Marvel Heroes Rogue/She Hulk Release+Build Posted: I had some fun with Rogue she is unique. The only character in the game you can completely customize. Her move sets are straight forward. Her first set is based off of the power she stole from Ms. Marvel. But her next two are very interesting. The second is steal powers from friends. And the third is steal powers from foes. It's how it sounds you take passives, Attrition , Impact, Core, and Support moves.  |
Kraden's Crypt - RPG, Where the Combat System Is Based on the Physics Posted: Action RPG games are becoming more and more popular, but not all of them are worth a buy.Are you ready to buy a specific non 3D game ?. So here is one of those games, which at the same time does not show anything extraordinary from the graphics to the plot, but still worth a try.Here are some details about the game  |
Mysterious New Environment Revealed in Black Desert and Nice Changes in CBT3 Posted: All the three parts of Black Desert screenshots have been released for the upcoming 3rd Closed Beta that starts on September 17 , which character do you like best? Witch, Warrior, Ranger or Giant? If you are excited to see more about this anticipated MMORPG Black Desert, a video released by Pearl Abyss will undoubtedly meet your satisfaction.  |
ArcheAge - Is It Truly F2P? Posted: When we look at free-to-play games, there are some that are truly free (in which you can do anything in the game without paying) and others that aren't. With ArcheAge being the next game to be released under the "F2P" title.  |