


Shards Online: Project Update #4: Fiction Friday - Genesis

Posted: 18 May 2014 12:38 AM PDT

Project Update #4: Fiction Friday - Genesis

This week, Citadel Studios, developers of would-be MMO Shards Online, began what they're calling "Fiction Friday", a video series wherein they discuss the game's progress. In this first episode, "Genesis", CEO Derek Brinkmann talks about why Shards Online is a game first, and a platform second.

Xsyon: Prelude: Raccoon Roundup Kicks Off Weekend Event Series

Posted: 18 May 2014 12:44 AM PDT

Raccoon Roundup Kicks Off Weekend Event Series

Fantasy MMO Xsyon begins its weekend event series this Saturday and Sunday with a Raccoon Roundup. In it, players join the hunt for wild raccoons in hopes of becoming the Xsyon Raccoon Rajah.

League of Angels: "Chest Event" Brings New Features

Posted: 18 May 2014 12:54 AM PDT

"Chest Event" Brings New Features

The month of May not only brings May flowers--it brings new features to stylish MMO, League of Angels. Among them are the return of the rare Angels Amora, Angelina and Claudia, whose assistance can be earned in the game's oh-so-appropriately-named "Chest Event" and brand new Cross-Server Team Tournaments.

Swordsman: Closed Beta Access Key Giveaway!

Posted: 17 May 2014 12:45 PM PDT

Closed Beta Access Key Giveaway!

MMORPG.com and Perfect World Entertainment are pleased to give our community closed beta access to Swordsman the all new martial arts MMO containing fluid and action packed combat. Get your beta key now while supplies last!

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