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- 57 Cool Websites
- Win a CyberPower PC Hadron Hydro Mini-ITX Gaming PC
- McAfee Identified an Astounding 200 New Malware Samples Per Minute in 2013
- Nvidia Releases GeForce 335.23 WHQL Drivers with Optimized Performance for Titanfall
- Dell Precision M2800 is an Entry Level Mobile Workstation Starting at $1,199
- G.Skill Launches 16GB DDR3L-2133 SO-DIMM Ripjaws for Laptops and Mini PCs
- Origin PC Adds Micro Tower Option to Chronos Line of Desktop Gaming Rigs
- Newegg Daily Deals: Toshiba Canvio Basics 1TB USB 3.0 HDD, Acer 21.5-inch LED Monitor, and More!
Posted: 10 Mar 2014 04:11 PM PDT Best websites to visit when you're boredBefore the Internet came into its own, finding something to do to cure boredom was a task in and of itself. At work, you could count the holes in the ceiling, crumple pieces of paper and practice your cubicle hook shot, or get lost in a game of Minesweeper, all the while hoping your boss wouldn't wander by. We have it much easier these days. The Internet isn't just fleshed out, it's flooded with more websites than you'll ever have time to visit. Many of them suck, of course, and several others will leave you with an infection quicker than a one night stand in the red-light district, but there are also a vast number of gems buried beneath all the rubble. Get ready to add some bookmarks to your browser because we've gone and gathered 57 websites guaranteed to help you kill time when the day just seems to drag on. Inner BodyThe wonder within us all How much do you really know about your own body? Probably less than you think. Inner Body is your interactive guide to the complex human system and all of its inner workings. Wow your friends by learning everything there is to know about the urinary system! Magic Secrets ExplainedDispelling the mystery It's been said that a true magician never reveals his secrets, but that's a bunch of hogwash. In fact, if you head over to Magic Secrets Explained, a site that's just what it sounds like, you can learn a bevy of magic tricks from well-known magicians like Criss Angel, David Blaine, and others. Dumb LawsKeeping us safe from ourselves Did you know that in Kansas, it's illegal to shoot rabbits from motorboats? You're also not allowed to use mules to hunt ducks. In Idaho, riding a merry-go-round on Sunday is against the law. Look up all kinds of dumb laws by state! Will It BlendDon't try this at home Pretty much anything and everything will blend in a Blendtec blender, but knowing the answer doesn't make the videos on this site any less enjoyable. Watch Blendtec founder Tom Dickson demonstrate his pride and joy shredding things like an iPad, glass marbles, and even Super Glue. We dare you to try and watch just one video. Quick MemeGo viral! Don't let your rapier wit go to waste. Instead, create a hilarious meme and maybe, just maybe, it will go viral. Or it will get lost in the shuffle of the thousands of other memes. Either way, a visit to isn't likely to be quick at all. You Suck at PhotoshopWhat not to do If you're a Photoshop whiz, you might look at the name of this YouTube series and say, "Them's fightin' words!" For everyone else, the You Suck at Photoshop series is a hilarious way to learn the ins and outs by a very talented narrator who clearly has some personal issues. SomeecardsSay it with sarcasm When you have something sarcastic to say but don't know exactly how to phrase it, Someecards is your go-to site. There's a comical e-card for every occasion, be it a birthday or whatever topical trend is dominating your Facebook feed. Or just visit the site when you need a good laugh! DuctivitiesThe cornerstone of advanced civilization Food, water, oxygen, and Duct Tape—with those four things, you can not only survive any situation, but thrive in it. Why Duct Tape? Well, just head over to Ductivities to see some of the many things you can build with a roll (or dozen) of Duct Tape. Digital Public Library of AmericaGrow your melon If you have some time to kill and want to upgrade your internal knowledge bank, the Digital Public Library of America is a great place to start. It has over 2.5 million items from libraries, archives, and museums, and unless you happen to be Ben Stein, it's nigh impossible to spend a few minutes clicking through articles without emerging at least slightly more knowledgeable than when you started. The Useless WebYou don't know what you're missing The Internet is composed of around 4 billion webpages. How many of them are quirky? We're not sure, but The Useless Web will take you to a new one each time you click. You might see a dog licking your LCD screen or Oprah Winfrey seemingly unleashing a horde of bees on a studio audience. They may be useless sites, but they're also amusing. DrinkifyMake a libation to match the mood It's Wednesday night and your friends don't want to go out until the weekend, so you purchase a new digital album from Amazon and settle for an evening of _____ (insert your favorite artist or band here). Now all you need is a stiff drink, but what goes best with _____? Drinkify will tell you exactly what you should be pouring down your gullet as you listen to _____. Click the next page for more sites to visit when you're bored along with some cute animal sites!
You Can't Handle the CuteThere's nothing wrong with wanting to look at kittens, puppies, and other awww-inducing photos. Here are some of our favorite resources. Cute OverloadThe site that started it all, CO, as it's known, is the homepage for cute aficionados. It even has a Cats and Racks category. Cute RouletteAlso known as "click and squee," this site shows you one cute thing after another in a never-ending slide show of redonkulessness. Love MeowThis site chronicles the heartwarming stories of shelter cats, rescues, and special-needs kittens and cats. Keep some Kleenex handy. Crack Shack or MansionCan you tell the diff? You would think it'd be easy to tell the difference between a crack shack and a mansion. Then again, you can't judge a book by its cover, and apparently we can't tell the difference between a crappy abode and one that costs millions of dollars. Can you? Give it a whirl the next time you're bored. I Waste So Much TimeComic junk food The Internet's always good for a laugh, and unless your funny bone is broken, you'll find plenty of them on I Waste So Much Time. The premise is simple: You look, you laugh (or don't), and then rate the pictures and videos (optional). When you've killed enough time, you can go on with your daily routine, only in a better mood. Funny TyposHelarious If their's one thing Maximum PC readers like too do, it's play games. If their's a second thing, its overclocking. And if theres a third, its point out typos. Funny Typos is a sight taylor made for you! Awkward Family PhotosBoy, do I feel better about my upbringing You may think your family is a little bit weird, and maybe it is. But you know what? You're not alone. Far from it, in fact, as Awkward Family Photos proves. Spend a few minutes flipping through pages of pictures of other odd families and you'll come away convinced you're more normal than you thought. The Most Awkwardly Public Break Ups in Facebook HistoryThe name says it all Let's face it, breaking up with someone or being broken up with isn't always easy. It's especially bad when it's done on social media, before family and friends. The Most Awkwardly Public Break Ups in Facebook History captures many of these moments, and they're often hilarious to read. Feed The HeadA site for surrealists One of the stranger sites on the web, Feed The Head is deceptively engaging. Getting the head to breathe fire is rather easy, but can you grow a beard? There's a lot to discover here, and when you've exhausted all you can do, click the link in the upper-left corner for similar time wasters. Literally UnbelievablePeople who don't get parody Everybody knows that Onion stories are satirical… well, almost everybody. Literally Unbelievable archives instances on social media where people take Onion stories to be true. You'll laugh and then subsequently cry over how dumb people can be. Epic Rap Battles of HistoryRhymes about the way it was Who was the better inventor: Thomas Edison or Nikola Tesla? Who's the bigger brainiac: Stephen Hawking or Albert Einstein? Such questions can only be legitimately answered through Epic Rap Battles of History, which has a bunch of nerdy white guys dressing up as history's most famous figures and duking it out with surprisingly clever rhymes. F My LifeOK, maybe it's not so bad We're all stuck in a rut at points, but if you can't laugh at yourself when you're down, who can you laugh at? That's the thinking behind this website, which collects the most entertaining FML moments on social media. The site will have you crying at the misfortune of others, but it won't be because you're sad. Best of CraigslistClassifieds can be comedy gold Craigslist can be a great tool when you're trying to sell your used goods or buy items on the cheap, but browsing some of the listings can also be highly entertaining. Enter Craigslist's Best Of section, which highlights some of the zanier, funnier posts, many of which are more satirical than legitimate. Click the next page for some must-see subreddits.
Five Must-See sells itself as "the front page of the Internet." But it's the niche sub-communities ("subreddits") that keep us coming back. Here are some faves. Tech Support MacGyverUsers encounter tricky situations and use minimal resources to resolve them in creative ways, just like the hero of the '80s TV show that the subreddit is named after. Bad TaxidermyComical mishaps can occur when attempting to preserve an animal after death in order to keep it on the mantel or as a conversation piece. Perfect LoopsThis community collects mesmerizing or delightfully silly animated gifs that are designed to loop seamlessly, forever. Food PornIt's safe for work, but these crisp, hi-res images of delicious-looking meals are not safe for an empty stomach. Idiots Fighting ThingsLift your spirits with short clips of people running into screen doors or getting hit in the junk. BrotipsMan up Being a man isn't always easy. Luckily, there's to help you along the way. The site offers over 3,000 pieces of advice that encompass dating tips, philosophical anecdotes, and more. And while it's mostly proverbs for men, there are some pearls of wisdom for women, as well. Net for BeginnersEven old hands will learn something new While Net for Beginners is a great website to help introduce your grandma to the Internet, it also explains the origins of many Internet tropes that power users take for granted. For instance, did you know that the word "meme" is derived from the Greek word "mimema," which means "something imitated?" The site houses many more of these interesting Internet factoids. Google Web HistoryYour every move recorded It's no surprise that Google keeps a record of every interaction you make with its services, but when you look at Google Web History, that fact becomes eerily clear, right down to your personal trends and charted activities. If that's too spooky for you, the site also gives you the option to delete all this data. BT London320 billion pixels of panorama It's not about the megapixels, my friend. Today, gigapixels call the shots, and the current record is held by this 320-gigapixel—or 320-billion-pixel—panorama of London. The shot was stitched together from 48,460 frames shot above London using four Canon EOS 7Ds and 400mm lenses. The panorama lets you zoom in with incredible detail to examine the city's very nooks and crannies. Las Vegas CamsYour vicarious Vegas wedding Nothing says happily ever after like driving to Las Vegas and getting hitched—by an Elvis impersonator. Having it broadcast to the world over the Internet only cements the union, right? You get to bear witness to such matrimonial hijinks from the front-row seat of your computer screen. Visual.LyInfographics 'R' Us In this juiced-up, multitasking world, where there's barely time to read the CliffsNotes or even a Wikipedia entry, you can just mainline your data through Visual.Ly's infographics. Follow the rise and fall of the Wu-Tang Clan, for example, or learn how the Starfleet delta shield evolved. You'll be amazed at what you can learn through pictures. Internet MapWhose is bigger? Does Yahoo own a bigger piece of the Internet than Google? OK, the answer to that is pretty obvious. But you might be surprised by the size relationship between Google and, say,, or any of the other 350,000 top websites represented by the Internet Map. You can easily lose yourself scrolling through this data-driven universe of planetoid-shaped objects. Pica-PicHandheld gaming Every once in a while, a website comes around and reminds you how awesome the Internet is. Pica-Pic is one of those sites. It's like a time machine, taking you back through all those retro handheld games you grew up playing. Quite frankly, we're surprised Nintendo and other game publishers haven't sued this site off the web. Just in case the end is nigh, enjoy it while you can! 5-Second FilmsThe tiniest of time wasters OK, many of these short films are actually a little longer than five seconds, but not by much. Don't be surprised if you find yourself spending many minutes on this site, just seeing how each of these brief-but-humorous sketches plays out. Outgrow.meThe marketplace of ideas You've heard about Kickstarter and its ilk, but you've probably never heard of—an online store devoted to the sale of successfully crowdfunded products. Even if you're not in the market for a bra that holds a smartphone or a vehicle called a "scrooser," it's fun to see the fruits of modern invention and entrepreneurialism. Where Cool Things HappenPhotos that will wow you It's hard not to get sucked into this photo blog, which chronicles interesting places and events from around the world. From mass animal gatherings to 3D latte art to buildings inside caves, you're sure to find something here that amazes you. Click the next page for sun websites that allow you to have fun with audio!
Fun with AudioWith an emphasis on sounds, these sites are no less entertaining than their visually oriented brethren. Fun SwitcherJust click a switch and be treated to an accompanying sound clip. The real fun is in mixing different sounds. Gangnam Style and Skeletor laughing? It's strangely mesmerizing! Gordon Mah Ung SoundboardYou don't have to wait for our biweekly No BS Podcast to hear Deputy Editor Gordon Mah Ung go off on Apple, Ewoks, and other random things that piss him off. Museum of Endangered SoundsYou're sure to feel a touch of nostalgia when you visit this site, which pays tribute to the long-forgotten sounds of old technologies. Think: dial-up Internet, rotary phones, and the Windows 95 startup, to name a few. Letters of NoteIn the words of famous people What do the philosopher Seneca, former president John F. Kennedy, and music producer Steve Albini have in common? You can find letters that they actually wrote reprinted on this site, which provides an archive of personal and professional correspondences of public figures. White WhineFirst-world problems indeed! An appalling, but also extremely entertaining, glimpse into the psyche of the terminally self-centered. You'll find random bitching about Starbucks orders, out-of-stock iPhones, and the indignities of flying coach, among other complaints of the entitled, gathered from around the web. Impact: Earth!Fun with science This site created by Purdue University lets you set specific parameters to calculate the impact of a given object being hurtled toward Earth. What's not to like? Unnecessary KnowledgeGet your fact fix Next time you're bored and looking for a way to kill time, you can either numb your mind with a video of someone doing a face plant, or you can enrich your mind with a randomly generated fact. It might not change your life to know that pigs sleep on their right side, for instance, but this site will give you plenty of conversation fodder. Don't Even ReplyTake the bait, if you dare This site reads like the private diary of a professional online troll, and it's effing hilarious. By harmlessly answering ads on Craigslist with unbelievable but earnest-sounding replies, this gentleman truly elevates the act of messing with people to an art form. We know it's kind of messed up, but it's still a hoot. Free RiceUse your smarts to feed people We all want to help solve world hunger, and we'd love to do it from our computer. Free Rice lets us. Visitors are presented with simple quizzes that when answered correctly display ads, which pay for rice for impoverished nations. It's a great way to pass the time while waiting for your Hummer to get detailed. BitstripsDesign your avatar Bitstrips is a simple and fun way to create an online avatar for your Facebook page. You can choose your body, facial hair, height, clothes, and create fun comics, status updates, and greeting cards. We know it sounds like something your mom would do, but we think it's cool, damnit. Top Documentary FilmsFree, feature-length time killers We love documentaries, and this site lets you watch as many of them as your schedule allows, absolutely free. Whether you are into military history or just looking for a crash course in chemistry, you'll easily find great docs on any topic that piques your interest here. NationMasterExpand your horizons Geography geeks will love this one, as it encapsulates a ton of interesting trivia about the world's nations into easily digestible morsels. You can sort countries by categories like poverty, debt, murders, oil use, and lots more. It's a fun way to learn more about the world around you. Difference- BetweenDissecting the seemingly similar We all know the difference between CAT5 and CAT6, but do you know the difference between a slug and buckshot? A diamond and a trapezoid? Tropical storm and a hurricane? This site shows you the difference between two similar things, covering every subject imaginable. Sadly, there's no PC vs. Mac comparison. GeoguessrWhere in the world are you? This site drops you into an unknown location on Google Maps, lets you pan around a bit, and asks you to guess where you are located on a world map. When you choose, it tells you whether you're right or wrong, and then loads a new location. Three Go-To GamesIn-browser Flash games let you kill time, for free, in a variety of stress-relieving ways. Here are A few of our top picks. SuperhotIn this FPS, time moves at a snail's pace when you are stationary, which gives you the ability to dodge bullets and aim with crackshot precision. Freeciv-webThis open-source version of Civilization may not have all the bells and whistles of the real thing, but it's polished enough to act as a stunt double. Frog FactionsSimilar to Space Invaders, you play a frog who must defend his fruit supply against a constant horde of insects, assisted by some fun ability upgrades. |
Win a CyberPower PC Hadron Hydro Mini-ITX Gaming PC Posted: 10 Mar 2014 11:34 AM PDT Reminder: Giveaway ends Friday!It's time to give away a free gaming rig to one of our lucky followers - this time it's a CyberPower Inc. Hadron Hydro 300 small form factor gaming machine. It's a fully-loaded Core i7-4770K machine with a liquid-cooled GTX 780, and has dual 840 EVO SSDs despite its small dimensions. No purchase is necessary and it's available to US and Canadian residents! To apply, answer this question, "What is the name of the chip that powers the Nvidia GeForce GTX 780?" on our Facebook page. Full Prize Description: One winner will receive one grand prize consisting of a CyberPower Hadron Hydro 300 High Performance Computer which includes: Intel Core i7-4770K, 16GB DDR3 1866, EVGA GTX 780 Hydro Copper, 2x Samsung 840 EVO SSD 120GB, 24X DVD burner, EVGA Hadron Hydro chassis- used (tested by the Maximum PC team). Prize has an approximate value as used of $1,900.00 See official rules (next page) for prize details. Start Date:03 Mar 09:00am PT End Date:14 Mar 09:00am PT Future US, Inc.'s computer will be the official time clock for the Sweepstakes. NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND IS NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A PURCHASE WILL NOT IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. The privacy policy are here. Click the next page for official rules. Official Rules Win a CyberPower PC Hadron Hydro Mini-ITX Gaming Rig Contest! OFFICIAL RULES 1. SPONSOR: This promotion (the "Contest") is sponsored and administered by FUTURE US, INC., 4000 Shoreline Court, Suite 400, South San Francisco, CA 94080, +1 (650) 872-1642 ("Sponsor"), is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Inc., or CyberPowerPC Inc. or Facebook, Inc., and is subject to the following terms and conditions. 2. ELIGIBILITY: Contest is open to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and District of Columbia (excluding Arizona, Rhode Island, Guam, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, U.S. military installations in foreign countries, or in any other U.S. territories or possessions); and Canada (excluding the province of Quebec). Void where prohibited by law. Entrants must have attained the age of majority in their state and country of residence (usually at least eighteen (18) years of age) at time of entry, and possess an email address and a valid form of unexpired government-issued photo identification. Employees of Sponsor, its/their respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliated companies, advertising, promotion, or production agencies, any companies who are promotional participants or prize providers, web masters and web suppliers, and the foregoing employees' household or immediate family members (defined as parent, spouse, child, sibling, or grandparent) are NOT eligible to enter Contest. By their submission of entry, entrants warrant they are legally entitled and authorized to make such submission, either on their own behalf, or as to information submitted upon the express authorization of another on whose behalf the information is submitted. In the event of a dispute as to the winner's identity for online entries received from multiple users having the same email account, entries will be deemed made by the authorized subscriber of the email account associated with the entry. The authorized account subscriber is the natural person who is assigned the email address by the internet service provider (ISP), on-line service provider, or other organization responsible for assigning email addresses. Invalid or ineligible entries shall be excluded from consideration. 3. TIMING: Contest begins at 9:00 a.m. Pacific time on March 3, 2014 and ends at 9:00 a.m. Pacific time on March 14, 2014. Future US, Inc.' computer will be the official time clock for the Contest. Online entries must be received by Future US, Inc. by 9:00 a.m. Pacific time on END March 14, 2014 to be eligible. 4. HOW TO ENTER: Submit the answer to the question "What is the name of the chip that powers the Nvidia GeForce GTX 780?" and complete the requested fields online at No team entries and no corporate or institutional entries are permitted in Contest. Limit one entry per person. 5. ORIGINAL WORKS. You hereby warrant and represent that (a) you own all rights to all materials that you submit to Sponsor in connection with Contest ("Entry Materials"); (b) you have never submitted Entry Materials in another contest; and (c) all such Entry Materials are original works or authorship on your part and have not been copied, in whole or in part, from any other work and do not violate, misappropriate or infringe any copyright, trademark or other proprietary right or any privacy right of any other person or entity. 6. PRIZES AND ODDS: The Grand Prize consists of a used (tested by Maximum PC editorial staff): CyberPower Hadron Hydro 300 High Performance Computer ("Prize"). Specs include: Intel Core i7-4770K, 16GB DDR3 1866, EVGA GTX 780 Hydro Copper, 2x Samsung 840 EVO SSD 120GB, 24X DVD burner, EVGA Hadron Hydro chassis. Prize has an approximate value as used of $1,900.00. Prize must be delivered to zip/postal code listed on Winner's entry, and delivery may take six to eight weeks. The odds of winning will be determined by the number of eligible entries received. Prizes cannot be transferred, assigned, substituted, or redeemed for cash, and must be accepted as awarded, but Sponsor reserves the right to substitute any prize with a prize of equal or greater value should the advertised prize become unavailable for any reason. Prizes will not be fulfilled outside the United States and Canada; will not be fulfilled in Arizona, Rhode Island, Guam, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, U.S. military installations in foreign countries, or in any other U.S. territories or possessions; will not be fulfilled in the province of Quebec; and will not be fulfilled where prohibited or restricted by law. Winners will be responsible for all taxes (federal, state/provincial, and local) and all expenses not listed herein related to acceptance and use of any prize. Any person residing in the United States and any United States citizen living abroad, who wins $600 or more worth of prizes from Sponsor in a calendar year will receive an IRS form 1099 after the end of the calendar year in which the prizes were awarded, and copy of such form will be filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Limit one Prize per person. 7. JUDGING: One (1) winner will be selected by a judging panel comprised of editorial staff of Maximum PC ("Judges"). The Judges will randomly draw entries from all entries received, until they find an entry containing an answer that is accurate in alignment with Maximum PC's report on the question. Judging will be completed by March 19, 2014. Sponsor's decisions on all matters related to Contest, including Judges' selection of the winning entry, shall be final and binding and within their sole discretion. Winning is contingent upon compliance with all terms and conditions set forth in these official rules; any entry or any potential winner identified thereby found at any time to fail to comply with these official rules will be held invalid and ineligible for award. 8. NOTIFICATION: Each Winner will be notified by email by March 21, 2014. Each Winner so notified must within three (3) business days of notice of prize award, complete, execute and return the provided Affidavit, Waiver, Release and Indemnity Agreement including, where lawful, a Publicity Release (plus any additional documents required at the discretion of Sponsor). Failure to comply with the requirements of this paragraph (or the return of any prize or prize notification as non-deliverable) may result in disqualification and in the forfeiture of any right to a prize. To obtain any legally-required winners list, send a self-addressed envelope with sufficient prepaid postage to: Maximum PC, "Win a CyberPower PC Hadron Hydro Mini-ITX Gaming Rig! Contest", c/o Future US, Inc., 4000 Shoreline Court, Suite 400, South San Francisco, CA 94080. (Residents of Vermont do not have to include return postage.) 9. FUTURE US, INC.' USE OF ENTRIES. You hereby grant Future US, Inc. a perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide license and right to utilize the Entry Materials you submit in connection with Contest. The Entry Materials become the property of Future US, Inc. and will not be acknowledged or returned. 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In the event that the Contest is infected by a computer virus/worm/bug, or is not capable of running or being executed as planned (as a result of but not limited to an error, omission, defect, delay, misdirection, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, action of entrants, or technical failure) or any other cause which in the sole opinion of Sponsor corrupts or affects the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of the Contest, Sponsor reserves the right in their sole discretion to disqualify any suspect entry or entrant and to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest. In the event of such cancellation, termination, modification or suspension, notice thereof will be posted at the entry website(s) mentioned above, and winner(s) will be determined solely by Sponsor from among all eligible non-suspect and/or non-disqualified entries prior to action taken or as otherwise deemed fair and appropriate by Sponsor. In such event, Releasees shall have no liability to any entrant who is disqualified due to such an action. Failure to enforce any term of these official rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision. IN NO EVENT WILL THE RELEASEES BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR LOSSES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF YOUR ACCESS TO AND USE OF THE ENTRY WEBSITE OR ANY OTHER WEBSITE ASSOCIATED WITH RELEASEES, OR DOWNLOADING FROM AND/OR PRINTING MATERIAL DOWNLOADED FROM SUCH WEBSITES. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, EVERYTHING ON SUCH WEBSITES AND THE PRIZE ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, SOME JURISDICTIONS MAY NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES |
McAfee Identified an Astounding 200 New Malware Samples Per Minute in 2013 Posted: 10 Mar 2014 11:00 AM PDT |
Nvidia Releases GeForce 335.23 WHQL Drivers with Optimized Performance for Titanfall Posted: 10 Mar 2014 09:35 AM PDT |
Dell Precision M2800 is an Entry Level Mobile Workstation Starting at $1,199 Posted: 10 Mar 2014 08:31 AM PDT |
G.Skill Launches 16GB DDR3L-2133 SO-DIMM Ripjaws for Laptops and Mini PCs Posted: 10 Mar 2014 08:05 AM PDT |
Origin PC Adds Micro Tower Option to Chronos Line of Desktop Gaming Rigs Posted: 10 Mar 2014 06:33 AM PDT |
Newegg Daily Deals: Toshiba Canvio Basics 1TB USB 3.0 HDD, Acer 21.5-inch LED Monitor, and More! Posted: 10 Mar 2014 06:08 AM PDT Top Deal: If you're the type that likes to make a scene, one way you can do that is by heading over to the computer lab or your local library and wait for someone to whip out a USB thumb drive. That's when you say, "Oh, what's that you have there? That must hold what, 32GB? How cute!," That's when you pull out your USB hard drive and slam it on the table. Not too hard, mind you. In fact, just place it down gently and yell out, "Bam!" Sound like fun? Then check out today's top deal for a Toshiba Canvio Basics 3.0 1TB 2.5-inch Portable Hard Drive for $60 with free shipping (normally $70 - use coupon code: [EMCPGPD27]). Granted, it won't slip into your pocket as neatly as a flash drive, but it does boast USB 3.0 connectivity, plug-and-play operation, and lots of storage space. Other Deals: Acer Black 21.5-inch 5ms Widescreen LED Monitor for $100 with free shipping (normally $110 - use coupon code: [EMCPGPD22]) Corsair Obsidian Series 650D Black Aluminum / Steel ATX Mid Tower Case for $140 with free shipping (normally $180 - use coupon code: [EMCPGPF35]; additional $20 Mail-in rebate) Kingston DataTraveler SE9 16GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive for $9 with free shipping (normally $12 - use coupon code: [EMCPGPF68]) Corsair Hydro Series H100i Extreme Performance Water/Liquid CPU Cooler. 240mm for $95 with free shipping (normally $105 - use coupon code: [EMCPGPF73]) |
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