Champion Spotlight: Braum, the Heart of the Freljord Posted: Braum's a tanky defender able to deflect both enemy attention and damage away from his teammates. During laning, dish out Concussive Blows to your enemies before letting your marksman trigger your passive's stun, or, when you ally starts taking damage, quickly reposition with Stand Behind Me before using Unbreakable to save them from further harm. As the enemy team starts gathering, smash through their defenses with Glacial Fissure's huge shockwave before slowing fleeing stragglers with Winter's Bite.  |
Warframe: Storm Files - S2/Ep.17 "Specters and Making Enemies" Posted: This week is a slow week in warframe. We did have a cool Sound Team live stream. And we had changes to cost of specters and helmuts with stats. I entered a contest submission for the make a Warframe enemy contest I think it came out excellent.  |
Black Desert Large Scale Battle/Ranger Gameplay Preview Posted: Black Desert is definitely the right game for PVP lovers, citadel, canons, castles has an important function in black deserts large scale battles.Its hard to imagine the large scale pvp on a low spec PC,which might force players to lower the details.  |
WoW: Frostfire Ridge Gameplay! Posted: Frostfire Ridge is one of the new zones in Warlords of Draenor where you'll be heading on your leveling journey to 100. The zone is located in north-western Draenor and it's home to the Frostwolf clan and the Thunderlord clan. The Horde capital, Bladespire Citadel is located here. Frostfire Ridge is the starting zone for Horde characters in Draenor. Its Alliance counterpart is Shadowmoon Valley.  |
DotA 2 - The Newest Compendium of Activites and Rewards, Holy moley Posted: Today I want to share about DotA 2's newest Compendium for The Internationals championship tournament. Because of the amount of stuff there is in this Compendium I felt compelled to write something and share it with you even if you are or aren't a DotA 2 player.  |
Rift The Life : Ep.16 "Farming for them Souls" Posted: I logged on and was like I'm going to buy me some souls...Hmm 5000 credits wow and the wife is annoyed at me already for game spending. Looks like I'll be farming this one out. So with that said which soul do you guys like the most? Even though I am a cleric user. I think I'm going to go with Liberator. I know that may bring a few gasp. Like wow really a warrior soul? But I think this one is the most well designed skill wise. Not that the others are bad. And what do you guys think about the price of the souls? I'm a little uncomfortable with souls, almost being equal to the cost of full games.  |
Icarus Online Armor Sets / New Gameplay/ Update Preview Posted: Icarus is a Next Gen Cry engine 3d mmorpg,which accent is on a Dragons. Mmositers had the chance to see some details about the game before, today I will present you the new costumes/armor and gameplay of the Upcoming mmorpg.  |
Follow-up to Smash Hit Co-op Sci-Fi Horror Shooter Set to Return Posted: Tripwire Interactive is pleased to announce that Killing Floor 2, the follow-up to 2009's multi-million unit selling Sci-Fi Horror, First Person Shooter game Killing Floor 2, is currently in development for PC and SteamOS. After months of speculation and rumors around Killing Floor 2 2, the good folks at Tripwire are thrilled to treat fans to an in-depth first look at the moment to moment combat experience that awaits them in the next phase of the "Horzine Outbreak" at the game's official website.  |
Diablo: Legendary Roll Chances Datamined Posted: Ever been interested in finding out how Diablo's RNG works? It seems that D3's RNG has two stages of action.The game decides whether to award you with a Legendary each time you kill a foe, open a loot container, destroy an object or gamble with Kadala.  |