Tips to the New 2048 Puzzle Betract Posted: When it comes to puzzle games, the overwhelming 2048 has been welcomed by a large number of fans few days before, but games in similar structure as 2048 become boring to a part of loyalty. Today you'll get an impressive view to a fresh but relatively difficult game – Betract.  |
New Black Dragon Nest Guide Posted: If you feel that I need to clarify my explanation on some areas or I explained some things wrong, please feel free to leave it in the comments below. All boss names and skills are made up since I don't play with English patch on.  |
Heroes of the Storm: Free Hero Rotation, July 1 Posted: Heroes of the Storm is currently in Technical Alpha. This week's free hero rotation in Heroes of the Storm includes the following heroes: Raynor,Uther,ETC,Tyrael,Abathur (Unlocked at Level 7)  |
Black Dragon Nest Guide Posted: If you feel that I need to clarify my explanation on some areas or I explained some things wrong, please feel free to leave it in the comments below. All boss names and skills are made up since I don't play with English patch on.Before entering into stage one, you will have to break a pillar. Just use any skills to break it, it does have any skills and is quite easy to kill.  |
TERA - Are Aesthetic Additions Really Content? Posted: When it comes to content updates for MMORPGs, different companies take different approaches with how to handle it. For example, Guild Wars 2 releases patches every month (on average) with new content and Rift releases theirs every few months (with expansions released more rarely).  |
Swordsman Online Launches Open Beta Posted: Today, the OBT of Swordsman, a free-to-play MMORPG published by Perfect World Entertainmern has been released.Swordsman is a free-to-play martial arts and wuxia-inspired MMORPG, set in the rich universe based on the immensely popular wuxia novels of award-winning novelist Louis Cha, who has sold over 100 million books worldwide.  |
Little Galaxy - Help Young Boy Find A New Home in Space Posted: Most of us used to have a dream of traveling in the space in our childhood. But it's always just a dream. Today, we will show you a jumping game which can make this dream come true just simply by tapping your finger on the screen -- Little Galaxy.  |
Final Fantasy XIV Chocobo Training Preview Posted: Chocobo is a lifelong companion of player in Final Fantasy XIV that needs precious care to grow in to a robust avian. Are you wondering whether he is getting all he can out of life and worrying about him sitting outside in the cold while you go in and have a few drinks?  |
ArcheAge Second Alpha Server "Omega" Is Now Live Posted: As ArcheAge English server's step coming closer and closer, Trion has announced that the second Alpha server, Omega, is now live with Version 1.2 of ArcheAge! If you still don't know about the detail or that closed beta is coming this month, make sure to read the announcement on Omega and ArcheAge's path to launch later this year.  |
FFXIV Fan Festival: How to Apply Your Promotional Code and Buy Tickets Posted: With advance ticket sales for Fan Festival 2014 starting on Tuesday, July 8, at 10:30 a.m. (PDT) we felt this is the perfect time to explain the purchase flow! We created a short guide for both advance ticket purchasers and general admission so that everyone has an idea of what to expect when purchasing tickets!  |
Azera Online "New Korean MMORPG" Preview Posted: On the First look the game looks like any other Korean MMO.At the start you have to choose betwen 3 Nations:Abu Tor(RED),Berka(Blue),Western Leone(green).The game has 5 clasesses :Warrior,Archer,Assasin,Matane Inc,Wizard.  |
Zombies Monsters Robots Open Beta First Look Posted: Everyone should remember Hounds Online. I did that review a few months ago. Well now the american bad ass version has graced us with it's presence. I'll start off saying it's fun and the gun play is tight. Which is the only thing I ever care about. In a game that features multiple guns.  |
Angry Birds Seasons Updated With 24 New Levels Posted: Rovio has rolled out the latest update to Angry Birds Seasons on iOS and Android. This time, we're heading to South Hamerica across 24 new levels, and three bonus ones. The bad piggies are climbing up South Hamerica's largest mountains with those precious eggs.  |
Ragnarok Online: Valkyrie Uprising Updated with Path of Heroes! Posted: An update of mobile MMORPG Ragnarok Online: Valkyrie Uprising with Ragnarok Online: Path of Heroes! has been launched recently that brings new level and job level caps, new lands to traverse and dungeons to lay victory over, as well as free warps, and the long awaited Mercenary system!  |