WoW: Warlords of Draenor: New Login Screen & Char Models! Posted: The latest Warlords beta build 18764 altered the looks of the login screen for the newest expansion. Here's how it currently looks like. The fully animated login screen can be previewed in the following video.  |
Fortnite's Director's Commentary Video Talks About Game Mechanics Posted: Fortnite is an upcoming free-to-play game that combines elements of crafting, shooter and role-playing games. Last month. Epic Games released about a four-minute clip of gameplay for this new mmo. Now, they have released a new video featuring director's commentary to tell people a little more about Fortnite. Here, the development team talks more about the mechanics.  |
Kritika Online Maybe Coming West How to Play Japanese Server Posted: Well I have good news. A while back I had heard rumblings that this game could come west. I truthfully ignored it to be honest. But seems I was wrong to do so. The game is being strongly looked at for the west. With that said do you want it western world? Will you play and support a game like this?  |
Arisha Update Brings High Number of Active Players to Mabinogi Heroes Posted: Mabinog Heroes is a MMORPG using the Source game engine which is also used by Half-Life 2 and Counter Strike. Arisha is the latest character, who is a hybrid melee/magical character, although that could go a lot of different routes.Thanks to the Arisha update, Nexon Korea is touting the high number of players being active.  |
WoW: Alliance & Horde Choppers In-Game First Look! Posted: In the latest beta build of Warlords, Blizzard added both the Alliance and the Horde version of the Choppers. The bike will be mailed to Horde players upon Warlords release, in the fall of 2014, free of charge. The Alliance will have to pay a substantial amount of gold to get theirs.Azeroth Choppers, was a weekly web series run by Blizzard entertainment. More information on it can be found here.  |
MMOSite Official Stream Archive For 8/19/2014! Posted: MMOSite Official Stream Archive For 8/19/2014! We are on livestream. Today we are going to play Star wars the old republic that I recently re-subscribed the game and going to play the game , so I want to return back in and see what they have. I know they have the brand-new glastic starfighter and housing system. So I would like to check  |
Let's Take A Look at Closers Online CBT Gameplay Video Posted: As we've both known, Closers Online has just kicked off its first Closed Beta phase a few days ago. The game takes place in a re-imagined Seoul, and there will be 3 playable classes in this CBT.  |