Gigantic is a New MOBA Developed by Motiga Posted: Motiga has just announced a brand new MOBA title: Gigantic. It features a third-person play with stylized cartoon art, so hop about with your keyboard rather than by clicking your mouse. Here is something I find different from other MOBAS: players will be aided by enormous Guardians, behemoths that use their own massive attacks and will force players to contend with an even more powerful force on the field.  |
Open World PvP Combat Displayed in New Firefall Trailer Posted: An all-new video is released followed by the announcement of Red 5 Studio on kicking off Firefall on July 29. Besides a video, some screenshots and more details about the key part - Open-world Player vs. Player (PvP) combat are unveiled.  |
Warhammer 40,000: Carnage Dark Angel Update Adds New Features Posted: The Bronze Award-winning Warhammer 40,000: Carnage has been updated with a new Dark Angel Chapter Pack.Yep, that's right, Jessica Alba is now a playable character in Carnage. I'm lying, of course - that TV series flopped over a decade ago (and it's not coming back).  |
Dragon Nest CN Updates New Storyline and Map in 80 Level Cap Posted: Lv70 is not an end. Break your personal limits in Dragon Nest Lv80. Dragon Nest's updates feature lengthy storyline quests for players which would tell the future about Argenta and Altria. And in the upcoming Dragon Nest Lv80, the map is carrying out drastic reforms.  |
Google's Augmented Reality Game 'Ingress' Finally Launches on IOS Posted: Google's internal Niantic Labs team has been working on a game called Ingress for a while now, but it's been an Android-only affair for almost two years. Well, after many players on the dark side have tested the game and fleshed out its world, iOS players can at last give this geolocation-focused game a shot.  |
Cabal 2 Detailed Battle Mode Skills Overview Posted: To use the Battle mode skills you need an " Astral Weapon". Every class has its own Battle Skills, with specific role play functions. To do the Battle mode Quest you need to do your Daily quests 5 times and reach level 35.Lets take a look on the Battle mode skills of all classes.  |
Dynasty Warriors Blast Is to Hit iOS and Android Posted: Dynasty Warriors Blast, a Dynasty Warriors game, is coming to iOS and Android. And the game is set to hit Japan at the end of this month. The game is apparently based on Dynasty Warriors 7, and sees you leading characters through an action-focused biography mode.  |
Angry Birds Rio Heads to The Treetops in Timber Tumble Update Posted: Tropical monkey-murdering physic puzzler Angry Birds Rio has received another batch of levels, in a new update.The pack's called Timber Tumble and features 20 new levels and 6 bonus stages.  |
Destiny's Companion App will Track Lore, Statistics, and Bounties Posted: We've known since Bungie unveiled its latest sci-fi epic Destiny that it would have a companion app. But now there's footage of the app working. IGN was able to go hands-on with Destiny's companion app and even create a video of its findings (you can watch it above).  |
Riot Released Patch 4.12 Notes for League of Legends Posted: Riot has just released the latest Patch 4.12 Notes for League of Legends on the official website. In this blog, they teased that they would put their focus on the competitive scene and try their best to ensure the landscape is diverse and healthy between now and the League of Legends World Championships.  |
Skyforge Lanber Forest Preview Posted: The Lanber Forest is a picturesque, bright corner of Aelion. An oasis of pristine nature, hidden away from the frenzied rhythm of the Capital city and the hum of factories. It seems quiet and peaceful here, but that peace is an illusion.The farms are empty, as though the farmers simply walked away from their fields. The town of Kyris is also quiet. Once a popular, bustling place, for trade and festivities, it's no longer filled with the carefree laughter of fairgoers or the rhythmic thud of forging hammers. You will not meet a single traveler in the town, or on a forest trail. Clear skies and the pastoral landscape are only a mask for the evil that lurks in the Lanber lands.  |
Fan Made Pokemon Online Game Preview Posted: Hello mmositers,Pokemon Pets is a absolutely free (no donation, nothing) - you play the game online, in your browser, with no plugins or other download required. To start your browser-based RPG and get to capturing, transforming, and battling with your Pokémon  |
Are Niche MMO Communities The Best? Posted: Are Niche MMO Communities The Best? Whats up guys, its been a while but today im talking about MMO communities, which ones I like, and why I think niche communities are the best.  |
Blade and Soul(CN): A Mysterious Teaser Page about Mount Baiqing Posted: Blade & Soul(CN) has released a mysterious teaser page on July 14 with the topic "Let's see the snow together"and this new the expansion "Mount Baiqing"(transliterated words) will be coming soon.  |