Nanbo's Neverwinter Experience Levels 30 - 40 Posted: Hello all MMOSITE people, visitors, and all other creatures! This next evolving review is for Neverwinter online. Last time I took us through this game I did a level 20 - 30 review. This was right after Thanks Giving of 2013 and I had not gone back into the game.  |
Eudemon Online - What kind of Dragon Pet Do You Like Posted: Why are we so obsessed with dragons? It's not just because they're giant, scary, or fire-breathing. A dragon is a legendary creature, featured in the myths of many cultures. They're always the hot characters in fantasy novels, comics, movies, and even MMO games.  |
WoW: A Look Back At WoW's Raiding in Azeroth! Posted: World of Warcraft has been around since 2004. Numerous raids have been introduced in the course of it's expansions, today we'll have a look at raiding from Vanilla (2004) up to Wrath of the Lich King expansion with its Icecrown Citadel. Developers talk about changes that were vital during the development process of raids in this neat retrospective.  |
ArcheAge Skill Combos and Builds How to Posted: Fielding questions on my live stream. I came up with the idea to do this video. Because out of everything in the questioning. What I get asked the most is how the combos work. Because guys see most of my attacks combo. So this video I'm explaining how I do that.  |
King Befalls in the 2nd OBT of ClanCraft Posted: is a browser game combined castle development SLG and push through method in one, connected to our SNS platform European 2D cartoon style graphics, with not only functions like formation cultivation and clan units primarily, but also traditional SLG figures like forge,discard, refine, formation and push through method.  |
[CBT2] Black Desert Online - The Journey Begins Posted: This week, I had the fortune to try out Black Desert Online's second Closed Beta Test! I will be detailing my character's journey in the world of Black Desert in the days to come. For now, let me share with you my experience in the first day.  |