Tree of Savior: Weekly blog post touches on skill mechanics and more Posted: Tree of Savior dev blog has been updated recently. This is 12th post of Questions and Answers about Tree of Savior which answers the questions from their fans.Please understand that TOS is a game which is currently under development so the answers that are given below can be changed in the future when they launch official service of the game.  |
Final Fantasy: Record Keeper Trailer Was Released Posted: On the heels of last announcement released on July, Final Fantasy: Record Keeper by Square Enix and DeNA released the first game trailer. And the login activity is still ongoing, according to the official, there are over 100 thousand people join the activity since the game made debut on July 17.  |
A Feature Guide on Trade Unveiled for ArcheAge Posted: Trion has unveiled an official feature guide on Trade for ArcheAge that is very helpful. Including completing daily quests and combating with others, you can also build farms, ships, mansions… and trade with Traders in the continent of ArcheAge to get valuable Packs. How do I start? To run a trade route, you must craft (or find or steal) a Trade Pack  |
Ubisoft Analyst Examines League of Legends' Alleged Business Model Flaws Posted: Despite League of Legends' mind-boggling 67 million players and $624 million in revenue through 2013, it's not doing as well as it should be, at least according to Ubisoft Blue Byte's Teut Weidemann, who has been studying the game first-hand in conjunction with behind-the-scenes data.  |
World of Speed Got A New Gamescom Trailer Posted: Slightly Mad Studios and publisher today released a brand-new gamescom trailer for upcoming racing MMO World of Speed. The trailer shows off the game's strong focus on team racing and the various objectives players will have throughout the course of a race.  |
Guns and Robots is Finally Available on Steam Posted: Gone through long-term development Guns and Robots by Masthead Studio is shaped and now available on Steam. The game, a free-to-play cartoon style online shooter, brings robot action with massive customization, which blends fun for players. The robots we see in the video look very interesting, they have screw-made eyes, self-made body  |
Learn to Play Auro before It Hits iOS and Android This Month Posted: Dinofarm Games has released a tutorial video that shows how to play its upcoming, long-in-development tactical people-pushing game Auro.  |
Madden Mobile Coming to the App Store August 26th Posted: The latest iteration of EA's flagship football series Madden NFL will be hitting consoles on August 26th, and on that same day a mobile version appropriately called Madden Mobile will be hitting the App Store as well. Madden Mobile promises an "all-new NFL experience" that "will allow fans to build a dominant team composed of the league's best talent from past and present."  |
C9 Free Level 50 Characters Event Get Yours While You Can Posted: The low down is this. You get 3 free character level'd all the way up to 50. They come with gear and class change items. If you ever was thinking about the game. And just want to try it out. Go for it now is the time.  |
MapleStory 2: Preview of Game Bosses in Latest Dev Video Posted: MapleStory 2 new dev video was recently uploaded, with the development team touching on the game bosses. With the new graphics and style, bosses now have more tricks up their sleeves, with players required to actively control their characters to avoid a variety of attacks.  |
New Screenshots of the Upcoming 3D Animated Styled MMORPG Red Stone 2 Posted: With launch of official site and eight new classes, the 3D Anime styled MMORPG Red Stone 2 is gradually coming to view of anime lovers and gamers. These days, several new screenshots of classes have been released by L and K Korea in this new upcoming MMORPG Red Stone 2. While currently a wide variety of classes, including Freelancer  |