MMO Updates |
- Analysts: 75 percent of US core gamers prefer physical copies
- ESO and other MMOs still behind Microsoft's console paywall
- Wildstar's Gaffney praises ESO marketing
- Sci-fi MMORTS Astro Lords: Oort Cloud arrives in July
- The Daily Grind: What MMO issue do we fuss about too much?
- Darkfall Unholy Wars unveils the new custom roles
- Jukebox Heroes: A civil chat with Dawngate's Jeff Broadbent
- Ascent adds in a colonization city-building sim
- Meet Pantheon's god-killer, the WarWizard
- WildStar's name registration is on again, off again, on again [Updated]
- Massively Speaking Episode 297: WildStar's Chad Moore
- Elder Scrolls Online invites you to learn how to group
- World of Warcraft finally integrates Night Elf ears
- EQ Next roundtable covers combat in Landmark; Landmark arrives on Steam
- Shards Online launches its Kickstarter
Analysts: 75 percent of US core gamers prefer physical copies Posted: 14 May 2014 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Business Models, MMO Industry, News Items According to sales and marketing analyst NPD Group, 75 percent of American core gamers prefer physical game copies to digital distribution. The firm surveyed 7,900 core gamers to arrive at its conclusion. It defines "core gamer" as someone who plays at least five hours worth of action, adventure, fighting, flight, MMO, racing, RTS, RPG, shooter, or sports games per week on PCs, Microsoft or Sony consoles, or Macs.The firm concludes that 34 million US gamers fall under its core definition, with the average core gamer playing 22 hours per week. NPD's report also claims that while the overwhelming majority of its survey participants favor physical game copies, digital distribution is up five percent year-over-year.
ESO and other MMOs still behind Microsoft's console paywall Posted: 14 May 2014 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Business Models, MMO Industry, News Items, Consoles, The Elder Scrolls Online, Subscription Microsoft announced yesterday that its Xbox Live Gold subscription will no longer be required in order to use Netflix, HBO Go, and other entertainment apps. The company's new-found generosity doesn't apply to free-to-play games and MMOs including The Elder Scrolls Online, though.Microsoft's Phil Spencer told Joystiq that "engineering constraints, policy constraints, and partner constraints" are to blame, though Bethesda has previously expressed its dissatisfaction with the arrangement. ZeniMax recently announced that ESO's console release has been delayed by six months.
Wildstar's Gaffney praises ESO marketing Posted: 14 May 2014 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, MMO Industry, News Items, WildStar, The Elder Scrolls Online In a recent thread on Reddit's Elder Scrolls Online subreddit, a user by the name of Nuclayer is curious about the approach Zenimax and Bethesda are taking for the paid promotion of the newly launched fantasy MMO. "Maybe I just missed all the stuff about it," the user says, "but from my personal perspective [it] feels like they really didn't put that much into letting us know about this game."Because Wildstar was mentioned in the post as a game that's doing marketing right, Carbine's Jeremy Gaffney jumped into the thread to offer his own opinion. "Elder Scrolls is redonculously huge as a franchise," the Wildstar Exec Producer offers. "Skyrim sold, what, 16 million copies? So everyone knows about it in advance - check out the Facebook, TESO has literally 10x the likes. So Zen can be much more broad in their marketing." Gaffney goes on to explain -- quite candidly -- about the marketing strategy for Wildstar and how they are probably spending way less than Zenimax is for ESO. He makes sure to give plenty of kudos to Zenimax for what they've done so far with ESO and manages to throw in a few references back to the work they've been doing on Wildstar so far. Check out the whole thread for more from the fans of both games. Spoiler alert: It's actually a friendly Reddit thread.
Sci-fi MMORTS Astro Lords: Oort Cloud arrives in July Posted: 14 May 2014 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-Fi, Galleries, Screenshots, Game Mechanics, New Titles, News Items, Free-to-Play, MMORTS Astro Lords: Oort Cloud. Yeah, it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, but it is a new free-to-play sci-fi MMO en route to English, German, and French gamers this year.Developer Aratog Studios claims that Astro Lords is "the first MMORTS to combine three major game genres in a consistent world: construction management, arcade-style shooting, and strategic raid warfare." Gameplay progresses as "players manage and grow their asteroid base, their generals board spaceships to shoot and destroy enemy spaceships and bosses, and they raid other asteroids to loot or capture them." It'll be a cross-platform MMO available both in-browser and within a standalone client. Astro Lords is expected to enter closed beta on June 10th, with open beta a week later and formal launch on July 1st. [Source: Aratog Studios press release]
The Daily Grind: What MMO issue do we fuss about too much? Posted: 14 May 2014 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Culture, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Miscellaneous Part of the fun and joy of being involved in a communal hobby is getting into passionate "discussions" with others about various aspects of your mutual interest. This is the same in gaming as it is elsewhere and I wouldn't have it any other way. Yet sometimes I wonder if we get perhaps a tad bit too worked up over things that, honestly, do not matter -- even within MMO gaming.So what MMO issue do we fuss about too much? Are we too uptight over the whole "raiders vs. casuals" issue? Does throwing a tempter tantrum over a lack of a guild vault make us come off as spoiled children? Do we fixate on the many horrible failings of Elf culture?* Does there come a point when you just roll your eyes at another rehashed rant spouted by people who just won't let the little things go? Are we merely addicted to the drama that comes with these debates? *The answer is no. We can never badmouth Elves enough for the horrors that they have inflicted on the fantasy genre.
Darkfall Unholy Wars unveils the new custom roles Posted: 13 May 2014 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Darkfall, Classes, Game Mechanics, News Items, Sandbox You want to do your own thing in Darkfall Unholy Wars, but how are you going to do that? Simple -- you're going to make use of the game's upcoming custom roles to build exactly your sort of character. This represents a fundamental shift to the game's mechanics, and the latest development post on the official site stresses that this first iteration is going to be modified over time. But it's still something novel, and it's a chance to have more control over your character's development.Players will be able to pick out any 9 school skills (with 1 Ultimate skill) and several common skills for a given build, with a grand total of 16 skills from school skills and common skills. Players will also be able to mix and match armor types to create just the right sort of playstyle. Builds can be altered at any point if a character has been out of combat mode for 15 minutes, so you're not locked into one configuration. Check out the official post for more details on the mechanical shift.
Jukebox Heroes: A civil chat with Dawngate's Jeff Broadbent Posted: 13 May 2014 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Interviews, Free-to-Play, MOBA, Jukebox Heroes, Music Massively: Today we have tea, crumpets, and the ever-so-delightful company of Composer Jeff Broadbent. Mr. Broadbent is here to talk about his work on the score for the upcoming MOBA Dawngate. So is working in the online video game world becoming a habit for you, going from PlanetSide 2 to Dawngate?Jeff Broadbent: It does seem the online video games are becoming the norm! I am actually working on a couple of new online games also at the moment. The interesting thing about the game market today is that there are many different platforms including mobile, downloadable, online, and console, so it's quite diversified. The Dawngate gig came about through audio director Caleb Epps. I was staying in touch with Caleb, and he let me know about a new project he was working on. He had me create a couple of demo tracks for the game, and based on that material, I was given the opportunity to score the game. Continue reading Jukebox Heroes: A civil chat with Dawngate's Jeff Broadbent
Ascent adds in a colonization city-building sim Posted: 13 May 2014 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-Fi, Game Mechanics, Sandbox The galaxy is now open to colonization in Ascent: The Space Game -- and there's plenty of room for everyone.Developer James Hicks has added in a colonization system to the sandbox MMO, allowing players to engage in a city-building sim among the billions of star systems. Colonization is intended to be the endgame for industrial players, with a great amount of complexity and no upper limit on the number of buildings or colonists. Every planet can be colonized, although ones with hostile environments will require more work and protective domes. To build up their colonies, players will need to recruit colonists, bring them to the planet, and task them with farming and mining the new world. "My intent from here is to expand on the city building aspects -- giving the population more complex needs and desires, making the recruitment aspect deeper and more meaningful, and adding new production types, new structures for interacting with other players like starport facilities and stock markets, and expand on the 'out of ship' play," Hicks wrote.
Meet Pantheon's god-killer, the WarWizard Posted: 13 May 2014 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Lore, MMO Industry, Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Pantheon's move to continue development via a team of all volunteers is producing results, albeit small ones. "We are having great success re-building the team, including the lore and moderator teams," Brad McQuaid posted. "One of my main next goals is to find a Unity programmer who can take over from where the project itself was left."The team posted a new piece of concept art and lore yesterday covering powerful figures known as WarWizards. WarWizards were created by external forces to help battle the god-kings of Terminus. A few talented individuals were chosen to be elevated with the ability to master both magic and weapons. In the Deicide Wars, WarWizards smacked down many god-kings and cemented their legacy in the process. WarWizards have retreated into myth and legend, although the post certainly hints that they might return if Terminus faces another great threat.
WildStar's name registration is on again, off again, on again [Updated] Posted: 13 May 2014 03:30 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Bugs, Events (Real-World), News Items, WildStar After a lengthy delay earlier this afternoon, Carbine has declared WildStar's pre-order name registration open once again, though readers and Massively staffers still report problems with the service."There are over 15,000 trying to access 1 single page, slow load times are going to happen. Just gotta refresh and try again," says Carbine via Twitter. "If you see a timer, that means your name is saved and you are good. If you are seeing "[question marks]" wait a couple minutes and try again." Have you been able to register yet? And did you steal Justin's name? Update: CRB_Gaffer has posted a statement about the downtime to Reddit. We've included it below: Continue reading WildStar's name registration is on again, off again, on again [Updated]
Massively Speaking Episode 297: WildStar's Chad Moore Posted: 13 May 2014 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Podcasts, Interviews, Opinion, Massively Speaking, Miscellaneous We're on a countdown to WildStar's launch, and so we welcome Carbine Studios Creative Director Chad Moore to the show to talk about the ins and outs of life on Nexus. Eliot and Justin also check out the top news of the week and your pressing mail queries.Get all of our opinions and analysis on the most important stories of the past week right here on Massively Speaking, the industry's leading MMO podcast. And if you have a comment, question, or topic for the podcasters, send an email to We may just read your email on the air! Get the podcast: [RSS] Add Massively Speaking to your RSS aggregator. [MP3] Download the MP3 directly. [iTunes] Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes. [Stitcher] Follow the podcast on Stitcher Radio. Listen here on the page: Read below the cut for the full show notes. Continue reading Massively Speaking Episode 297: WildStar's Chad Moore
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Elder Scrolls Online invites you to learn how to group Posted: 13 May 2014 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Guides, The Elder Scrolls Online, Subscription Trying to make sense of Elder Scrolls Online's grouping tools? Need a hand in hooking up with other players to plunder dungeons? ZeniMax has you covered.The studio posted a new video today that takes you through ESO's group mechanics and grouping tools, step by step. It also contains helpful tidbits such as the fact that groups get 10% extra XP. You can check out the seven-minute grouping tutorial video after the break. Continue reading Elder Scrolls Online invites you to learn how to group
World of Warcraft finally integrates Night Elf ears Posted: 13 May 2014 01:30 PM PDT Filed under: World of Warcraft, Betas, Fantasy, Expansions, Previews, Races, Dev Diaries, Subscription Lest you forget, with World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, the older character models in the game will receive a huge visual update. Today Blizzard posted a preview of what the Night Elf female will look like come this fall, and it appears that she's due for more than her first change of underwear since 2004."Overall, we've made her new model a little more defined, made some of her proportions a bit more realistic, and added a bit more muscle tone," the studio wrote. "We wanted to visually communicate that she is a fully capable warrior huntress, and small details like muscle definition help highlight that." One interesting fact about this makeover is that the Night Elf ears will finally be "fully integrated" into the model itself instead of being separate pieces that were tacked on to the head.
EQ Next roundtable covers combat in Landmark; Landmark arrives on Steam Posted: 13 May 2014 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Video, Game Mechanics, New Titles, News Items, Free-to-Play, Landmark One feature that many Landmark followers are watching for is combat, and the 35th EQ Next Round Table Response addresses just that. In the video, Lead Systems Designer Michael Mann and Senior Brand Manager Omeed Dariani discuss the difference between the class-based combat of EQN and the sandbox combat of Landmark. In the latter, all players are adventurers, so instead of combat abilities being determined by class, they will be dictated by what is equipped. Focusing on versatility, players will be able to switch between weapons during combat to access the various abilities. The number of weapons available to players will increase over time; a small subset will release first, but more will be added based on player feedback. And yes, there will be magic!How do movement tools play into the combat scene? Players can utilized grappling hooks as a means to gain distance quickly and then use ranged abilities. There will also be abilities that trigger from other movement types, such as dashing and dodging. Hear about all these details in the video below. [Update: In other Landmark news, SOE has just announced that Landmark is now on Steam! Dave Georgeson has stated on Twitter that SOE is not dealing in Steam keys for existing users right now; you'll have to use the old "add game" trick.] Continue reading EQ Next roundtable covers combat in Landmark; Landmark arrives on Steam
Shards Online launches its Kickstarter Posted: 13 May 2014 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, News Items, Sandbox, Crowdfunding If you had a dollar for every Kickstarter MMO that advertised itself as a fantasy sandbox, you'd have... well, a fair bit of money. We've lost count. Shards Online, though, is a bit of a different beast, as it's not reserving its sandbox nature to mechanics. Players will be able to influence and take control of server rules, creating individual shards where things are arranged just right for particular playstyles. The prospect of unlimited custom rulesets for servers is pretty different, isn't it?The game's Kickstarter campaign has just launched, aiming for $320,000 by 6/12/14. It includes most of the things that you'd expect in an MMO Kickstarter -- beta access, digital copies, and so forth. If you've got $10,000 to throw at the game, you can even get a custom-designed house and have the developers show up as gods to run a one-time live event. If you're interested in the concepts, check out the Kickstarter and consider throwing a few dollars toward it.
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