


Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn: A Roundup of Epic Proportions

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 02:38 PM PDT

A Roundup of Epic Proportions

Instead of a small number of long updates, we seem to have a lot of little awesome things to discuss this week, from free trials, to hunt theorycrafting, to a 14-hour Japanese extravaganza commemorating the first year of A Realm Reborn. Join me as we round up the awesome for a bit of discussion.

World of Tanks: The Road to the Gold League Championship Begins

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 06:08 PM PDT

The Road to the Gold League Championship Begins

The World of Tanks team is on hand in a special live stream event pitting four of the game's best teams against one another in an elimination competition all leading to the finals of the Gold League Championship. The event has just kicked off and is scheduled to run for the next several hours.

Trove: Player-Generated Awesomeness

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 04:32 PM PDT

Player-Generated Awesomeness

In keeping with the relatively new notion of transparent development, the makers of sandbox game Trove have let players in since the game hit alpha. Continuing the tradition, last week, the game's publisher Trion Worlds invited me to see the game in its current state during an in-office Community Day event. Fortunate timing that, since it allowed me to see lots of cool player-made content before it gets swept away by the end-of-alpha apocalypse.

Rift: Nightmare Tide's Underwater Wonders

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 04:42 PM PDT

Nightmare Tide

For the last three years, the heroes of Telara have done their best to staunch a seemingly-endless flow of planes-spawned elementals. Perhaps though, it's time to stop the flow at its source? Trion Worlds seems to agree, and this week they invited us to explore a world beyond Telara--the beautiful, treacherous, and surprising Plane of Water.

Shroud of the Avatar: Pre-Alpha Release 9 Sweepstakes!

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 03:37 PM PDT

Pre-Alpha Release 9 Sweepstakes!

MMORPG.com is very pleased to present this exclusive sweepstakes event! We have partnered with Portalarium Inc to give away 1,000 Pre-Alpha Release 9 access for the latest MMORPG by RPG legend Richard Garriot - Shroud of the Avatar! Enter for a chance to win now!

Mass Effect 4: Casey Hudson Leaves Bioware

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 03:13 PM PDT

Casey Hudson Leaves Bioware

Bioware Executive Producer Casey Hudson has left Bioware according to a new developer blog by Aaryn Flynn, BioWare Studio General Manager. According to the post, Hudson wrote to colleagues that, after sixteen years, he wanted to reevaluate his prospects. Hudson came under fire with the fan outrage surrounding Mass Effect 3 but was still heading up development of Mass Effect 4.

Trove: Dracolyte Arrives & $5 for Instant Access

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 03:05 PM PDT

Dracolyte Arrives & $5 for Instant Access

Trove's Twitter is afire today with a pair of nifty notes for players. First off, the Dracolyte is headed into the game today and for anyone who has yet to try out Trove with instant access, the $20 Adventurer package will be on sale for only $5 this weekend only!

The Crew: Next Closed Beta Event Dated

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 02:55 PM PDT

Next Closed Beta Event Dated

Ubisoft Canada has a new post on Twitter that should excite fans of The Crew as they are announcing the next closed beta test.

Rift: v2.8 'Madness Wake' Released

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 01:59 PM PDT


Trion Worlds has announced the release of Rift v2.8, Madness Wakes. This update introduces the players to the storyline that will ultimately lead to the release of the expansion "Nightmare Tide". To celebrate the Madness Wakes update, the Rift team has a brand new video to show off some of what players can expect.

ArcheAge: Third Beta Event Detailed

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 11:52 AM PDT

Third Beta Event Detailed

The latest blog on the ArcheAge site takes a look back at the second closed beta event and gives players some insight into what changes may be in store for the third beta event set to begin today and run through the weekend. The team is taking a hard look at the Labor System and its attendant costs, working closely with XLGames in the process.

Demon Crusade: Closed Beta Begins

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 11:44 AM PDT

Closed Beta Begins

nGames has announced that the closed beta for its next MMO, Demon Rising, has officially kicked off. Demon Rising takes elements from both Western and Chinese mythology and uses them to send players on an epic journey to protect the Demon Temple.

Star Trek Online: Follow In Voyager's Footsteps in Delta Rising Expansion

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 11:40 AM PDT

Follow In Voyager

Cryptic Studios has announced that the next Star Trek Online expansion will be called Delta Rising and will take players on a journey to follow in the footsteps of Voyager. In Delta Rising, as the name indicates, players will head to the Delta Quadrant to reexamine what was mapped by Voyager three decades before. The expansion will also feature Voyager series star Garrett Wang reprising his role as Harry Kim.

WildStar: Defiling Convention

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 04:58 PM PDT

Defiling Convention

The Defile, WildStar's 3rd monthly drop, has arrived on Carbine's Public Test Realm, just as the heavy convention season gets underway. From regular class updates to significant housing improvements, columnist Gareth Harmer takes a look at what's arriving in this update.

Das Tal: Alpha PvP Footage & a Move to Steam Greenlight

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 09:15 AM PDT

Alpha PvP Footage & a Move to Steam Greenlight

The Das Tal team has let us know of a pair of interesting tidbits of news. In the first, Das Tal is now part of the Steam Greenlight campaign, with players able to head to the portal to vote the game for inclusion on the mega-games portal. In addition, a new video featuring alpha PvP footage from July's testing events has been released.

General: Chaos Heroes Online - Teaser Video Reveals Characters

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 09:09 AM PDT

Chaos Heroes Online - Teaser Video Reveals Characters

Aeria Games has sent out the first teaser trailer for Chaos Heroes Online, its forthcoming MOBA. The trailer reveals several of the game's heroes and their unique fighting abilities. Check it out to see what you think!

Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Story's the Thing

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 07:01 AM PDT

The Story

When you build your corporate game development reputation on high-end storytelling, there shouldn't be much surprise when your fanbase expects the same level of quality out of any subsequent release. BioWare is synonymous with some of the richest stories in all of PC gaming, and with an intellectual property like Star Wars to play with, our expectations are understandably high.

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