


EVE Online: I Was in Space

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 04:27 PM PDT

I Was in Space

For two beautiful minutes I was a fighter pilot in space. Even though we were in a wide open hall with crepes being made not far away every one of my senses told me I was in space flying a fighter of some sort. There were enemies out there somewhere, two people who were in reality sitting just across from me were coming after me. I was playing EVE: Valkyrie. I was in space.

General: This Week's Live Stream Schedule

Posted: 17 Aug 2014 06:41 PM PDT

This Week

Join our team as they stream some of the day's finest titles. Check the times, the games, the team member and join the fun at the appointed hour.

Dragon Age: Inquisition: Continuing the Saga

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 06:18 AM PDT

Continuing the Saga

With summer drawing to a close and the holiday season rapidly approaching, Dragon Age: Inquisition's impending launch stands out like a giant pre-Thanksgiving banner. During Gamescom, Gareth Harmer interviewed BioWare associate producer Blair Brown about delivering the latest in this RPG series.

Shroud of the Avatar: Release 9: More Combat, More Everything

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 06:10 PM PDT

Release 9: More Combat, More Everything

The neophyte to Shroud of the Avatar might expect things to slow down over the last month or two. After all, two key members of the team have newborns and all the sleepless nights that come with them, but like a freight train of awesome, these guys just keep on trucking towards Epic City. They've got a schedule to keep, and everyone knows you can't stop a train.

Requiem: Memento Mori: Rage of Voxyon - Final Chapter to Arrive Soon

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 12:38 PM PDT

Rage of Voxyon - Final Chapter to Arrive Soon

WarpPortal has announced that Requiem: Rise of the Reaver will be updated with the final episode of the the Rage of the Voxyon content expansion. Rage of Voxyon will include a new raid, new armor, new story lore and much more.

The Black Watchmen: New Trailer, KickStarter & Comic Series Announced

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 12:05 PM PDT

New Trailer, KickStarter & Comic Series Announced

The Black Watchmen team has announced that it has started a new funding initiative via KickStarter as well as launched a new trailer and that a new comic based on the game is being created.

Warframe: Archwing Space Battles Announced

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 11:56 AM PDT

Archwing Space Battles Announced

The Warframe team took to the floor at last week's Gamescom to introduce players to a new game mode that will be coming to the game with Update 15. Called "Archwing", players will fight new ninja battles out in space. The team has released a new teaser video to introduce players to Archwing. Check it out!

Guild Wars 2: Changes Ahead for WvW

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 05:59 PM PDT

Changes Ahead for WvW

Like many MMOs out there, Guild Wars 2 focuses on the PvE experience because most players want to explore new worlds and accomplish amazing feats that they normally couldn't in real life. That's why most games still offer a PvP experience. Often these players can feel left out, because the PvP related updates are few and far between. But in a way, that's what makes it so exciting! September is going to be huge for the PvP community!

World of Warcraft: War of the Ancients - The Well of Eternity Brought to Life

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 02:01 AM PDT

War of the Ancients - The Well of Eternity Brought to Life

After four years in production and the creation of hundreds, if not thousands, of new game-based models, the team finally, on Saturday, August 16th, released War of the Ancients - The Well of Eternity, a nearly two-hour tour de force. We managed to find the doubtless exhausted leads from the project Norbert "Keytal" Szilagyi and A.W.A. "Vaanel" Oemraw to talk about the film.

General: Free to Play, ArcheAge, and LoL - Is Riot’s Model Better?

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 05:48 PM PDT

Free to Play, ArcheAge, and LoL - Is Riot

Last time around, I discussed free to play and so-called entitlement in the MMO community. While I do think that some are called out or made to feel guilty for simply enjoying what developers and publishers are putting out, that could've perhaps been a narrower discussion. Again, this time around, payment models get another look, and it's in part due to some recent topics that have come up in both the greater gaming community and among MMO players.

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