There will be an account wipe for the final phase of alpha testing.

ArcheAge Pet Deaths in PvP Why it Needs Revamped


ArcheAge Pet Deaths in PvP Why it Needs Revamped

The biggest annoyance with pets in ArcheAge is that they can be killed. This includes both battle pets and mounts (such as the donkey). While this makes sense because players can also be killed, the punishments for pet deaths are far more severe than when a player dies. On top of this, it's made even worse when it comes to PvP.

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