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MMOGaming News

Heroes of the Storm - New Heroes Will Presented at PAX Prime


Heroes of the Storm - New Heroes Will Presented at PAX Prime

Blizzard announced Blizzard community will be present at PAX Prime. In the Expo, players will have a changce to play a brand-new demo for Heroes of the Storm and be among the first to try out three exciting new heroes.

Albion Online - Exclusive access and New Gameplay Trailer Have Been Launched


Albion Online - Exclusive access and New Gameplay Trailer Have Been Launched

Recently, Albion Online's founder packs launched Exclusive access which alongside many other benefits to the game and new gameplay trailer which shows off previously unseen gameplay footage.

EQ Landmark Has Guilds now


EQ Landmark Has Guilds now

Hello guys, today we are checking the new update of EQ Landmark, it wasn't expected but Landmark will support Guilds. Also, the game compares your ingame friends list with your Steam friends list.

Continue reading EQ Landmark Has Guilds now.

WoW: 10 Years of World of Warcraft Celebration


WoW: 10 Years of World of Warcraft Celebration

World of Warcraft turns 10 this year. Every year, Blizzard gives away a Feats of Strength achievement and a pet to those who log in during the anniversary celebration. This year, Blizzard has more to offer! Let's now look what awaits us during the upcoming celebration.

Jian Wang 3: Ch Character Creation+ How to play It


Jian Wang 3: Ch Character Creation+ How to play It

This game is very pretty to look at. Many won't even know or heard of this series. But it's actually a pretty good series of MMO. You don't need anything special to play.

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