MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

WildStar Bonus Weekend begins Friday morning


WildStar Bonus Weekend begins Friday morning

WildStar developer Brianna Royce has just announced an extra special bonus beta weekend for its upcoming sci-fantasy themepark, WildStar in the forum.

Gunslinger - The Deadshot Introduced for Black Gold


Gunslinger - The Deadshot Introduced for Black Gold

For as long as there have been firearms, there have been Gunslingers. Never missing a beat in the latest from the military research labs, Gunslingers are experts in powdered projectiles big and small. Their shots ring true, landing deadly accurate firepower from far away.

ArcheAge (JP) Turning Free-to-Play with Level Cap Raised to 55


ArcheAge (JP) Turning Free-to-Play with Level Cap Raised to 55

Japanese publisher GameOn has announced that ArcheAge Japan will be switching to Free-to-Play on 24th April 2014 instead of the monthly payment model. Players who pay the USD 17.00 monthly sub will get tons of bonuses by getting the VIP service.

World of Warcraft: Boosting 101 - New to 90 Guide


World of Warcraft: Boosting 101 - New to 90 Guide

The Level 90 Character Boost has arrived in World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria! There might very well be a shiny Boost token glittering on your character selection screen just waiting for you to use it.

Diablo 3: Fight the Death Itself! Malthael Guide


Diablo 3: Fight the Death Itself! Malthael Guide

The main villain in the Reaper of Souls expansion is Malthael. It is truly an epic encounter with a lot of interesting mechanics and it can't be even remotely compared to Diablo.

Heroes of the Storm Director Talks About Team Design & XP


Heroes of the Storm Director Talks About Team Design & XP

Dustin Browder, Game Director for the upcoming MOBA-game Heroes of the Storm explains, how the developers envisioned characters and gameplay levelling during the game's development phases.

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