


Pathfinder Online: Cash Shop Functionality Detailed in New Blog

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 08:17 AM PDT

Cash Shop Functionality Detailed in New Blog

The Pathfinder Online site has been updated with a new developer blog post that gives fans and backers a look at how premium items for purchase with real-world dollars will work. Of specific note is the blog's acknowledgement of player concerns that the game will become "pay to win" and, somewhat conversely, how players who purchase these buildings can rest assured that their purchases are persistent even through "destruction".

Path of Exile: Catarina - Master of the Dead Revealed

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 04:41 AM PDT

Catarina - Master of the Dead Revealed

Grinding Gear Games' Path of Exile is set to receive its second major expansion on August 20th, and we caught up with CEO Chris Wilson to reveal two of Forsaken Masters' big new features: the Witch Catarina, Master of the Dead and the Standard Challenge League coming with the expansion: The Rampage League. Read on for all the details.

General: Latest "You've Been Chosen" Video Asks a Cryptic Question

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 05:16 AM PDT

Latest "You

The third in a series of Bioware's "You've Been Chosen" videos has been released to get fans curious about the big Gamescom announcement regarding the famed RPG studios' next project. In the new video, a young woman walks through grass muttering "It's not my fault" as the camera pans back to a scene of devastation. As the video ends, the cryptic question "Can you control your power?" is asked.

Defiance: Silicon Valley Expansion Now Live

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 01:35 PM PDT

Silicon Valley Expansion Now Live

According to a press announcement from Trion Worlds, the latest content update for Defiance, Silicon Valley, is now live. To celebrate the release of the expansion, Trion has released a new trailer to show off the location and some of what players can expect.

Warhammer 40.000: Eternal Crusade: Tank on Tank Action to Shine in Next Live Stream

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 01:31 PM PDT

Tank on Tank Action to Shine in Next Live Stream

Behaviour Interactive has scheduled the next Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade live stream event for this Friday, August 8th. During the now-weekly event, the team will be showing off tank vs tank game play with the Lascannon and Quad Gun. The team will also be on hand for a live Q&A with stream attendees.

Perfect World International: Chill of Luneska Coming August 19th

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 12:53 PM PDT

Chill of Luneska Coming August 19th

Perfect World International is ready to expand again with the imminent arrival of the Chill of Luneska story update on August 19th. Chill of Luneska will build on guild vs guild features with an all new Territory Resource War feature, and will also feature new high-level quests, streamlined systems and more.

General: Moonrise: How Undead Labs is Taking on Pokémon with Style

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 11:55 AM PDT

Moonrise: How Undead Labs is Taking on Pokémon with Style

Moonrise may not seem like the logical next game from State of Decay creator Undead Labs. But UL is a studio filled with gamers that play everything, and mobile games are kind of a big deal so it makes sense to us that while they plug away on their next zombie-themed title, they might try something in that arena. But instead of a craptacular Candy Crush clone, we're getting what looks to be a fantastically vibrant new RPG based around collecting and fighting monsters.

DC Universe Online: Halls of Power Part 1 Arrives Today

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 11:29 AM PDT

Halls of Power Part 1 Arrives Today

DC Universe Online players will want to check out the game today as the arrival of the latest DLC has come. Called "Halls of Power Part 1", the DLC features five new co-op missions, fourth world villains and heroes, new gear and more.

World of Warcraft: New Events to Celebrate WoW's First Decade

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 11:10 AM PDT

New Events to Celebrate WoW

Blizzard Entertainment has taken the wraps off of the first events that will usher in World of Warcraft's 10th anniversary this November. Players will be able to take part in a new PvP experience built around the classic Southshore vs Tarren Mill struggle, gain a new Core Hound mount and snag a Molten Corgi pet simply for logging into these first events.

Guild Wars 2: Points of Interest #4 Answers MMORPG.com Questions

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 11:02 AM PDT

Points of Interest #4 Answers MMORPG.com Questions

The latest edition of the Guild Wars 2 video series, Points of Interest, is now live. In addition to talking about The Dragon's Reach, our own Bill Murphy trotted over to ask the questions submitted by MMORPG.com readers! See if your question was answered.

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft: Curse of Naxxramas Military Quarter Opens

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 09:58 AM PDT

Curse of Naxxramas Military Quarter Opens

The third wing in the Hearthstone single-player campaign, Curse of Naxxramas, has opened up. The Military Quarter joins the Plague and Arachnid Quarters with two more yet to come.

ArcheAge: How ArcheAge Captures the ‘Elder Scrolls’ Spirit Better Than ESO

Posted: 04 Aug 2014 05:55 PM PDT

How ArcheAge Captures the

In the first of what we hope to become a regular feature on the site, we're presenting you a guest column written by a reader of MMORPG.com. Kyle is a longtime reader of the site, and approached us with a unique take on why ArcheAge appeals to him while Elder Scrolls online did not...

Albion Online: Site Redesigned & Founders Packs Revealed

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 08:59 AM PDT

Site Redesigned & Founders Packs Revealed

The Albion Online site has been completely reworked to give fans and players easier access to the information they want to know about the forthcoming title. In addition, the first details have been revealed about Founders Packs. Founders Packs, each with a variety of in-game perks, can be purchased for $99.95, $49.95 or $29.95. Purchasers will gain access to Albion's alpha test.

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