


WildStar: More About Warplots

Posted: 14 Apr 2014 05:43 PM PDT

More About Warplots

At PAX East this past weekend, Carbine Studios unveiled more information about the much-anticipated PVP feature known as Warplots. Lead PVP Designer Jen Gordy took us through an overview of how the system would work and showed us some of the customization options available for the plots. She called it a teamcentric system, 40 on 40 PVP featuring fortresses that are prepared for battle whilst aloft and then plopped down hard onto the ground to duke it out with an opposing Warplot.

CasinoRPG: Launch Day Arrives After Year-long Beta

Posted: 16 Apr 2014 06:45 AM PDT

Launch Day Arrives After Year-long Beta

The official launch day for CasinoRPG has officially arrived after a year long beta. CasinoRPG blends several game types including role-playing, tycoon and city-building with casino games. Players use winnings to build their empires.

Monkey King Online: Free Beta Gift Key Pack!

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 10:54 PM PDT

Free Beta Gift Key Pack!

MMORPG.com has been given some special gift codes for players taking part in the Monkey King Online beta test! Each gift key will give you HP and MP orbs, vouchers and more! Get your key now while supplies last...

Eldevin: A Tale of Sands and Shards Gift Pack Giveaway!

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 10:16 PM PDT

A Tale of Sands and Shards Gift Pack Giveaway!

To celebrate the first expansion for Eldevin we have partnered with Hunted Cow to give players a limited-edition gift of epic proportions! Get free XP boosters and more!

Defiance: Arktech Revolution DLC Launches

Posted: 14 Apr 2014 05:11 PM PDT

Arktech Revolution DLC Launches

Trion Worlds has announced that the fifth DLC for Defiance has officially launched. Called "Arktech Revolution", the new content brings a ton of new features to free players including an increased EGO rating cap, EGO rating progression, expert co-op maps, dynamic event scaling and much more. Subscribers will also receive a Chimera Arktech Kit, access to daily Chimera contracts and more.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: PvP Season 2 Changes Outlined

Posted: 14 Apr 2014 05:04 PM PDT

PvP Season 2 Changes Outlined

A new blog entry has been posted on the Star Wars: The Old Republic site that details some of the forthcoming changes to PvP Season 2 that will arrive with the v2.7.1 patch. Among other things, daily and weekly PvP quests will give players incentives to queue up for otherworldly domination and a shorter, more brutal season will come into play.

Marvel Super Hero Squad Online: Celebrating Three Years in a Heroic Way

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 04:57 PM PDT

Celebrating Three Years in a Heroic Way

The Super Hero Squad Online team is ready to unleash a series of anniversary events as the family-friendly MMO turns three years old. The fully-featured MMO features a whopping 144 Marvel characters and has implemented some massive changes over the past year sure to please each of the seven million registrants.

DOFUS: First Major Update of the Year Brings New Features

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 04:49 PM PDT

First Major Update of the Year Brings New Features

The first major update for DOFUS is now live and is packed with several new features. The update is the first in the game's celebratory tenth anniversary. Features include dimensional travel, treasure hunting, and monster wave mode.

Swordsman: New Trailer Shows Off Three Character Classes

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 04:32 PM PDT

New Trailer Shows Off Three Character Classes

A new Swordsman trailer has been released by Perfect World Entertainment that shows off three of the ten martial arts schools. The trailer features a bit of game play footage from each that shows the incredibly different battle styles.

Dragon Fin Soup: This RPG-Roguelike Blends Humor & Fun

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 07:27 AM PDT

This RPG-Roguelike Blends Humor & Fun

Dragon Fin Soup isn't trying to start a revolution, but it is bringing the nostalgia factor and blending it with modern gameplay and a ton of humor. The upcoming RPG blended with roguelike gameplay elements is inspired by the kinds of games the developers (Grimm Bros, a five man team) want to play and spent much time playing.

Dragon Fin Soup: KickStarter Campaign Ends Successfully

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 10:31 AM PDT

KickStarter Campaign Ends Successfully

Dragon Fin Soup is now a fully funded project for the Grimm Bros. The KickStarter campaign has successfully completed funding the indie-RPG at 500% of the original goal.

EVE Online: CCP Posts $21M in Losses for Fiscal 2013

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 10:17 AM PDT

CCP Posts $21M in Losses for Fiscal 2013

CCP Games is reporting over $21M in losses for fiscal 2013 according to a report at GamesIndustry.biz. While overall revenue increased significantly, huge corporate investment in research and development contributed to the decline.

Guild Wars 2: PAX East Signed Tablecloth Giveaway!

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 10:17 AM PDT

PAX East Signed Tablecloth Giveaway!

Yeah, you read that right. We're giving away a tablecloth. But it's not just any tablecloth! It's the Guild Wars 2 tablecloth from PAX East, signed by ArenaNet's Colin Johanson and Jon Peters.

WildStar: Weekend Beta Access Keys!

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 10:06 AM PDT

Weekend Beta Access Keys!

MMORPG.com has been given 25,000 beta access code for Wildstar for this weekends beta event! Get your key now while supplies last!

Infinite Crisis: Blue Beetle Set to Crawl Into Game on April 30th

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 09:40 AM PDT

Blue Beetle Set to Crawl Into Game on April 30th

Infinite Crisis players will have a new hero to check out on April 30th when Blue Beetle crawls into the game. To celebrate the Blue Beetle announcement, Turbine has released a new video to show him off. Check it out and let us know if you'll be playing as Blue Beetle.

General: Dawngate: Breaking the Meta at PAX East

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 01:06 AM PDT

Dawngate: Breaking the Meta at PAX East

While the MOBA genre is young, it's quickly becoming a crowded space, which makes Waystone Games' Dawngate interesting because it does a number of things to set itself apart from the pack. We had a chance to all those things and more at this year's PAX East where we sat down with Dawngate lead producer Dave Cerra and creative director Hunter Howe.

SMITE: Kumbhakarna, The Sleeping Giant Revealed

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 08:18 AM PDT

Kumbhakarna, The Sleeping Giant Revealed

Kumbhakarna is a guardian in SMITE and is the latest god to join the pantheon. To celebrate Kumbhakarna's arrival, the team has released the latest "God Reveal" video that gives insight into his mythological background as well as his in-game talents. Check it out!

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