MMO Updates |
- Working As Intended: The forgotten fields of Green Acres
- Take a tour of LotRO's Update 14
- Star Citizen begins AC multiplayer invites
- E3 2014: Underground and underwater with Landmark's Terry Michaels
- The Daily Grind: Does founder's syndrome hurt MMOs?
- Marvel Heroes is adding dual specs
- E3 2014: The Elder Scrolls Online offers small-scale PvP at cons
- The Think Tank: Catching up on WildStar's launch
- World of Tanks' 9.1 update rolls out football mode and more
- EVE: Kronos preparing 1.2 patch for tomorrow
- Line of Defense heads to early access in July
- RuneScape's legacy mode goes into testing next Monday
- LotRO's update 14 opens West Gondor, raises level cap to 100
- ZeniMax reduces ESO customer support staff in Ireland
- Blizzard serves up some Hearthstone tips
- WildStar announces paid realm transfers, path gear vendors
- E3 2014: The Division gives you high-tech tools and upgradable bases to save NYC
- E3 2014: Final Fantasy XIV Live Letter details fan festival dates
- Crytek's Arena of Fate aims to change the MOBA as we know it
- Lineage Korea adds a new Warrior class
Working As Intended: The forgotten fields of Green Acres Posted: 13 Jun 2014 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Bugs, Business Models, Events (In-Game), Game Mechanics, Guilds, MMO Industry, Opinion, Ultima Online, Humor, Sandbox, Housing, Crowdfunding, Player-Generated Content, Subscription, MMORPG, Working As Intended My first trip to Ultima Online's Green Acres was in 1998. The first guild I'd ever joined had just split up into a bunch of... let's call them "philosophically incompatible" groups, and I was still hanging out with some of the shadier types because I was a clueless teenager in my first MMO and wanted desperately to fit in and hadn't yet figured out where I belonged."Hit this rune," my new guild leader commanded. His favorite murderin' weapon was a poisoned warfork. He was not a nice man. "I'm being evicted from my safehouse in Green Acres. Help me move my crap." Continue reading Working As Intended: The forgotten fields of Green Acres
Take a tour of LotRO's Update 14 Posted: 13 Jun 2014 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Lord of the Rings Online, Patches, Previews, Free-to-Play Yesterday we reported that Turbine had begun testing Lord of the Rings Online's Update 14. It didn't take long at all for the industrious folks over at LOTRO Players to hop on the test server and record videos of the new zones.The five videos cover the areas of Belfas, the Paths of the Dead, Blackroot Dale, and Lamedon. Check them all out after the break! [Thanks to Cithryth and Andang for the tip!] Continue reading Take a tour of LotRO's Update 14
Star Citizen begins AC multiplayer invites Posted: 13 Jun 2014 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-Fi, Video, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, Sandbox, Crowdfunding, Star Citizen, Buy-to-Play It's been a busy week for Star Citizen. The crowdsourced space sim sandbox topped $46 million in funding, and Cloud Imperium Games began rolling out invites to the multiplayer portion of the recently released Arena Commander dogfighting module. The module also continues to be patched in order to address bugs and control issues.CIG also kicked off a new video show called Around the Verse. The first episode features a 40-minute running time and a sit-down with AC producer Travis Day. Finally, CIG chairman Chris Roberts penned his customary thank you letter after the $46 million milestone, in which he offered a sneak peek at the game's next in-universe spaceship commercial and made available a community poll relating to the continued use of project stretch goals. "When we started the Star Citizen campaign, the purpose of the stretch goals was to make things we had imagined but didn't think we could afford possible: adding capital ship systems, studying procedural generation, hiring additional artists to build more ships at once and the like," Roberts explained. "The additional funding continues to expand the scope of the game and make what we're doing possible... but it's becoming more and more difficult to quantify that with more stretch goals (and to explain that to the rest of the world, which likes to focus only on how much money we've made.)" Continue reading Star Citizen begins AC multiplayer invites
E3 2014: Underground and underwater with Landmark's Terry Michaels Posted: 13 Jun 2014 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Game Mechanics, Interviews, Patches, Free-to-Play, Events (Massively's Coverage), Norrathian Notebook, Landmark You didn't need to be at E3 2014 to partake in Landmark's latest (literally) groundbbreaking patch. In fact, if you were at the con as I was, chances are you haven't been able to log in and experience it for yourself yet! Luckily, Producer Terry Michaels was on hand to offer me a peek at the new features before I broke down in heap of deprivation-induced agony from my Landmark withdrawals.What was the big deal with this latest update? It included the first iteration of caves and the second phase of water. Players can now go spelunking deep in the earth to find large veins of minerals, explore uncharted biomes with new plants, and even find treasure chests filled with special items. On top of that, they can swim through the bright blue oceans that surround each island. As Michaels helped me get my Landmark fix, we talked about everything from the newest content to heroic movement to my pet topics: player books and theme-enforced islands. Oh, and did I mention that combat is planned to appear by SOE Live in August? Continue reading E3 2014: Underground and underwater with Landmark's Terry Michaels
The Daily Grind: Does founder's syndrome hurt MMOs? Posted: 13 Jun 2014 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: A Tale in the Desert, EVE Online, Culture, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Miscellaneous, Sandbox Founder's syndrome -- defined by Wikipedia as "a difficulty faced by many organizations where one or more founders maintain disproportionate power and influence following the effective initial establishment of the project" -- is not limited to just organizations. Sandbox gamers might recognize it as something that can affect their virtual worlds as well. For example, there's a long-standing debate among EVE Online fans as to whether or not it's possible for newcomers to ever truly catch up and compete on the same level as those who've been dominating the game and accruing money and power for over a decade. Sometimes, the people who get to the sandbox first keep control of all the toys.Antique sandbox A Tale in the Desert attempted to dodge this problem by resetting the game in its entirety after each "tale" plays out. Veteran players might keep their network of contacts and their real-world knowledge of the game, but their in-game material wealth and characters must be started from scratch, allowing newcomers a better chance of competing with them. Of course, it might be hard for modern themepark fans to accept such a solution! What do you think -- is founder's syndrome a problem in the MMOs you play? How would you solve the problem?
Marvel Heroes is adding dual specs Posted: 12 Jun 2014 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, Previews, Free-to-Play, Marvel Heroes If superheroes have dual identities, why not player characters? Marvel Heroes is leaning this way, which is why Gazillion is working on a dual spec feature for the game."We have dual spec coming sometime in the next eight weeks [or] so," the devs posted on the forum. "The current plan is to offer everyone a free second spec that they can use for PVP or anything else (raiding, solo, groups, different builds, etc). Currently the UI for it is being designed, then we'll get the back end server systems set up for it and put it on test center."
E3 2014: The Elder Scrolls Online offers small-scale PvP at cons Posted: 12 Jun 2014 06:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, PvP, Events (Massively's Coverage), The Elder Scrolls Online, Subscription If you are one of the fans who has been begging for a smaller-scale PvP experience in The Elder Scrolls Online, E3 2014 offers a glimmer of hope. Instead of dishing out a large production, ESO offered attendees a a unique 3v3 experience that was made specially for the convention. The map itself, which utilizes art assets from Cyrodiil and is about the size of one fort (like Glademist), took the devs only about two weeks to put together. There are no kill counts or rankings, and players battle for control of a single flag in King of the Mountain-style gameplay.The drop-in-and-play scenario has apparently been well-received; game representatives on the floor reported that players really like the size and the fast pace of it, which is perfect for short allotments of time. If you want to try out this small-scale PvP yourself, it will be be available again at both Gamescom and QuakeCon later this summer. And if you want to see a version make it into the game itself, be sure to let the devs know on the official forums!
The Think Tank: Catching up on WildStar's launch Posted: 12 Jun 2014 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Bugs, Events (Real-World), News Items, Opinion, Massively Meta, WildStar, Housing, The Think Tank, Subscription WildStar's launch has come and gone, and I missed it while I was away on a raid IRL (my loot? A legendary baby drop!). This might just be one of the few major MMORPGs whose launch metas I've missed out on in my entire span of playing MMOs since Ultima Online, so I asked the Massively staffers who've been playing either a lot or a little to catch me up on the state of the launch. How did it go from the perspective of the people on the ground (as opposed to the people in the peanut gallery)? I'd love to hear from our readers, too!Continue reading The Think Tank: Catching up on WildStar's launch
World of Tanks' 9.1 update rolls out football mode and more Posted: 12 Jun 2014 05:30 PM PDT Filed under: Historical, Video, Game Mechanics, Patches, News Items, Free-to-Play, MMOFPS, World of Tanks World of Tanks' 9.1 update will officially go live in North America on June 17th, states a press release issued today. Well, technically, it's already live in Europe, it's going live in Korea on the 12th, and Americans will see parts of the update on the 13th too, but by the 17th, you'll have it all.The update includes a World Football Championship mode (seriously), which boasts brief 3v3 battles on a a version of Himmelsdorf "transformed into a football field"; two legendary Historical Battles (The Siege of Tobruk and Bryansk Front) and a new winter map (Kharkiv); and tweaks to "iconic" maps including Arctic Region, Tundra, Komarin, Windstorm, and Northwest. The 9.1 video is tucked beyond the cut. [Source: Press release] Continue reading World of Tanks' 9.1 update rolls out football mode and more
EVE: Kronos preparing 1.2 patch for tomorrow Posted: 12 Jun 2014 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, EVE Online, Patches, Sandbox, Subscription EVE Online is prepping a batch of fixes and tweaks for the recently released Kronos expansion.The new 1.2 patch will fix broken exploration sights, allow players to limit the sound engine voice count, and improve loading for kill reports. Kronos 1.2 is scheduled for tomorrow, but you can read the patch notes today. It's like seeing into the future! Amazing!
Line of Defense heads to early access in July Posted: 12 Jun 2014 04:30 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-Fi, Business Models, News Items, MMOFPS, Promotions 3000AD has today announced that Line of Defense will head into exclusive early access on Steam in July. The MMOFPS made noise about a beta test as far back as December of last year, but the studio has decided to combine the public beta with an early access program. The press release explains,The first phase of Early Access will feature the Heatwave planetary starbase and the GCV-Starguard carrier in orbit around the Lyrius planet. New features and areas will frequently unlock as the testing phase progresses, including new levels, new vehicles, and new weapons leading up to the game's official release later this fall. [...] This staggered release allows the team to focus on each aspect of the game during the public Beta testing. Meaningful feedback from the public will enable the team to address issues, concerns and gameplay suggestions in a timely fashion as each aspect of the game is unlocked and extensively tested.Early access purchasers will pay $99.99, which covers the game, an item kit valued at $69.99, special early access commander perks, and a copy of Line of Defense Tactics. The full release of the game is expected before the end of the year.
RuneScape's legacy mode goes into testing next Monday Posted: 12 Jun 2014 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Previews, RuneScape, Free-to-Play If you yearn for the way that RuneScape used to play before its shiny makeover, Jagex both hears and feels you. That's why the studio has prepared a new option called "legacy mode" that will begin testing on June 16th.Legacy mode allows players to access traditional combat, the pre-RuneScape 3 interface, the old minimap icons, and a 990 hard cap on life points. This mode can be freely toggled on and off at will. Jagex will see how legacy mode tests and will poll players as to whether or not they want it brought into the live game. The team's also preparing a patch to improve combat and better balance characters' stats, penalties, and bonuses.
LotRO's update 14 opens West Gondor, raises level cap to 100 Posted: 12 Jun 2014 03:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Lord of the Rings Online, Patches, Previews, News Items, Free-to-Play Turbine has just released preliminary patch notes for Lord of the Rings Online's update 14 on the Bullroarer test server. Here are the highlights:
ZeniMax reduces ESO customer support staff in Ireland Posted: 12 Jun 2014 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Business Models, Events (Real-World), MMO Industry, News Items, The Elder Scrolls Online, Subscription The Connacht Tribune reported earlier this week that ZeniMax, which had established a customer service operation in Galway, Ireland, for The Elder Scrolls Online, has let go "up to 300 workers," apparently temporary, from its Rahoon location.It's not at all uncommon for MMO studios to let go crunch-time staff after a launch (or when a release is delayed, as ESO's console releases have been), but former employees told the publication that many of the staffers, some hired on short-term contracts of two to six weeks on up to six months in duration, were being terminated significantly earlier than anticipated. The Tribune suggests there are currently "just over 100 employees at the European customer services centre in the Rahoon Business Park." We have requested more information from ZeniMax and will update accordingly. [With thanks to tipster Paul!]
Blizzard serves up some Hearthstone tips Posted: 12 Jun 2014 02:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Game Mechanics, News Items, Casual, Guides, Miscellaneous So maybe you've been playing some Hearthstone while waiting for the next World of Warcraft expansion to actually be a thing. That's not a difficult prospect if you're used to card games, but it's going to throw you for several loops if you haven't played them before. Senior designer Mike Donais has penned a new article full of tips for new players on how to build and play a new deck that can hold its own.Veteran card game players will probably already be familiar with most of the fundamentals -- start with a theme, have early-game cards, play with plenty of minions -- but it's all good advice. It also offers some suggestions for cards worth building around whether you want a fast and aggressive deck or a slow controlling force. Check out the full article for a few ways to improve and refine your deck, hopefully making you that much more formidable on the ground.
WildStar announces paid realm transfers, path gear vendors Posted: 12 Jun 2014 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Patches, WildStar, Subscription WildStar has now started offering the ability to purchase a transfer from one server to another. The paid realm transfers cost $19.99 a pop. The only caveats, apart from the price, are that players cannot transfer to select realms with full populations and that they may have to change their character's name if someone already has it on the destination realm.The team is also working on patching in path gear vendors. These new vendors will sell path rewards that players may have accidentally deleted.
E3 2014: The Division gives you high-tech tools and upgradable bases to save NYC Posted: 12 Jun 2014 01:30 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-Fi, Trailers, Video, Previews The team's been showing off the ECHO function, a way to gather intel by projecting a colorful holographic visual. These will be used to help further the story and allow for mystery-solving during quests. "They're in places that would have information that could be relevant or important," Barnard said. Barnard was coy about the story details but said that players will be fighting against factions like the Cleaners to save New York City. He also mentioned that players will be unlocking bases as they progress. Unlike static gameplay hubs, these bases will have upgradable modules that can be improved through various co-op activities. You can catch The Division fever by watching the E3 trailer after the break. Continue reading E3 2014: The Division gives you high-tech tools and upgradable bases to save NYC
E3 2014: Final Fantasy XIV Live Letter details fan festival dates Posted: 12 Jun 2014 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Events (Real-World), Patches, News Items, Consoles, Final Fantasy XIV, Subscription Fans have been eagerly awaiting the dates for the Final Fantasy XIV festival in October, and during the most recent live letter from the producer those dates were finally revealed. The gathering will take place on October 18th and 19th at Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, October 25th at the Tobacco Dock in London, and December 20th and 21st at the Tokyo Big Sight in Tokyo.Other revelations from the letter? Personal chambers are going to be priced at approximately 300,000 gil for players who want a room of their own off of their Free Company house. Patch 2.3 will be going live on July 8th. There are also more questions asked regarding the new floors of Crystal Tower, the addition of new items, and the Frontline system, but all of those answers can be found in the official translation thread.
Crytek's Arena of Fate aims to change the MOBA as we know it Posted: 12 Jun 2014 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Events (Real-World), Interviews, MMO Industry, MOBA Crytek's new MOBA Arena of Fate is best described by our sister site Joystiq as a MOBA for people frustrated by MOBAs. Sitting down with Crytek Producer David Bowman at E3 this week, the Joystiq interview focuses on what makes AoF different from every other MOBA out there by removing the "toxic elements that exist in [...] some of the other products."How is this done, exactly? "The store is gone, getting the last hit on a minion doesn't matter, matches operate on a 20-minute countdown, and the first team to 10 points wins," according to the interview. Be sure to check out more on Arena of Fate as the game approaches beta later this summer.
Lineage Korea adds a new Warrior class Posted: 12 Jun 2014 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Lineage, Classes, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, News Items Who says old-school MMOs are dead? Here in North America, Ultima Online and EverQuest are still updating on a regular basis, while over in Korea, Lineage is quietly going about the business of being one of the most played MMORPGs in the world.The title, released in 1998, is still NCsoft's top earner, and now its loyal fans have a new Warrior class to play. This is the game's first new class in six years, according to MMO Culture, which also has a video of the Warrior in action. Click past the cut to have a look! Continue reading Lineage Korea adds a new Warrior class
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