


Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn: In-Game Economy, Housing & Preview of What's to Come

Posted: 04 Feb 2014 04:21 AM PST

In-Game Economy, Housing & Preview of What

The digest version of the latest Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Letter from the Producer Live has been published. The event allowed players to ask questions of the development team, often with interesting results. The digest condenses the video in text form and covers topics as wide-ranging as economic issues, the price of housing, and the new Amdapor Township.

The Secret World: Tokyo & The Whispering Tide Final Chapter Detailed

Posted: 04 Feb 2014 03:58 AM PST

Tokyo & The Whispering Tide Final Chapter Detailed

The Secret World site has been updated with this month's update. Penned by Romain Amiel, the letter goes in to some detail about the forthcoming final chapter in the Whispering Tide open raid and then, most excitingly, Amiel discusses the upcoming Tokyo update. Additionally, screens are posted to show off the winner of the "get your art in the game" and how it will look in game.

Age of Conan: Unchained: Latest Game Director's Letter Announces New Feature

Posted: 04 Feb 2014 03:46 AM PST

Latest Game Director

Senior Designer Matt Bennett has penned this month's Age of Conan Game Directo's letter. In it, he goes over recent changes to PvP gear, the release of salvage tables for all in-game items and then spends the rest of the letter discussing the Daily Quest feature that will be in place in the near future.

Blade & Soul: Japanese Teaser Page Raises Speculation

Posted: 02 Feb 2014 04:39 PM PST

Japanese Teaser Page Raises Speculation

Steparu.com has unearth a new Japanese language teaser page for Blade & Soul. The article goes on to say that there is yet no word whether or not the game will be IP blocked for Japanese users only and/or when it will be released.

General: Might & Magic X: Legacy Debuts on uPlay & Steam

Posted: 02 Feb 2014 04:14 PM PST

Might & Magic X: Legacy Debuts on uPlay & Steam

Ubisoft has announced that Might & Magic X: Legacy is now officially released for PC in both a Standard and a Deluxe edition. MMX has been in Early Access since late 2013. The game can be purchased directly from Ubisoft or on the Steam gaming platform.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Producer's 2014 Roadmap Published

Posted: 03 Feb 2014 03:09 PM PST


Star Wars: The Old Republic Producer Bruce Maclean has published the 2014 Roadmap on the official site to lay out how the game will be progressing throughout the next few months. Included is the news that the free digital expansion, Galactic Starfighter, will launch for all players on Tuesday, February 4th and that players can expect another significant update in April.

EverQuest II: Dave Georgeson Details Future Updates

Posted: 03 Feb 2014 03:00 PM PST

Dave Georgeson Details Future Updates

Sony Online Entertainment's Dave Georgeson has been a busy man with the alpha launch of EverQuest Next: Landmark and today's post detailing future updates for EverQuest II. In a nutshell, SOE plans to provide smaller, less-significant updates on a weekly basis and beefier, content rich updates every month. According to Georgeson, SOE is committed to this schedule and has every intention to honor it.

World of Warcraft: Blizzard Store Reopens with New Name

Posted: 03 Feb 2014 12:42 PM PST

Blizzard Store Reopens with New Name

The Blizzard Store has been closed since late 2013 but, as of today, has reopened under the name "Blizzard Gear". As expected, the site features clothing, artwork, toys, etc. Interested WoW players can also get their hands on a physical authenticator for account protection. Most interestingly, there is a new "Caverns of Time" section that will allow players to get hold of Blizzcon items from years past.

EVE Online: 38-Page New Pilot Guide Released

Posted: 03 Feb 2014 12:34 PM PST

38-Page New Pilot Guide Released

EVE Online can be a daunting game for new players. To assist the uninitiated, CCP has released a brand new 38-page new pilots guide to help smooth the learning curve a bit. It is downloadable in .pdf format from the official EVE Online site.

Elder Scrolls Online: Preorders - Testing Community Loyalty?

Posted: 01 Feb 2014 06:19 PM PST

Preorders - Testing Community Loyalty?

When Zenimax announced preorder details for The Elder Scrolls Online last week, response was clearly mixed. The upcoming subscription-based MMO has several tiers, just like most recent releases, each with its own perks. It was some of these perks, including the ability to play as Imperial in any faction and especially the Explorer's Pack, which lets you play any race in any alliance, which drew the most ire. But what do the reactions mean in the context of the community?

Guild Wars 2: Edge of the Mists Hopes to Bring in New WvW-ers

Posted: 01 Feb 2014 06:02 PM PST

Edge of the Mists Hopes to Bring in New WvW-ers

Like other MMOs in the past, Guild Wars 2 offers multiple styles of gameplay to reach a wider variety of players. ArenaNet offers typical cooperative rpg elements for PvE players, and competitive fast paced action for those that prefer PvP. WvW has always been in the center, trying to grab attention from both groups. That's why we are seeing Living Story content in in WvW, through the addition of the Edge of the Mist.

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen: Brad McQuaid Talks Portalarium Partnership

Posted: 01 Feb 2014 05:53 PM PST

Brad McQuaid Talks Portalarium Partnership

Last week Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen launched a joint rewards program with Richard Garriott's Shroud of the Avatar game over at Portalarium. The first step in this program will allow backers to get an in game cloak. This marks one of the first times we have seen MMO companies working together to promote their games. We sat down with Brad McQuaid to talk about the new partnership as well as get some insight into what is planned for Pantheon in the coming months.

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