Fantasy RPG Glory of Iris Comes Shiningly Posted: is built with amazing graphics, fantastic world structure, Japanese-Korea style features. The game sets in a fantasy world with wonderful creatures and beautiful outer space constructions, works perfectly with the original story plot.  |
Dawn of the Immortals Coming this Summer, Pre-registration Available Now Posted: Perfect World recently has announced Dawn of the Immortals is coming to North America and Europe this summer for iOS and Android devices. The pre-registration page is now open, and new registrants will have access to a free Mystic Pet Summoning Card, guaranteeing at least a Four-Star Pet for proactive players!  |
Elderscrolls Online Dungeon Content First Impressions! Posted: Today I am explaining my first impressions for the dungeons in the Elderscrolls Online. Now this first impressions covers every factions dungeon through levels 1-30, so about half the game. Stay tuned for more LUGO!  |
Nanbo's Infinity Wars Review Posted: Greetings MMOSITE readers. Today I am posting this article on the BETA of Infinity Wars, a trading card game. The publishers and development crew are an Australian based company with one office in LA. I have been reading rumors of this games potential since 2013. Finally, I got some hands on game play with this game and I will start writing about the good, the bad, and concluding thoughts with a final score. Read on!  |
Bleach Online Chinese Browser MMORPG Posted: Bleach Online FINALLY! Not much I can say beyond that. This game is a direct port of Ultimate Ninja. But the game uses the Bleach universe of characters instead. You can even Bankai and summon sword spirits. In all I gotta say I'm going to be playing this a lot. As a Bleach fan waiting forever for a game like it.  |
Guild Wars 2: So We Are 80 What Now? - Ep.49 "A Casual Week In GW2" Posted: This is a rather slow GW2 week. Normally I would skip a week like this. But we do have a few things to talk about. Biggest is at 4pm today the Tournament of Legends will air.  |
Revisiting the World of Twelve: Wakfu Asia F2P Posted: Last time I've played Wakfu was two years ago when it was in beta phase on Ankama's international servers. I immediately liked the game despite it's flaws in terms of repetitiveness and lack of content, but then again I liked original Korean MMORPGs with their grind and farming.  |
Fantasy MMORPG Tree of Savior First Q&A Preview Posted: Hello mmositers today we are checking the most similar RO1 new mmo.Tree of Savior is currently in development by IMC Games, which is founded by Mr Hakkyu Kim (father of Ragnarok Online). The game already got popular globally, mainly because the game kept the original form of Ragnarok 1. Since RO2 wasn't as expected RO1 fans started to follow Tree of Savor.  |
WoW: No Flying in Warlords of Draenor Posted: There were lots of discussions going on between developers and the community about using of flying mounts in the new continent Draenor.  |