ArcheAge - Farming, Stealing and You Posted: While farming is a big part of ArcheAge, there is more to it than just throwing down some plants, trees and animals and harvesting them on a regular basis. The system comes with its own rules, as well as different ways to break them. Let's take a look at the farming system, how stealing works and how to better protect yourself from thieves so you don't lose your hard-earned Labor!  |
Mabinogi Heroes: Unique Arisha Appears as Event Prize Posted: Vindictus (Mabinog Heroes Korea) is a MMORPG using the Source game engine which is also used by Half-Life 2 and Counter Strike. Now Nexon is giving away Arisha to the player who finishes a set of quests, "Knight's Vow", first in the Korean server. Arisha is a sexy female character with melee and magic skills that exposed by Nexon not long before.  |
Grand Ages: Medieval New RTS Multiplayer Game Preview Posted: Grand Ages: Medieval is a new multiplayer RTS game which is set in the Middle Ages of 1050. The players have to go all the way from the usual village manager to the person who controls the whole of Europe, and controls the rulers of all nations.  |
MMOsite Official Twitch Stream by Zach Sharpes Posted: This is MMOsite official livestream held by our popular writer Zach Sharpes! This will be home to live MMO analysis of the newest games starting today at 5:30PM to 9:30PM PST. The stream will air every Monday through Friday so make sure to follow the stream to be notified when we go live! Now let's enjoy the show!  |
Nanbo's Perfect World International Tips Posted: Hello MMOSITE readers and welcome to my latest article concerning Perfect World International. You may have heard of the latest expansion coming up called Chill of Luneska. The focus of the next content update will be territory for mostly higher end levels. Do not let that scare you in thinking the community is packed into end game and the new player experience is an endless void.  |
Blade Chronicles JP Samurai MMO Quick Look+ How to play Posted: Ever want to play Samurai Champloo? Or at least something that makes you feel a little like it. Then this game is for you. This game has been out for awhile.  |