


Das Tal: Alpha Testing to Kick Off on July 20th

Posted: 14 Jul 2014 08:05 AM PDT

Alpha Testing to Kick Off on July 20th

Last month, Fairytale Distillery and the Das Tal team announced that alpha testing would commence sometime in July. That sometime has now been announced as officially happening on July 20th. The initial pool of testers will be selected from over a thousand applicants. The first round of alpha testing will be focused on PvP with hints of the story behind the game.

General: Google's Ingress Now Available on iTunes

Posted: 14 Jul 2014 07:54 AM PDT


Google's 'real world' MMO, Ingress, is now available on iTunes and can be played by those with any iOS system. As players move through the real world, they are given hints about a mysterious energy that has been released in the world and have the ability to collect items, align with other players to capture territory and much more.

Firefall: Just How Much Has Changed for Launch? A Lot.

Posted: 14 Jul 2014 05:48 AM PDT

Just How Much Has Changed for Launch? A Lot.

If your first reaction to reading the title of this article was, "Wait, Firefall hasn't been released yet?" I don't think anyone would blame you. Originally announced way back in 2010, this MMO shooter has been struggling for the past few years to finally grasp hold of its original vision. From the overly convoluted original progression system, to a hampered PvP mode, nearly all facets of the game have undergone extreme renovations in the past couple years.

General: This Week's Live Stream Schedule

Posted: 14 Jul 2014 05:40 AM PDT

This Week

We've published this week's MMORPG.com Live Stream schedule that is packed with MMO action, including a special Carbine-MMORPG.com stream to be held on Wednesday. Check it out and make your plans to be there!

The World 2: Steam Greenlight Campaign a Success

Posted: 14 Jul 2014 04:45 AM PDT

Steam Greenlight Campaign a Success

We Are Good has announced that The World 2 has successfully completed its Steam Greenlight campaign. According to press information, The World 2 will now be produced in an offline single-player mode in PC, Mac and Linux flavors.

World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor Beta Sweepstakes! (Week 2)

Posted: 13 Jul 2014 01:21 PM PDT

Warlords of Draenor Beta Sweepstakes! (Week 2)

MMORPG.com is very pleased to present this exclusive sweepstakes event! We have partnered with Blizzard Entertainment to give away 1,000 beta access keys for the new World of Warcraft expansion: Warlords of Draenor!

General: Rainbow Saga Reveals Classes

Posted: 12 Jul 2014 11:04 PM PDT

Rainbow Saga Reveals Classes

Hong Kong-based publisher NGames will "soon" be adding to its considerable stable of free-to-play online games with the upcoming arcade style MMO, Rainbow Saga. This week the company revealed three playable classes from the cartoony fantasy RPG.

TUG: New Partnership with Yogscast

Posted: 12 Jul 2014 11:16 PM PDT

New Partnership with Yogscast

Open-world, social-science experiment/RPG TUG is following up its recent alpha launch on Steam Early Access by collaborating with "The UK's kings of YouTube", Yogscast.

General: Dark Horse Comics to Publish The World of the Witcher

Posted: 12 Jul 2014 11:27 PM PDT

Dark Horse Comics to Publish The World of the Witcher

Dark Horse Comics and CD Projekt Red are working together to bring fans of the Witcher series a collector's quality hardbound book featuring never-before published art.

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