FFXIV patch 2.2 overview Posted: Published in March are scheduled: "vortex FFXIV PATCH 2.2 of THROUGH THE MAELSTROM chaos" latest update, the "Final Fantasy XIV Shinsei Eoruzea" (hereinafter, patch 2.2). Various contents have been found from such producer or official letter LIVE Players site so far, but the new setting and image was published this time.  |
Blade and Soul CN Open Beta: Pure Soul Ep.14 "Nothings Impossible" Posted: I've learned a few things playing recently. The first thing I learned is don't ever pass upgrades. Because it's an pain in butt to go back for. The other thing I learned is dudes rage in this game. I got literally hate mail saying I don't record enough. Or take on hard challenges. So...ok I'll do something at least about the hard challenges.  |
Age of Wushu/Wulin(China) Housing/Cosplay/More Posted: The initial concept of home from casual players, compared to the sword opposite, resentment life around. They prefer to stop at the landscape, and guests talk about the world of song and wine friend thing.Martial arts, though not at peace, but there are also farming men and women weave the marketplace of life.  |
State of the Kingdom Ep. 7 - An Aura Kingdom Podcast Posted: In State of the Kingdom Episode 7, our final episode, dish on our first impressions of the new Aura Kingdom Ranger class, the new content that dropped on March 11th, and more questions have been answered this week than any other question round in this entire series.  |
Black Gold Online: New Spotted Class -- Skycaller Posted: The latest class to be spotlighted by the Black Gold Online team is the Herald of Storms, Skycaller.The Skycaller breathes in the heavens and channels the forces into a deep and restorative power. Wielding the elemental forces of air and water, the Skycaller offers protective spells, regeneration, and other valuable magical enhancements to their allies.  |
Phantasy Star 2: English Patch Playable Review Posted: This game is almost completely english translated and playable. It's sad Sega is dragging it's feet on bringing it over. But as you will see it may not even matter. You can use the guide by Nanbo to get into the game. It's really easy only hard part in the screen check. But a virtual keyboard makes that easy.  |