WoW: Warlords of Draenor PvP & Class Update Interview! Posted: WoW Source Episode #3 is currently out and this time, Lead Game Designer Ion Hazzikostas, Lead Class Designer Kris Zierhut and Senior Game Designer Brian Holinka talk about upcoming PvP and Class changes in Warlords of Draenor. Viewers will also get a sneak peek at the new PvP zone Ashran and learn more about the return of Skirmishes.  |
The Storm MMO Show Episode 20 "Week 4/27/2014" Posted: The MMO Show is a show I try and talk about recent finds and latest MMO news: Marvel Heroes Team Up Patch, Battlestar Galactica, Sex Gangsters MMORPG and more...  |
Top 5 Mobile Moments of the Week - Hearthstone Tips, Wayward Souls rules... Posted: Every week, Pocket Gamer provides a weekly digest of the most important and popular stories from these digital pages. Not to turn this into a hospital waiting room pamphlet or anything, but I wanted to take a second to warn you about the dangers of repetitive strain injury.  |
Warframe: Storm Files - S2/Ep.15 "Whose Your Starter Frame?" Posted: This week is very simple for a topic. What is your favorite Warframe? Mine is Ash but a close second is Oberon. I use both as my main frames. With nice loadouts according to each of the frames uses. I have 7 frames I plan on having 9 by the end of the week.  |
WoW: Garrosh's Heirlooms to be Removed Soon! Posted: The Heirlooms that drop in LFR, Flex & other modes off Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar are supposed to make Leveling in Warlords of Draenor a little bit easier. Today, it was confirmed, that the drop is going to be removed and of course everyone who has thus far obtained their heirloom weapon will be able to use it for WoD leveling.  |
DN KR 23rd Apr: Hero Battle Field, Special Skill Jade Posted: Hero Battle Field;Entry level: level 70;Entry ticket: Dimensional key ;Member: 1 Clear count per week: 5 times;Mode: Normal and Hard mode.Revive: 3 times; Choose your ally: Geraint, Argenta or Velskud  |
Marvel Heroes: New team Up System Posted: This week is very simple for a topic. What is your favorite Warframe? Mine is Ash but a close second is Oberon. I use both as my main frames. With nice loadouts according to each of the frames uses. I have 7 frames I plan on having 9 by the end of the week.  |
Eclipse War Online First Look Posted: This game kind of confuses me. It has a lot of good points. But totally horrible ones, that shouldn't even exist. Let's start with what I like.Transforming into any enemy;Asorbing Enemy Attacks;Good Armor and Weapons Design;Good Skill CustomizationFast Travel  |