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MMOGaming News

GW2 Understanding the sPvP Track System


GW2 Understanding the sPvP Track System

The reward track is designed to give certain rewards players can chase after. With each match that is played (whether won or lost), there is contribution towards completing the currently chosen reward track.

Latest War Thunder Update Counts As Ground Forces OBT


Latest War Thunder Update Counts As Ground Forces OBT

War Thunder's latest released 1.41 update has moved its tank-centered Ground Forces expansion off the closed beta assembly line and into open beta.

Flappy Bird will Return in August with Multiplayer


Flappy Bird will Return in August with Multiplayer

Flappy Bird creator Dong Nguyen has confirmed that his monster hit game will return to the App Store in August. This news emerged during a conversation Nguyen had with CNBC yesterday. Nguyen also said that the new version of Flappy Bird will have multiplayer and be "less addictive".

More Games Have Released on Steam So Far in 2014 than All of Last Year


More Games Have Released on Steam So Far in 2014 than All of Last Year

The number of games available through Valve's Steam distribution platform is climbing so rapidly that more games have been added in 2014 so far than in the whole of last year.

Rayman Fiesta Run Updates with 16 New Levels and a Nightmare Mode


Rayman Fiesta Run Updates with 16 New Levels and a Nightmare Mode

Ubisoft has just updated the Gold Award-winning Rayman Fiesta Run on iOS with 16 new Candy World levels and a fresh boss. If all that's not enough, you can always play as Raylatine and unlock the three brand-new costumes.

Civilization Online’s CBT is Coming Soon


Civilization Online's CBT is Coming Soon

Civilization Online, XL Games' highly anticipated MMORPG, is kicking off its first CBT on 27th. As you noticed from its title, the game is based on Sid Meier's Civilization series.

Carbine Spotlights WildStar's PvE Raid Design


Carbine Spotlights WildStar's PvE Raid Design

WildStar's raid team has just completed a Reddit ask-me-anything about -- you guessed it -- raids in the upcoming sci-fantasy themepark. Lead Dungeon and Raid Designer Brett Scheinert (aka CRB_Timetravel) was joined by an array of Carbine Studios developers to answer player questions about the large PvE encounters in the elder game. Here are a few highlights:

Steampunk Takes on Fantasy with Today's Closed Beta Launch of Black Gold Online


Steampunk Takes on Fantasy with Today's Closed Beta Launch of Black Gold Online

Snail Games today announced the Closed Beta launch of its upcomingsteampunk / fantasy MMORPG, Black Gold Online. Closed Beta testing for eligible players begins today at 2 p.m. PDT and concludes on May 28.

Warframe: Storm Files - S2/Ep.18 "Update 13.3/Revenge of Ash/Angstrum"


Warframe: Storm Files - S2/Ep.18

This update did a lot for my fun in the game. It made my favorite Warframe Ash a complete monster. Gave me a fun secondary weapon I've been longing for.

Archlord 2 Update / Dungeon Maps Preview


Archlord 2 Update / Dungeon Maps Preview

The Upcoming Webzen mmorpg Archlord 2 is getting its 1st huge update in Korea. The new Update includes: New level Cap, New Dungeon, Fixed UI, new race and more. For all that don't know , the English Pre Registration page is open Link .

Blade and Soul CN Open Beta: Pure Soul Ep.20 "English Patch Character Customization"


Blade and Soul CN Open Beta: Pure Soul Ep.20

A fan of the channel hit me up last week. And asked me to show how the character customization looks with the English patch.

Mobile Reviews for Cartoon Puzzle Game ChamCham


Mobile Reviews for Cartoon Puzzle Game ChamCham

ChamCham is a puzzle game, one that is very beautiful on the visuals and really fun on the gameplay side, the special charm about this game is that you manipulate the terrain to get things done in the game. That is of course, if the game doesnt drive you insane with its massive influx of broken ads.

Diablo: Birthday Celebration Legendary Drops!


Diablo: Birthday Celebration Legendary Drops!

To celebrate the birthday of Diablo III, Blizzard decided to double the bonus chance to legendary drops by an additional +100% in all difficulties, starting May 15.

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