MMO Updates |
- E3 2014: Hands-on with World of Warships and World of Tanks Blitz
- Choose My Adventure: Now we're playing some WildStar
- E3 2014: Hands-on with Skyforge, World of Speed, and Armored Warfare
- E3 2014: Hands-on with H1Z1
- E3 2014: Hands-on with Elite: Dangerous and the Oculus Rift
- The Daily Grind: Does Landmark make you excited for EverQuest Next?
- The DOFUS movie aims to release in 2016
- Massively Speaking Episode 301: No tricks here
- EverQuest Next will feature Ambassador D'Vinn and Fippy Darkpaw
- Trials of Ascension pushing to fund playable dragons
- E3 2014: World of Speed trailer pimps its rides
- E3 2014: Final Fantasy XIV discusses ninjas and same-sex marriage
- Elder Scrolls Online spotlights Dragonknight Healer build
- E3 2014: Skyforge previews classes and customization in new video and images
- E3 2014: The Crew launches November 11th, is totally an MMO
- WildStar begins to sell C.R.E.D.D. subscription items
- Star Wars: The Old Republic launches update 2.8
E3 2014: Hands-on with World of Warships and World of Tanks Blitz Posted: 11 Jun 2014 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Historical, Real-Life, Events (Real-World), Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, New Titles, Previews, PvP, News Items, Opinion, War, Free-to-Play, Hands-On, Events (Massively's Coverage), World of Tanks, World of Warships If is known for one thing, it's for being big. Nowhere is that more evident than E3, where displays for games like World of Tanks, World of Warplanes, and World of Warships typically dominate the show floor. Naturally this year's big reveal is the new Warships title. Although it's the third World of vehicles battler, gamers who haven't played the previous two won't be at a disadvantage.That said, it's the hands-on with World of Tanks iOS version that really got my attention. Continue reading E3 2014: Hands-on with World of Warships and World of Tanks Blitz
Choose My Adventure: Now we're playing some WildStar Posted: 11 Jun 2014 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Screenshots, New Titles, Opinion, Hands-On, Choose My Adventure, WildStar, Subscription As promised, this week I've entered the realm of double digits with the character you've helped me create. While my experience has admittedly improved since last week's write-up, I'm still finding WildStar to be a little too similar to the biggest MMOs of the last 10 years or so. But is that a bad thing if it's done right?Last week I asked you to give me some suggestions on how to play through this week's adventure, and I wanted to not only explain what I've done as I reached level 11 but also touch on some of the suggestions I've followed from the comments. Continue reading Choose My Adventure: Now we're playing some WildStar
E3 2014: Hands-on with Skyforge, World of Speed, and Armored Warfare Posted: 11 Jun 2014 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Real-Life, Classes, Events (Real-World), Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, PvE, Free-to-Play, First Impressions, Events (Massively's Coverage), Skyforge I won't lie. I went to a meeting with publisher thinking only of Skyforge. I'd heard about Armored Warfare and World of Speed but I didn't expect much from either title. I'd seen tank games and racing games trying to move into the MMO sphere, and while they were sometimes interesting, I didn't pay a whole lot attention.And ultimately they weren't as interesting to me as Skyforge, but I did walk away thinking they are titles that will appreciated by a portion of the MMO audience. Continue reading E3 2014: Hands-on with Skyforge, World of Speed, and Armored Warfare
Posted: 11 Jun 2014 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Horror, Events (Real-World), Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, New Titles, PvP, PvE, Opinion, Free-to-Play, Hands-On, First Impressions, Events (Massively's Coverage), Sandbox, H1Z1 I'm coughing. My head hurts. I'm tired, hungry, and thirsty. I'm not hearing things anymore, but when I close my eyes for too long, I feel disoriented. And this was before I got my hands on H1Z1! I'm sick at E3, but well enough to see through some spin while looking at a winner. If you're tired of hype, false promises, and pay-to-play alphas, come read between the lines with me as I recount the experience of my H1Z1 demo.Continue reading E3 2014: Hands-on with H1Z1
E3 2014: Hands-on with Elite: Dangerous and the Oculus Rift Posted: 11 Jun 2014 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Trailers, Video, New Titles, Hands-On, Events (Massively's Coverage), Sandbox, Elite: Dangerous Is it possible that a hands-on demo of Elite: Dangerous and a talk with Frontier Development's Adam Woods, producer, and David Braben, CEO, would make a space sim fan out of me? Yes! I liked what I'd heard about the game before, but after experiencing it for myself at E3 2014, I can definitely say I am hooked. And it isn't just because of the Oculus Rift. I got a tour of the newest playable build, a sneak peek of the upcoming system and space station, and watched a brand-new trailer on top of the VR time. Continue reading E3 2014: Hands-on with Elite: Dangerous and the Oculus Rift
The Daily Grind: Does Landmark make you excited for EverQuest Next? Posted: 11 Jun 2014 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Culture, Opinion, The Daily Grind, EverQuest Next, Miscellaneous, Landmark You won't catch me playing Landmark right now, although I am happy for those enjoying the building simulator that it currently is. I'm mostly holding out for the dev team to put in more MMO elements and to see what the community makes of all of it. Right now I'm not sure whether Landmark will be a full MMO in its own right or a not-so-sneaky testbed for the "real" game to come, EverQuest Next.However, the tech behind Landmark does make me excited for EQN. The visuals are top-notch, as are the animations. I like what's being done with the destructable (and self-healing) world, and the structures that players have made have been often amazing. Carry this over to EQN and I might become SOE's biggest fan. So does Landmark make you excited for EverQuest Next? Or have you already made your home in its wild frontier?
The DOFUS movie aims to release in 2016 Posted: 10 Jun 2014 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Dofus, Events (Real-World), MMO Industry, Free-to-Play World of Warcraft isn't the only online game that's working on a movie adaptation. DOFUS has an animated feature that will be coming out in French theaters on February 3rd, 2016.The feature is called DOFUS -- Book I: Julith and will be fully animated. The project has cleared the pre-production phase and is going forward to meet the 2016 release date. The studio released a screenshot (above) from the film, illustrating its art style. Ankama said that it doesn't know when or whether the film would be made available outside of France: "At this time, we can't announce any plans for the international communities, but if that changes, we will inform you as quickly as possible."
Massively Speaking Episode 301: No tricks here Posted: 10 Jun 2014 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Podcasts, MMO Industry, Massively Meta, Massively Speaking We're back to our normal programming format this week, as Justin and Larry dive into the thick of layoffs, new classes, dogfighting, and the quarantine of Tokyo. If time allows, they'll also have a pillow fight and engage in a "pun-off" battle. So, business as usual?Get all of our opinions and analysis on the most important stories of the past week right here on Massively Speaking, the industry's leading MMO podcast. And if you have a comment, question, or topic for the podcasters, send an email to We may just read your email on the air! Get the podcast: [RSS] Add Massively Speaking to your RSS aggregator. [MP3] Download the MP3 directly. [iTunes] Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes. [Stitcher] Follow the podcast on Stitcher Radio. Listen here on the page: Read below the cut for the full show notes. Continue reading Massively Speaking Episode 301: No tricks here
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EverQuest Next will feature Ambassador D'Vinn and Fippy Darkpaw Posted: 10 Jun 2014 05:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Lore, News Items, Free-to-Play, Races, Humor, EverQuest Next, Dev Diaries EverQuest Next's 39th round table video is now live, and in it, SOE Senior Brand Manager Omeed Dariani and Senior Game Designer Bill Trost pair up to discuss the EverQuest franchise's nemesis characters and which ones players want to see in EverQuest Next. Ambassador D'Vinn, the Dark Elf NPC who terrorized newbs as the deadly caboose of pretty much every train to the Crushbone zone line in classic EverQuest, won the player poll and will be featured in the upcoming MMO.As to Fippy Darkpaw, Trost promises he, too, will be present in EQN. "I believe in his mission, and I hope someday he succeeds!" Trost joked. The devs also highlighted the alignment of the Dark Elves and the curious nature of NPCs who have agendas independent of the players. Enjoy the full video on YouTube.
Trials of Ascension pushing to fund playable dragons Posted: 10 Jun 2014 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Classes, Races, Crowdfunding Trials of Ascension has launched a "Release the Dragons" campaign to encourage backers to chip in a little extra so that playable dragons will be added to the game. The game just crossed the $50,000 crowdfunding barrier, and the team promises that if it reaches $60,000, it will add in the draconic characters.By donating funds during this campaign, players can recieve extra goodies such as a high-rez dragon poster and special dragon tail designs. According to the official disclaimer, playable dragons will be a truly hardcore choice: "There will be no harder race to play in ToA than the dragon. You will be challenged at every turn. You will die. A lot. Seriously. Chances of your dragon character making it to adulthood will be near zero. This is by design so don't bother whining about it. If after reading this warning, you still want to try, by all means read on but understand we cannot be held responsible for broken keyboards or debts payable to your swear jar." [Thanks to Android for the tip!]
E3 2014: World of Speed trailer pimps its rides Posted: 10 Jun 2014 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Real-Life, Trailers, Video, Events (Real-World), Free-to-Play, Events (Massively's Coverage) We've got a new World of Speed trailer for you to check out today, fresh out of the E3 oven and into your eager hands. Careful, you wouldn't want to burn yourself on cars this smokin' hot.The trailer's focus is on customization, both with a car's look and its gear. The message here is clear: that your build can and will make a difference on the race track. Check it out after the break and fantasize about what you would want in your ride. Continue reading E3 2014: World of Speed trailer pimps its rides
E3 2014: Final Fantasy XIV discusses ninjas and same-sex marriage Posted: 10 Jun 2014 03:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Classes, Culture, Lore, News Items, Consoles, Final Fantasy XIV, Subscription The first of two official livestreams for Final Fantasy XIV has just wrapped up at E3. While the stream focused on a variety of questions from the fans, two big points were hit during the discussion. The first was the revelation of a new class slated for introduction in patch 2.4: the Rogue class, which will lead into the Ninja job. This will be a damage-dealing class that dual wields knives and daggers, complete with enhanced movement skills and stealth abilities.Producer Naoki Yoshida also announced that the game's marriage system will allow any two characters to be joined together, regardless of race, nation, or gender. The translated answer explained that in the world of Eorzea, it seemed inappropriate to restrict the system. Players will be given the options of having their characters pledge eternal love or simply eternal friendship, with the possibility of special mounts for the happy couple.
Elder Scrolls Online spotlights Dragonknight Healer build Posted: 10 Jun 2014 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Classes, Culture, The Elder Scrolls Online, Subscription Next up in Elder Scrolls Online's player-submitted build column is a look at the so-called "Dragonknight Healer." This build is primarily focused on survivability and support, creating a very durable character that can patch up allies on the fly."Though her build may be missing some of the advantages of Templar and Sorcerer healing, you give her a call if you need a healer that is sturdy and really hard to kill," player Ville Korpi wrote. The build doesn't come without offensive abilities, as it contains both multi-mob and single-target DPS as the situation warrants. It's not a boss-killing build, but for those who can heal like this, chances are that they'll be invited to groups where others will do the dirty work while this build shines in the support wings.
E3 2014: Skyforge previews classes and customization in new video and images Posted: 10 Jun 2014 02:30 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Galleries, Screenshots, Trailers, Video, Events (Real-World), Game Mechanics, Previews, News Items, Dungeons, Skyforge Sci-fi MMORPG Skyforge has landed at E3 with a brand-new video and new screenshots. Allods Team and Obsidian Entertainment promise players "a glimpse of Skyforge's unique Ascension Atlas, the Sunken Temple location, and three new character classes: the weapons-centric Gunner, the ruthless Berserker, and the merciful Lightbinder." The atlas itself allows players to customize their characters in "billions of ways with adapted skills, talents and spells."We'll have more from our E3 Skyforge demo later this week, but for now, enjoy the previews! [Source:, Allods Team and Obsidian Entertainment press release] Continue reading E3 2014: Skyforge previews classes and customization in new video and images
E3 2014: The Crew launches November 11th, is totally an MMO Posted: 10 Jun 2014 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Real-Life, Trailers, Video, Launches, Previews, News Items, Consoles, Miscellaneous While a lot of attention has been focused on The Division, not as much discussion has gone on surrounding Ubisoft's other MMO-ish title, The Crew. According to a recent development blog, though, the game is totally an MMO, even if you're not necessarily taking all of it on as a group. The game is based around an asymmetric multiplayer model in a persistent world, and there are even different classes of cars for players to specialize in depending on preference.Of course, you won't have to rely upon the word of the developers about that for much longer. The game has been given an official release date of November 11th, with beta starting on July 23rd. There's also a trailer past the break that shows in-game time-lapse footage of driving from Miami to LA, covering the entire United States during the trip. Check out the development blog regarding customization, game mechanics, and the game's MMO nature as well. Continue reading E3 2014: The Crew launches November 11th, is totally an MMO
WildStar begins to sell C.R.E.D.D. subscription items Posted: 10 Jun 2014 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Business Models, Economy, WildStar, Subscription When WildStar went live earlier this month, there was one vital piece missing from its business model: the ability to buy and sell C.R.E.D.D. in the game. Today Carbine announced that it has activated the C.R.E.D.D. store, allowing players to buy, sell, and trade this item from here on out.C.R.E.D.D. is an in-game item that adds 30 days of play time to an account. Players can purchase one for $19.99 to sell on the exchange or purchase one from another player for in-game gold. Basically, it allows you to buy more game time with in-game currency or to gain more in-game currency with your real-world dollars.
Star Wars: The Old Republic launches update 2.8 Posted: 10 Jun 2014 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Events (In-Game), Patches, News Items, Free-to-Play, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Subscription Do you like to gamble? Do you like video games? Do you like to gamble in video games? If so, you'll be super happy with the latest event coming to Star Wars: The Old Republic today, giving players a chance to spin the wheel and win on Nar Shadda. Yes, that's sort of what you do when downing a boss and hoping for loot anyway, but this time it's with an actual slot machine, complete with themed gambling outfits as a reward.If you don't like gambling, though, there's still plenty of events coming in that will tickle your fancy, ranging from increased Galactic Starfighter awards to the next round of doubled experience. Players can also queue up for story-mode Operations without worry over the minimum item levels, allowing you to jump in and experience the content. It's plenty of events for anyone playing the game, and you can hop in and experience them now.
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