MMOsite Recommendation: Top Five Best Mobile Football Games Posted: 2014 World Cup has kicked off in Brazil, therefore football is now definitely hard to avoid at the moment. Here are the three suggestion from MMOsite: take an expensive trip to Brazil to watch World Cup games, wrest the TV away from your console-obsessed housemates or go to pubs. It seems that the ideas above are kind of improbable. Well, why not participate in Brazil World Cup by playing football-themed mobile games. Check out the following Top Five Best Football Games on Mobile Device:  |
Mad Online Sci-Fi MMORPG Character Creation Posted: Character Creation for this awesome new Sci Fi MMO. It's very steam punk worth a look. I'll be doing a review on it later in the week.  |
TERA - The Journey To Level 60 Posted: Today I'm going to share my entire experience in TERA as a Warrior(a 5 star difficulty class, agility dps class) from levels 1 to 60.It was quite the experience, but if you want to skip right to the meat of what nearing or at endgame was like here's the video for you.  |
Black Desert Exclusive E3 Q&A Interview Posted: After a short break from Black Desert News today we are checking the Exclusive Black Desert E3 Interview. For those that don't know Black Desert is a New Korean Sandbox Action mmorpg with stunning Graphics.  |