League of Angels: Save Your Angle and Battle Against Evil Posted: League of Angels is a hot browser MMORPG that based on western mythology. Playing in it, you will feel like a god in myth with god's values, attitudes, and personality. Similar to other MMORPG, League of Angels features beautiful landscape, fantastic storyline and blood-boiling battles.  |
Neverwinter - Dragonborn Player Race Announced Posted: Perfect World Entertainment announced that the scaly new player race, Dragonborn will come in Neverwinter on August 14. The Dragonborn joins the new Scourge Warlock class as the newest features coming to the world of Faerûn.  |
Skyforge'll Get an Important Announcement about Beta at Gamescom Posted: My.com has officially announced on the official website of Skyforge that this upcoming MMO title will come to Gamescom which is fast approaching in Cologne, Germany. For the first time ever, they will reveal the massive gods end-game feature and how the system will work in-game.  |
Dragon Slayer Alpha Review Chibi Monster Hunting and Mount Collection Posted: The Taiwanese version of Dragon Slayer Alpha ended last week and I managed to hit the level 30 cap! I am now ready to share my experiences with everyone along with highlighting the good and the bad aspects of the game.  |
Mabinogi Heroes Charming Arisha Showing Skills on T-Stage Posted: Vindictus (Mabinogi Heroes) is now pretty popular in South Korea. Few days ago Nexon just revealed sexy image of Arisha. Will there be a male character after her? Arisha is now being shown in what is apparently a cash fashion costume. According to the official news, Arisha is truly a character with both melee and magic skills  |
Modern Combat 5: Blackout Field Guide, Cheats and Tips Posted: Gameloft's latest gung-ho shooter, Modern Combat 5: Blackout has just breached the front doors of the App Store and Google Play, and is now shooting everyone in slow motion. Download this game and, once again, you'll find yourself hopping from country to country, murdering foreign jerks in the face. And then going online to murder more people in the face, but this time they're humans.  |
Warcraft Movie Logo Unveiled and More at Comic-Con Posted: Today, Legendary unveiled the logo for the upcoming, highly anticipated Warcraft movie. The logo looks like a mixed Starcraft & World of Warcraft: Cataclysm logo.  |
Square Enix Summer Sale Offering Classic Final Fantasy Games Posted: Square Enix is celebrating the summer with a sale on Android that sees many of the games in the Final Fantasy series going for cheap. The sale starts today (July 24th) and will run for the next three weeks. Each week, one or two Final Fantasy games go on sale, with them being swapped out for another one or two the following week.  |
Black Gold PvP 10 vs 10 Battleground Realm of Faith Impressions Posted: Erlandir vs Isenhorst in a 10 v 10 capture the flag type mode. The first team to bomb the others statue 3 times wins. Erlandir takes the victory this time.This is one of two maps in the Battlefield system. It queues up gamers solo or in a team. The system tries to match make as best as possible according to might scores.  |
Angry Birds Transformers Comic Con Trailer is Pretty Gnarly Posted: Mobile stuff usually isn't that prevalent at Comic Con, short of a few spillover trailers for games that might also be coming to mobile. Rovio, as usual, is the exception here and just released a pretty awesome Angry Birds Transformers trailer:  |
Fantasy Forest Story Available on iOS Now Posted: Fantasy Forest Story – the latest free-to-play game from TeamLava, is available on iOS now. The game features never-before-seen fantasy and mythology themes in the breeding simulation genre on mobile.  |
The Closers Calls Gamers up to Take CBT on August 20 Posted: The Anime MORPG Closers is now recruiting gamers to join its first Closed Beta. The recruiting phase starts from July 24th to August 10th, and the anticipated Closers OBT is scheduled to be kicked off on August 20. You can read a preview to get more information about Closer online characters, gameplay, background story and more. Enjoy the trailer to 1st Closed Beta.  |
Heroes of the Storm: Introducing Master Skins Posted: Currently in development, a few months ago at PAX East, Blizzard gave attendees a sneak peek at a new series of hero skins. These Master Skins represent a further exciting evolution of each hero's base skins. These are unlocked upon reeaching Level 10 with the leveling system. They cost 10,000 gold to unlock.  |
Moonlight Blade - Battlefield Overview Posted: The Developers of Moonlight Blade decided to talk about the battle system . Under the life of your enemies strip is a strip of self. And self-control allows targets to block your punches, to protect themselves from the effects of overturning osharashivaniya etc.  |
Black Desert CBT3 Coming in August or September, Daum to Publish the Game in NA and EU Posted: Amazing news is here! Western Black Desert Fans, where are you?! Daum, the Korean Publisher of Black Desert will expand to the Western Market and open a new Office in the West. Pearl Abyss also announced the Date for the 3rd Closed Beta, which is scheduled for late August/early September.  |
Trion Announced Closed Beta 2 for ArcheAge to Begin on July 30 Posted: Followed with a successful end of ArcheAge Closed Beta Event 1, Trion Worlds has announced the second ArcheAge Closed Beta: Settling Sail, will kick off on July 30th and run through Monday August 4th. It might be three times as big as the first beta event.  |