


Elder Scrolls Online: Review in Progress #3

Posted: 18 Apr 2014 06:53 AM PDT

Review in Progress #3

Dungeons, man... dungeons. Elder Scrolls Online has them by the cartload. I get that ESO has more than its fair share of bugs and design quirks, but I'm having a lot of fun regardless. There's something about Zenimax's theme park that really trips my trigger. It needs a lot of polish, sure, but what's in game now is a lot more fun than I ever expected.

World of Warcraft: Azeroth Choppers Debuts

Posted: 16 Apr 2014 06:49 PM PDT

Azeroth Choppers Debuts

A new venture between Blizzard Entertainment and motorcycle legend Paul Jr. has resulted in a web series called Azeroth Choppers. Team Alliance, led by Chris Metzen, and Team Horde, led by Sam Didier, are charged with faithfully recreating World of Warcraft bikes during the ongoing series.

H1Z1: A Firsthand Look Right About NOW During Live Stream Event

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 04:49 PM PDT

A Firsthand Look Right About NOW During Live Stream Event

Sony Online Entertainment has just announced that it will be hosting a live stream event tonight to show off the just-announced H1Z1, SOE's new entry into the MMO space.

Heroes of the Storm: Richard Khoo Talks Brightwing

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 04:45 PM PDT

Richard Khoo Talks Brightwing

Brightwing has recently been announced as one of the playable characters from Blizzard's upcoming entry into the MOBA marketplace, Heroes of the Storm. In a new Q&A with Richard Khoo, the team discusses the creation of Brightwing and how he will manifest himself in the game. It's an interesting peek into the design process.

EverQuest II: How All Access Will Look to Players

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 04:39 PM PDT

How All Access Will Look to Players

The EverQuest II team has laid out the details on how the forthcoming SOE All Access pass will look for its players. Included in All Access are seven character slots, member-only loyalty items and more.

Skyforge: Part One of Community Q&A Posted

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 12:57 PM PDT

Part One of Community Q&A Posted

The first in a series of articles based on submitted questions from fans of Skyforge has been posted on the game's official forum. The team tackled ten questions that include naming conventions on character creation, the combat system and several more in an eclectic collection.

Rift: Bindings of Blood Readies the Beatdown for Players

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 12:49 PM PDT

Bindings of Blood Readies the Beatdown for Players

Yesterday Trion launched Rift's Bindings of Blood Tier 3 Raids, the brand new cutting edge (or bleeding) edge endgame content for Telara's most ardent PVE players. These brand new 20-person raids will test the willpower of even the most dedicated Rift raiders, as on the PTS not a single guild was able to fell the two big bosses: Greenscale and Akylios. Bill Fisher and his team are confident it'll be a different story on the live server, but players are always surprising them.

Elite: Dangerous: Latest Newsy Newsletter Posted

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 12:38 PM PDT

Latest Newsy Newsletter Posted

The Elite: Dangerous team has sent out the latest, and very newsy, newsletter. In it, the team discusses the recent Alpha 3 event, preparations for Alpha 4, design decisions behind the Cobra MK III and much, much more.

Pathfinder Online: The Map Revealed in Latest Video Developer Blog

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 12:30 PM PDT

The Map Revealed in Latest Video Developer Blog

The latest video developer blog has been released by the Pathfinder Online team. This week, the map is revealed as preparation for a future video diary about a feature called the Guild Land Rush.

DC Universe Online: Amazon Fury Live Stream Videos Posted

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 12:26 PM PDT

Amazon Fury Live Stream Videos Posted

SOE and the DC Universe Online team have released a video taken during a recent live stream event to show off the Amazon Fury DLC. If you've been dying to know what the DLC will bring to the game, this is the video to watch! Let us know what you think in the comments.

General: Risen 3: Titan Lords Trailer Released

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 12:23 PM PDT

Risen 3: Titan Lords Trailer Released

Piranha Bites and Deep Silver have released a brand new trailer for Risen 3: Titan Lords, a classic RPG that "refuses to hold your hand" and offers players a chance to explore the world in any way they see fit. Check out the trailer and then the Risen 3: Titan Lords site for more information.

Neverwinter: Curse of Icewind Dale to Arrive May 13th

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 12:18 PM PDT

Curse of Icewind Dale to Arrive May 13th

Cryptic Studios and Perfect World Entertainment have announced that the next Neverwinter module, Curse of Icewind Dale, will be released on May 14th. The new module brings a new zone, a new currency resource, two competing factions and much more into Neverwinter.

The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot: Free Hero Weekend Announced

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 12:13 PM PDT

Free Hero Weekend Announced

Ubisoft has announced the first-ever Free Hero Weekend for The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot that commences today and runs through April 22nd. During the event, players can access three special heroes and will have access to several packs at 50% off the usual price.

General: Van Helsing II Now Available for PreOrder

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 12:08 PM PDT

Van Helsing II Now Available for PreOrder

Steam fans can now preorder The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II according to a new press release. Those who preorder can take advantage of a 10% discount and receive a special "preorder only" in-game item.

General: The PAX East 2014 Awards

Posted: 16 Apr 2014 04:02 PM PDT

The PAX East 2014 Awards

This year at PAX East 2014 we had a host of solid games to look at, especially with us now dipping our toes in the waters of straight up RPGs. What's really exciting is just how many of our favorite games were the independent titles willing to try something new and unique. Overall we want to thank every game at the show for bringing us out and allowing us time to play. So without further chatter, let's get to the MMORPG.com PAX East 2014 Awards.

Villagers and Heroes: Steam Version Launches with New Expansion

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 09:06 AM PDT

Steam Version Launches with New Expansion

Villagers & Heroes is now available on Steam thanks to today's official release. To celebrate the momentous occasion, V&H arrives with a brand new expansion, "Fury of the Stone Lord".

General: Nosgoth: New Maps, Skins, eSports Integration Incoming

Posted: 16 Apr 2014 04:21 PM PDT

Nosgoth: New Maps, Skins, eSports Integration Incoming

Nosgoth is in closed beta, and we have seen the game growing as time goes on. The closed beta made its show debut on the floor at PAX East this past weekend, where we had a chance to chat with Game Director Corey Davis and Square Enix Community Manager George Kelion about what's ahead for Nosgoth, community response, and delivering on the lore.

General: Styx: Master of Shadows Screens

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 09:02 AM PDT

Styx: Master of Shadows Screens

Styx: Master of Shadows is an upcoming stealth RPG title where players take on the role of the anti-hero. Up to now, little has been revealed but today marks a turning point with the release of four new screenshots. Check them out and let us know what you think!

ArchLord: Beta Preregistration Begins for ArchLord II

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 08:16 AM PDT

Beta Preregistration Begins for ArchLord II

Webzen has announced that it is accepting pre-registrations for the upcoming ArchLord II beta. Players can sign up using their Facebook profiles or by using their existing gPotato.eu, gPotato.com or Webzen.com accounts.

Archeblade: Steam Launch Date Set for April 27th

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 08:11 AM PDT

Steam Launch Date Set for April 27th

The ArcheBlade team has let us know that the game's official launch date on Steam will take place on April 27th. The launch version will feature five hundred new items to help players "gear up" and a completely overhauled starter experience.

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