


Bound by Flame: The Fire Fizzles Out

Posted: 09 May 2014 04:30 AM PDT

The Fire Fizzles Out

Every show we saw Bound By Flame at had us believing this could be the studio's breakout RPG. But at those shows, we only saw the game... we never played it. That should have been our first warning. Bound By Flame is a generic, poorly designed, and almost offensive experience that I would only recommend ever picking up when it's $5 or less during a Steam Sale.

World of Warcraft: Azeroth Choppers #4 Arrives

Posted: 07 May 2014 06:14 PM PDT

Azeroth Choppers #4 Arrives

The latest episode of Azeroth Choppers, a new web series based on World of Warcraft, has hit the airwaves. In this episode, " Paul Jr.'s crew is stressed about an upcoming visit with Team Horde and Team Alliance to go over their bikes so far. Luckily, a surprise from Blizzard HQ may provide the inspiration the teams need to get rolling again." Check it out!

Age of Wushu: Tempest of Strife Guardian Pack Giveaway!

Posted: 08 May 2014 04:54 PM PDT

Tempest of Strife Guardian Pack Giveaway!

To celebrate the launch of Age of Wushu's fourth-in-line expansion Tempest of Strife, MMORPG.com is giving away 5000 Guardian Packs, which includes a bunch of cool items! Get your key now while supplies last!

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 2: New Video Proudly Shows Off Added Features

Posted: 08 May 2014 04:49 PM PDT

New Video Proudly Shows Off Added Features

The Van Helsing II team has made a great new video to show off recently added game features. Check out the Chimera, resistance management, the extended journal, the trophy hall, the crafting system and much, much more. Let us know what you think in the comments.

WildStar: "Jump Into Beta To Prove Us Wrong"

Posted: 08 May 2014 04:46 PM PDT

"Jump Into Beta To Prove Us Wrong"

During an earlier Twitch live stream event today, Carbine Studios developers have announced that WildStar is the "best damned MMO" and have issued a challenge to all: Come try it out during the open beta that runs from today through May 18th and prove them wrong. You can check out the entire stream video

Swordsman: Three Classes Spotted in New Trailer

Posted: 08 May 2014 01:13 PM PDT

Three Classes Spotted in New Trailer

The latest Swordsman Online trailer has been published that reveals three new classes that will be featured in the upcoming Perfect World Entertainment title. Shaolin, Five Venoms and the Zephyr School are shown. See what you think before posting in the comments.

Heroes & Generals: Nine New Tanks Coming in Latest Upate

Posted: 08 May 2014 01:11 PM PDT

Nine New Tanks Coming in Latest Upate

Reto-Moto has announced that Heroes & Generals will be expanding in a big way when the latest update goes live. Nine new tanks are set to rumble into the game as well as the new option for players to customize their tank personnel.

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen: It’s Just Fallen

Posted: 08 May 2014 11:03 AM PDT


For those of you that are now wondering, "What's with the Dr. Doofenshmirtzesque back story," it serves to set up this. Having met Brad I got the impression that he was a decent designer and an okay guy in a general setting. Because of that it was with mixed feelings when I saw Pantheon pop up on Kickstarter I knew it was dead on arrival.

General: Legends of Eisenwald: Turn-Based Strategy Meets Medieval RPG

Posted: 07 May 2014 04:54 PM PDT

Legends of Eisenwald: Turn-Based Strategy Meets Medieval RPG

Legends of Eisenwald, by Aterdux Entertainment, is a turn-based tactical strategy RPG that acknowledges its predecessors in the genre while introducing a new emphasis on a gritty low fantasy setting, RPG and story elements, and dynamic combat.

Rift: Five Ideas Rift Needs to Borrow for Its Next Expansion

Posted: 07 May 2014 04:44 PM PDT

Five Ideas Rift Needs to Borrow for Its Next Expansion

Welcome back to Tripping the Rift, MMORPG's bi-weekly foray into the dimensionally-torn world of Telara. It's been three years since RIFT hit store shelves and a lot has changed since then. Games are richer than they've ever been. New mechanics and systems have risen to the forefront and become expectations of any new game vying for our attention. Join us as we look forward to 2.0 and the Five Ideas RIFT Should Crib for its Next Expansion.

Elder Scrolls Online: Console Version Delay Confirmed by Bethesda

Posted: 08 May 2014 08:56 AM PDT

Console Version Delay Confirmed by Bethesda

Bethesda has confirmed that the console version of Elder Scrolls Online will be delayed until sometime in late 2014. The delay was explained as a way to give the development team more time to adjust the title to the unique aspects of integrating systems to a console.

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