MMO Updates |
- Ask Massively: Too many MMOs still lack serious LFG tools
- Black Desert ramping up beta testing
- Marvel: Avengers Alliance to shutdown on Playdom
- The Daily Grind: Is story more fun for you than game mechanics?
- SMITE brings out Ullr right before official release
- The Think Tank: The importance of auction halls in MMORPGs
- City of Titans to make use of Unreal 4
- Ultima Online patches in searchable player vendors
- A Tale in the Desert is under new management
- Destiny to use facial motion capture
- Amazons await in DC Universe Online's 10th DLC this spring
- Shadowrun Online heading to Steam Early Access on March 31st
- GDC 2014: Final Fantasy XIV's Naoki Yoshida explains what tanked it and what saved it
- EverQuest Next Landmark going into closed beta next week [Updated]
- Meet Civilization Online's four civs
- WildStar reboots forums and prepares for weekend beta test
- Here are five videos for Diablo III's new level 61 skills
- Obsidian behind new Armored Warfare MMO
Ask Massively: Too many MMOs still lack serious LFG tools Posted: 21 Mar 2014 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, Opinion, Ask Massively, Miscellaneous, Dungeons David is angry. No, David is pissed. And he's right to be. He wrote to Ask Massively with the following rant:Developers clearly see PvE instances as a key part of the MMO experience. So why do so many of them fail to ensure I can access this content with a solid group finder? I have been trying to play something other than World of Warcraft (which does have a group finder) for a number of years. But even my current pick, The Secret World, commits this sin. I usually end up annoyed at spending time in LFG channels trying to form a group, so I give up, first on grouping and then on the game.I have a theory, but you're not going to like it, and you might end up back in WoW when I'm done. Continue reading Ask Massively: Too many MMOs still lack serious LFG tools
Black Desert ramping up beta testing Posted: 21 Mar 2014 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, Sandbox, Black Desert Black Desert's upcoming closed beta test will run for three weeks, according to Korean publisher Daum. The firm seeks five to six times more testers than in the previous closed sessions, 2P reports. There are also some new Black Desert screenshots making the rounds, and Steparu has details on the beta system requirements.[Thanks buttle!]
Marvel: Avengers Alliance to shutdown on Playdom Posted: 21 Mar 2014 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, Browser, Sunsets Playdom has announced that Marvel: Avengers Alliance will be shutting down for good on April 20, 2014."Although it is a difficult decision to shut down a game," a note to the players states, "this decision will allow us to focus on building new, more engaging games." This shutdown will only affect the Playdom version of the game, not the Facebook version. Playdom says that it will offer no refunds or credits for "virtual goods, game currency or other items purchased" once the game stops being offered on Playdom's platform.
The Daily Grind: Is story more fun for you than game mechanics? Posted: 21 Mar 2014 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Miscellaneous, Player-Generated Content Yesterday Bree asked if MMOs need to be fun, a question that was based off the statements of Assassin's Creed devs at this week's GDC. As I was reading that particular panel recap, I couldn't help thinking that the AC dev duo got it wrong.From my perspective, games most definitely need to be fun. What they don't need is a screenwriter. Games are built on interactivity and interesting mechanics, and I'd not like to see more development money wasted on straight-jacket narratives that are better suited to books or filmed entertainment. Assassin's Creed, funnily enough, is the perfect example of gameplay trumping story. I've exhausted every title in the series, even the portables, and am currently enjoying the heck out of Black Flag. But I couldn't tell you a thing about the characters or the plot. The series' raison d'etre is open-world platforming, collection minigames, and in the case of IV, commanding a frickin' pirate ship! How about it, Massively readers? Agree? Disagree? Is story more fun for you than game mechanics?
SMITE brings out Ullr right before official release Posted: 20 Mar 2014 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Classes, Launches, Patches, News Items, Free-to-Play, MOBA The official launch of SMITE is just a few days away -- March 25th, to be specific. But there's still time to work in one more deity to the game's overall lineup. The last pre-launch patch has added Ullr, the Glorious One, a hunter capable of working in both melee and ranged combat with equal damage. Using his ultimate ability swaps stances, letting him attack with greater speed from range or steal life with his melee hits.Swapping between ranged and melee stances also shifts how Ullr's abilities work. Ranged mode allows him to fire a column of damage or use a targeted AoE along with a buff to physical damage. Melee mode, however, swaps abilities to a ranged attack, a leap to a target location, and a movement speed buff. The patch has also updated the physical models of several gods, meaning that when the game goes live next week, it'll be in the best state possible... and with one more god to play.
The Think Tank: The importance of auction halls in MMORPGs Posted: 20 Mar 2014 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Economy, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, Opinion, Miscellaneous, The Think Tank Diablo III's gold and RMT auction houses shut down this week. Final Fantasy XI is getting auction house upgrades. Ultima Online launched vendor searching today after 16.5 years of operation. This calls for an auction house-themed Think Tank! I polled the Massively staffers about whether or not MMORPGs should have auction houses, and specifically, whether they enhance or detract from the economic experience of a game. Chime in!Continue reading The Think Tank: The importance of auction halls in MMORPGs
City of Titans to make use of Unreal 4 Posted: 20 Mar 2014 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Super-hero, News Items, Crowdfunding When a Kickstarted game clears its goals, you kind of expect to see more results from the team. But City of Titans has been quiet except for concept art. Why is that? Why haven't we seen more development shots? What's the Missing Worlds Media team doing? As it turns out, it's because the graphics of the game are going to get even better than what we've seen before -- the game is moving over in development to the Unreal 4 engine.The team has been under NDA regarding the engine, but development has been moving assets over from Unreal 3 to the current version. Unreal 4 will allow the team to put in animated costume parts, capes, hair, fluid, and so forth with greater ease and more flexibility. Missing Worlds Media promises that there will be more updates next week from the technology team, hopefully showing off more of what the game's new underlying graphics core is capable of. [Thanks to Byron and Celestial Lord for the tip!]
Ultima Online patches in searchable player vendors Posted: 20 Mar 2014 04:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Economy, Patches, News Items, Ultima Online, Sandbox, Player-Generated Content, Subscription, MMORPG Ultima Online's new developer Broadsword announced earlier today that the latest patch for the legendary sandbox has arrived. Chief among the new additions is the long-awaited vendor search feature, which allows players to search existing player-owned shop vendors across the shard for specific items and then pay to teleport directly to that vendor to make the purchase.The patch also kicked off the game's Easter gift period because nothing says Britannia like Easter bunnies and marshmallow ducklings. In six different colors, mind you.
A Tale in the Desert is under new management Posted: 20 Mar 2014 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: A Tale in the Desert, MMO Industry, Free-to-Play After years of inactivity on the A Tale in the Desert front, you might be forgiven from not noticing that the title changed hands last month. That's OK, we didn't see it before now either.Citing preoccupation with another project, eGenesis has handed over management and development of A Tale in the Desert to Pluribus Games. The upside to this transition for gamers is two-fold: The new owners have made the game free for the time being and are preparing to start up the next iteration of the story, Tale VII. "EGenesis has been overwhelmed with their newest project, Dragon's Tale, and has not been able to devote the time needed to ATitD. It is our belief that we will be able to greatly improve the game for you, our customers," Pluribus announced. [Thanks to Alan for the tip!]
Destiny to use facial motion capture Posted: 20 Mar 2014 03:30 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-Fi, MMOFPS, Destiny It's time for Destiny's close-up! The upcoming MMO is paying attention to more than just scenery and armor models, as Bungie has hired Faceware Technologies to provide facial motion capture for the game's characters.Faceware Technologies uses a "markerless" motion capture system to quickly scan and analyze actors' faces and record those expressions. Destiny artists can then take those expressions and put them on the game's models. Bungie previously worked with Faceware on Halo: Reach. You can read the full press release after the break. Continue reading Destiny to use facial motion capture
Amazons await in DC Universe Online's 10th DLC this spring Posted: 20 Mar 2014 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, Galleries, Screenshots, Game Mechanics, Patches, News Items, Free-to-Play, Consoles, DC Universe Online DC Universe Online's 10th DLC is coming this spring, and it will pack an Amazonian punch. Titled Amazon Fury Part I, this DLC begins a three-part series focused on Wonder Woman and the Amazons, including Queen Hippolyta. Aside from introducing the Amazon story arc, this pack opens up the Themyscira Palace District and seaside port for adventuring in the new alert and duos, introduces weapon mastery, allows players to relive moments as either Wonder Woman or Circe that led to the war, and brings a new alternative phase of Gotham City that's under siege by the Amazons.Amazon Fury Part I will be free to Legendary Members; free players will be able to purchase it. Get a sneak peak at what's in store in the gallery below, then peruse the full press release after the break. [Source: SOE press release] [Update: SOE contacted us to clarify that the DLC will be free to Legendary Members, not a pay purchase. Yay! We've adjusted the text accordingly.] Continue reading Amazons await in DC Universe Online's 10th DLC this spring
Shadowrun Online heading to Steam Early Access on March 31st Posted: 20 Mar 2014 02:30 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-Fi, Video, Free-to-Play, Community Q&A You might be able to play Shadowrun Online sooner than expected, as the title is heading to Steam Early Access on March 31st.In a new video, Managing Director Jan Wagner announced the Early Access release and answered several questions that the community has had for the game. He said that this version of the game will be a "prequel" with many of the core elements from Shadowrun Online, such as combat and PvP. Wagner explained why the game slipped from 2013 (they had to recode the game from scratch), promised a future DRM-free version, and assured the addition of "more building blocks" every four to six weeks as the development progresses. You can watch the full video after the break. [Thanks to Chris for the tip!] Continue reading Shadowrun Online heading to Steam Early Access on March 31st
GDC 2014: Final Fantasy XIV's Naoki Yoshida explains what tanked it and what saved it Posted: 20 Mar 2014 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Events (Real-World), Interviews, MMO Industry, Patches, Final Fantasy XIV, Subscription There are many theories about what contributed to the spectacular crash-and-burn of the original Final Fantasy XIV, but perhaps the most insightful is the one from current Executive Producer Naoki Yoshida, who pinpointed the critical flaws that proved Square Enix's undoing.At GDC this week, Yoshida said that the team had an "unhealthy obsession" with graphical fidelity above anything else and was stuck in the development mindset of Final Fantasy XI even as the genre had progressed. He said that A Realm Reborn's saving grace was the team's effort to establish an "optimal design flow" allowing for a rapid overhaul of the title. It's also notable that Final Fantasy XIV has a new dev diary out today covering new gear and visual customizations called glamours that are coming with Patch 2.2.
EverQuest Next Landmark going into closed beta next week [Updated] Posted: 20 Mar 2014 01:20 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Patches, Free-to-Play, EverQuest Next, Sandbox SOE announced today that EverQuest Next Landmark will be transitioning out of alpha next week and into closed beta on Wednesday, March 26th. During the transition, all progress on the alpha servers will be wiped except for saved templates, character names, and Founder's Pack purchases.Landmark also got an important update today, the biggest part of which is the addition of a party system. While there is no specific UI for it yet, players can invite friends to a group through slash commands, via a friends list, or by right-clicking on them in the world. Groups earn a 20% bonus to harvested loot. The update also added in-game email, social media integration, and the ability to teleport to the continent hub or to your friends. [Update: The Landmark team has also posted to explain the differences between time-limited beta keys and founder packs.]
Meet Civilization Online's four civs Posted: 20 Mar 2014 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Historical, Classes, MMORTS XLGAMES announced its four civilizations from Civilization Online today, although sadly the Mole People were absent from this list.The four civilizations are China (led by Qin Shi Huang), Rome (led by Julius Caesar), Egypt (led by Hatshepsut), and Azteca (let by Montezuma). Civilization Online will be going into closed beta testing within the next few months and is slated to launch in Asia in 2014.
WildStar reboots forums and prepares for weekend beta test Posted: 20 Mar 2014 12:30 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-Fi, WildStar, Subscription WildStar's ongoing beta forums have been wiped, but weep not for their loss: Carbine Studios has brought a new forum online for all to visit and use. The new forums contain topics such as community support, PvP, and housing, and come in English, German, and French varieties.The forums have come online not a moment too soon, as WildStar is preparing for a weekend beta test that includes those who have pre-ordered the title. The beta begins tomorrow, Friday, March 21st, at 10:00 a.m. EST and concludes on Sunday at midnight EST. The beta weekends following that begin on April 4th, April 18th, and May 2nd.
Here are five videos for Diablo III's new level 61 skills Posted: 20 Mar 2014 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Classes, Expansions, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, News Items, PvE, Dungeons, Diablo III, Buy-to-Play Blizzard has released a quintet of post-60 skill videos for its forthcoming Diablo III expansion. Reaper of Souls, which launches on March 25th, grants each class a new skill at level 61. These skills are Avalanche (for Barbarians), Vengeance (for Demon Hunters), Epiphany (for Monks), Piranhas (for Witch Doctors), and Black Hole (for Wizards).Click past the cut to see all five vids. Continue reading Here are five videos for Diablo III's new level 61 skills
Obsidian behind new Armored Warfare MMO Posted: 20 Mar 2014 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Real-Life, Trailers, Video, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, War, Free-to-Play From the here's-something-you-don't-see-everyday files, Obsidian -- known primarily for its roleplaying games -- is lending its name to a new MMO shooter thing called Armored Warfare. The game's website bills it as "a new free-to-play massively multiplayer online tactical military video game that puts you in control of some of the most incredible, modern destructive machines to grace a battlefield."Eurogamer speculates that Armored Warfare may be an extension of Obsidian's deal with Russian megapublisher Mail.Ru, which also includes the Skyforge partnership wherein the former company lent its name and its expertise to the Allods Team's latest sci-fantasy MMO project. In any case, you can watch the World of Tanks-style Armored Warfare announcement trailer after the cut. Continue reading Obsidian behind new Armored Warfare MMO
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