


Guild Wars 2: Is There a Better Way to Enjoy an MMO?

Posted: 28 Feb 2014 03:41 PM PST

Is There a Better Way to Enjoy an MMO?

They say opposites attract, and that's definitely true of my husband and me, especially in regard to the way we play MMOs. He's the power-leveler; I'm the explorer. Our natural opposition has caused a lot of contention as we attempt to push our individual play styles onto one another. Try as we might, we continue to wrangle over the question: who's got the better approach to MMOs?

Marvel Heroes: Moon Knight Arrives in Game

Posted: 01 Mar 2014 04:45 AM PST

Moon Knight Arrives in Game

Gazillion Entertainment has announced that Moon Knight is now available in Marvel Heroes Online. Moon Knight is a masked vigilante also sometimes known as the Blade of Vengeance. Moon Knight can be purchased via a Hero Pack for $17.99.

EverQuest Next: Landmark: The Business Roadmap

Posted: 28 Feb 2014 11:20 AM PST

The Business Roadmap

This week's Everquest Next Landmark write-up isn't going to be very long, but there's going to be quite a bit of information to digest today as Everquest Franchise Director Dave Georgeson revealed Sony Online Entertainment's (SOE) game plan for monetization of Landmark as it moves through the alpha phases into beta.

Path of Exile: Sacrifice of the Vaal Expansion Preview

Posted: 27 Feb 2014 02:38 PM PST

Sacrifice of the Vaal Expansion Preview

Last fall, I met with the guys from Grinding Gears games shortly before they launched their hit online action RPG, Path of Exile. Four months and five million registered players later, the team stands on the cusp of releasing their first major content update, Sacrifice of the Vaal. I met with Grinding Gears Managing Director Chris Wilson and Path of Exile Technical Director Jonathan Rogers once again this week, and the two filled me in on what we can expect from this first sizable content dump.

Age of Conan: Unchained: The 12 Portents - Three Down, Nine to Go

Posted: 28 Feb 2014 11:41 AM PST

The 12 Portents - Three Down, Nine to Go

The latest Age of Conan Producer's Letter has been published. In it, Joel Bylos takes a look at what the team has been working on. Most notably, he tells players that the Twelve Portents, world events of which there are currently three live, have been a huge success. Additionally, Bylos touches on the team's efforts to bring rebalancing Tier 4 PvP rewards.

The Secret World: An End to the Mystery Box Flap & Tokyo Delayed

Posted: 28 Feb 2014 11:37 AM PST

An End to the Mystery Box Flap & Tokyo Delayed

Joel Bylos has penned this month's Producer's Letter. In it, he discusses the addition of Mystery Boxes to the game's item shop. Bylos spends time discussing what these boxes are and are not, in essence assuring players they are not "lockboxes" and contain nothing that can't be earned or found in the game world. In addition, Bylos informs players that Tokyo will be divided into two sections and will be delayed by a few weeks from its original projected release date.

Dragon's Prophet: Big Update, Big Features Added

Posted: 28 Feb 2014 11:30 AM PST

Big Update, Big Features Added

Sony Online Entertainment has announced that some big new features have been added to Dragon's Prophet that give players brand new ways to play the game and ways to find out what dragons await collection throughout the game world.

Rift: The Long-Term Impact of F2P

Posted: 27 Feb 2014 03:27 PM PST

The Long-Term Impact of F2P

When RIFT first launched, the idea of going free-to-play seemed like anathema to its design. Former Executive Producer and current Trion Worlds CEO, Scott Hartsman, made it clear that F2P was not something in the cards in the year of its launch. And yet, with the changing tide of the MMO industry, RIFT made the jump and officially dropped its subscription fee last year. MMO fans are again asking the question: How sustainable is free-to-play in the long-term?

World of Tanks: Enjoy the Music of WoT and WoWP for Free

Posted: 28 Feb 2014 08:21 AM PST

Enjoy the Music of WoT and WoWP for Free

Wargaming has announced that fans of World of Tanks and World of WarPlanes can download the games' soundtracks for free. The music can be downloaded from each game's official site or from Google Music.

Transformers Universe: First Two Bots Revealed

Posted: 28 Feb 2014 08:16 AM PST

First Two Bots Revealed

Jagex, in keeping with the promise to reveal more information, has revealed the first two bots for its forthcoming MOTA (massively online, tactical action game, Transformers Universe. Meltdown on the Autobots site and Duststorm on the Decepticons site are both featured on the TU site.

Legend of Silkroad: Closed Beta Ongoing

Posted: 19 Feb 2014 06:04 PM PST

Closed Beta Ongoing

The Legend of Silkroad team has informed us that the closed beta for the forthcoming title currently in progress. Potential players are invited to peruse the site and sign up for beta testing.

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