My Dream-New Sandbox MMO Preview Posted: At the last time we can see many new Sandbox mmos, but not all of them were good enough to stay live for a long time. Today we are going to check one new mmo which looks like Minecraft on the first look, I hope its good as Minecraft. The Point in this mmo is to create the world you dream about.  |
Moonlight Blade: To See The Beauty in Blossom Gown! Posted: Tencent latest MMORPG Moonlight Blade seems to be quite silent these days? Even though there's a few news about it, it can's stop the love of Moonlight Blade fans! These pictures below are just made by Chinese players. I feel amazed at the high-definition graphics of Moonlight Blade! And the blossom gown is just awesome, how I wish I could have one! Lee's see!  |
Archlord 2 Releases Its First Expansion Posted: WEBZEN has announced to release the first expansion of PvP-focused MMORPG Archlord 2, officially ending the Open Beta phase. With this first major content update, Archlord 2 offers an increased level cap for characters, going from level 41 to level 46. In conjunction with this increase, players can explore new areas and quests  |
MapleStory 2: Guide on Getting Alpha Keys and Character Customization Videos Posted: MapleStory 2 has already started the Alpha phase in Korea today, are you eager to get in the alpha and explore the MapleStory 2 world? It's not going to be easy, but here's the guide on getting keys, just follow it!  |
Black Desert KR Third Closed Beta Key Giveaway! Posted: Hi dear MMOsiters, surprise time! Yes, we are giving away single ONE precious key for the Korean sandbox MMORPG Black Desert's third closed beta. If you have been following us for the latest news on Black Desert, you should know that more than 230 thousand Korean gamers participated in the recruitment with 50 thousand lucky guys got the test qualification. And here, would you like to be one of the lucky guys?  |
New Trailer Released for Retro-style Shooter Gunslugs 2 Posted: The action-packed retro run-and-gun Gunslugs (deep breath) is getting a sequel, as anyone who's been following its Touch Arcade thread would know. Recently, developer OrangePixel posted a teaser trailer for the upcoming sequel, Gunslugs 2, noting that the game is about 80% done. A conclusive release date has not yet been announced.  |
Sunshine Bay Has been Released for Android Posted: Sunshine Bay, globally popular strategy game developed by Game Insight, is now available for Android can be downloaded for free from the Google Play app store. Sunshine Bay is a city building strategy game where players can build their own sea resort and develop maritime traffic.  |
Final Fantasy XIV Patch 2.38 Introduces Personal Housing Posted: Square Enix has released a new post on the official website of Final Fantasy XIV to introduce Patch 2.38. According to the article, players can finally purchase houses of their own. Patch 2.38 introduces the option of purchasing land in the housing wards as an individual, but with prices starting at 4 million on the most populated servers for the smallest plot and with only two new wards introduced, many players who had been hopeful for a new house will find their hopes quickly dashed.  |
Firefall Patch 1.1 Brings Elemental Destruction Posted: A major new update has gone live for Firefall, bringing with it new types of weapons and weapon damage types. As the name suggests, Patch 1.1: Elemental Destruction is all about ways to unleash different elements upon enemies to bring about their ruin. The update's newest weapons are the plasma flak cannon and bio injector, however even older weapons can get new modifiers to change their damage type.  |
WoW: Character Name Reclamation Coming to WoW Posted: With the WoD pre-patch 6.0.2, Blizzard will be releasing sidelined characters' names back into the wild. Any characters that have not logged intothe game since November 13, 2008 will have their names freed up, making them available to anyone creating a new character or using the paid Character Name Change Service. Players will be finally able to create characters without a bunch of random letters.  |
Tribal Wars 2 - New Tariler has been released Posted: Online games developer InnoGames released a new trailer for its online strategy game Tribal Wars 2. The video displays additional gameplay and behind-the scenes material with interviews from Tribal Wars 2 team members.  |
ArcheAge Greetings from Head Start Posted: I just want to say it's been a nice head start. Although the DDOS attacks lamed things up a bit. Things have been pretty nice and flowing well. The servers are absolutely packed. So much so even as a patron on Saturday night. I basically was stuck behind a 1000 person queue.  |
Archlord 2 Turns on Archlord System Tomorrow Posted: Has Archlord 2 officially launched yet or is it merely riding that nebulous open beta soft launch train? It's hard to tell with this title, but what we do know is that the MMO will be releasing its first major content update tomorrow.  |
A Sci-fi Action Arcade Game Backspace Is About Logging Online Posted: Backspace is about logging online to find that you're sucked into a super network and can't escape. That might sound like a horror story, but it's not. Backspace is actually a sci-fi action arcade game set on spherical worlds.  |
ArcheAge Is Now Officially Launched Posted: ArcheAge is officially launched on September 16 at 10:00 AM PDT (GMT-7)! Players who participated in the Open Beta or Head Start events will not need to re-download the entire game client. A small incremental patch to Version 1.2 Build 4.9 will be needed from the Open Beta client.  |
League of Angels CN Exquisite Original Painting Posted: League of Angels is a hybrid turn-based fantasy MMORPG/strategy game. Combining aspects of multiplayer games with a few new twists, League of Angels brings a unique flair to browser gaming – in addition to embarking on engaging quests, dominating in massive PvP and outwitting fierce events, players can also seek out and train angels and collect rewards from minigame challenges. Check out the following exquisite original paintings:  |
Korean Anime MMORPG NAMED Closed Beta Is Now Live Posted: Korea NoxGame has announced that their latest anime MMORPG NAMED will start CBT from Sep 16th to 17th. It features both martial-art and fantasy elements. NAMED will provide many entertainment systems like club, café, party, marriage system etc. in game.  |