Destiny to Kicks off Beta on July 17th, Alpha Coming Thursday on PS4 Posted: Sony Computer Entertainment head Andrew House announced at E3 2014 that Destiny will have a PS4 exclusive beta on July 17th and there's an alpha as well coming this Thursday.The exclusive alpha access registeration of Destiny will end at 11:59 p.m. PST on June 11. The alpha test will last for three days from June 12-15.  |
E3 2014: SOE Released a New Trailer Teasing H1Z1 Posted: SOE has released a new trailer teasing their zombie sandbox title: H1Z1. This new video is comprised of gameplay footage and seems to endorse the kill-or-be-killed mentality that typically permeates apocalyptic fiction. H1Z1 will be released on PC first with early access available for $20. The full game will be free-to-play and supported by microtransactions.  |
EA Sports FIFA 15 Showcased at E3, Available For Pre-Order Posted: As E3 opens up today, lots of amaing games are showing their mysterious faces to us. Here we wanna introduce you the highly anticipated FIFA 15 which brings football to life in stunning detail so fans can experience the emotion of the sport like never before.  |
The Elder Scrolls Online – New game video tries its best to impress Posted: While the the Elder Scrolls Online has launched to very mixed reviews, developer ZeniMax Online is trying its best to lure new gamers with a new video  |
E3 2014: Dawngate's Trailer Tries to Prove 'Not a MOBA Clone' Posted: Dawngate developed by Waystone Gamesis got a new trailer during EA's press conference at E3 2014. It seems that this new title will bring a little something different to the MOBA field, which is evidenced in its catchphrase, "break the meta."  |
WoW: Warlords of Draenor: New Mage Spells Preview Posted: This series is starting off by looking at the new Mage abilities and/or animations in Warlords of Draenor.  |
Activision Showcases Next Generation Lineup at E3 2014 Posted: Activision today revealed it's lineup for this years Electronic Entertainment Expo which runs all this week in Los Angeles.  |
E3 2014: Ubisoft Shows Off Eight Games Posted: There were no shocking announcements at Ubisoft's E3 briefing today, but the publisher did put its best foot forward, kicking off the show with an engrossing first five minutes of Far Cry 4. Executive producer Dan Hay teased that a "major announcement" about the game is still coming (perhaps in Sony's briefing tonight?) - Far Cry 4 is launching on November 18.  |
The Ingenious Machine, A New Quirky Physics-Based Puzzler About Building Rube Goldberg Machines Posted: How much do you like Rube Goldberg machines?If it's quite a lot, then you'll want to check out a new physics-based puzzler called The Ingenious Machine.  |
E3 2014: Xbox Offers Up a Banquet of Games Posted: Perhaps to erase any doubts about just how serious Microsoft is when it comes to showing that the Xbox One is a games machine and not just an entertainment hub, today at its E3 2014 media briefing the company went full throttle showing a plethora of games coming this year, next year and beyond.  |
Lineage 2 - Ertheia Expansion Confirmed (NA) Posted: Ncsoft Finally Confirmed the E3 Ertheria Expansion for the NA version of Lineage 2.The Ecpansion Include 1 melee and 1 Magic Class,here are the Basic Stats.  |
Mojang Posts Upcoming Minecraft 0.9.0 Update Change Log Posted: Before 0.9.0 update for Minecraft is officially released, Mojang has posted a change log, and there's an awful lot to look forward to. The biggest feature has got to be unlimited worlds. That seemed to be the #1 thing that Pocket Edition fans complained about, as it was not very hard to hit the edge of the world in the portable version of Minecraft. Well, now you can play Brad Nicholson style and just walk west for days and days and days.  |
League of Legends Inflatable Doll Cosplay Posted: League of Legends cosplay now is very common since this MOBA title is very popular around the world. Many of you may have seen cosplays by real human beings, but I guess few of you have seen League of Legends cosplays by inflatable dolls. That's right, Inflatable Doll! Check out the following images:  |
Core Masters Online North American Version to Launch by the End of the Year Posted: Core Masters has been out for a good couple of months now in Japan. According to a recent interview at news, the Korean version is set to go live this summer and soon to be followed by the North American version by the end of the year.  |
MMOsite Morning Call: Weekly Cosplay Highlight [06.09] Posted: Good morning, dear MMOsiters~ Here is your Weekly Cosplay Highlight show, I've collected some hottest cosplays.  |
Top 5 MMOs Players Forgot About Posted: Of course not all of them can have a bite of the MMO gaming cherry, and developers lavish millions of dollars on their titles in the hope that you prefer spending time in their virtual world. A good part of them have went on to do quite well, many have fallen by the wayside, and there are a select few that people just forgot existed.  |
Onigiri Online Anime Character Creation Video Posted: Onigiri is an MMO Action RPG with a fast weapon changing battle system.Join a party of other players or travel with 8 NPC companions on your journey. With simple controls, you can dive into the thrilling world of Onigiri.  |