


Guild Wars 2: Digital Deluxe Edition & Gem Code Giveaway!

Posted: 23 Feb 2014 07:23 PM PST

Digital Deluxe Edition & Gem Code Giveaway!

MMORPG.com is partnering with ArenaNet to celebrate the launch of Guild Wars 2 Living World Atlas with an awesome giveaway!

General: Rerolling

Posted: 24 Feb 2014 03:51 PM PST


It's the time of week we all look forward to with the latest edition of MMORPG.Comic. This time, artist Blaz Klaric brings us his irreverent look into the foibles of the MMO worlds we love, and love to hate. Check out "Rerolling" and then leave us your thoughts in the comments.

Guild Wars 2: Battle for Lion's Arch Trailer & Living World Atlas Arrive

Posted: 24 Feb 2014 09:46 AM PST

Battle for Lion

ArenaNet has released a brand new trailer, "Battle for Lion's Arch", that sets the stage for the next Guild Wars 2 Living Story update that will see players preparing for war against Scarlet Briar and her minions. The battle will be an epic one for the survival and revival of the venerable city of Lion's Arch. In addition, ArenaNet has released the "Living World Atlas" to help players review the history of the events that are only now unfolding.

General: Fearless Fantasy: The Weirdest RPG You'll Play This Year

Posted: 25 Feb 2014 05:42 AM PST

Fearless Fantasy: The Weirdest RPG You

Enter Skies has announced that its new RPG, Fearless Fantasy, is the "weirdest RPG you'll play this year" and that it will be coming to the Steam gaming platform later this year. The graphics give it an "Alice in Wonderland" type of feel and critical hits are scored via gestures more than combat.

Diablo 3: Patch v2.0.1 Goes Live Today in NA, Tomorrow for EU

Posted: 25 Feb 2014 05:21 AM PST

Patch v2.0.1 Goes Live Today in NA, Tomorrow for EU

According to a Tweet from Blizzard's Alex Mayberry, the Diablo III patch v2.0.1, the precursor to the Reaper of Souls expansion, will go live later today in North America and tomorrow for the EU. The update will feature the reworked Paragon system, Loot 2.0 (fewer, more meaningful drops) system, clans/communities, and scaling monster levels.

World of Warcraft: Blizzard: $60 for Level 90 Boost Explained

Posted: 25 Feb 2014 03:44 AM PST

Blizzard: $60 for Level 90 Boost Explained

Speaking to Eurogamer, Blizzard's Ion Hazzikostas explained why the cost of leveling a single character in World of Warcraft will cost $60, a price many feels is too high. Blizzard wants to allow players to boost more than one character without, he said, the need to purchase a second copy of the Warlords of Draenor expansion. The $60 price point, however, was chosen so as to "not devalue the accomplishment of leveling".

Diablo 3: Two New Preorder Perks Revealed

Posted: 23 Feb 2014 04:57 PM PST

Two New Preorder Perks Revealed

Blizzard has announced a pair of new items that will be included in the Diablo III expansion, Reaper of Souls. The items will be made available on any account that preordered either the standard or digital deluxe edition of the expansion. The Heroes of the Storm playable character, Valla the Demon Hunter, will be automatically gifted to players once the game goes live. In addition, the Wings of Valor cosmetic items will be added to player accounts on March 20th.

Ghost Recon Online: Veteran's Rewards Program Announced

Posted: 24 Feb 2014 03:16 PM PST


Ubisoft has announced that it will be implementing a veterans' rewards program to recognize long time supporters of Ghost Recon Online. Recipients will earn in-game currency equal to about $30. In addition, the team has announced the arrival of Smoke Grenades and Tactical Insertions, now available for public testing.

General: Tom Clancy's Endwar Online: Trailer Heralds Beta Sign Ups

Posted: 24 Feb 2014 02:50 PM PST

Tom Clancy

Ubisoft has released a trailer to tease fans about its forthcoming Endwar Online. Based on Tom Clancy's Endwar, and taking place shortly after, the game is a tactical and strategic MMO that pits players' armies against one another in worldwide battles. Check out the teaser before heading to the official Tom Clancy's Endwar Online site to sign up for the first round of testing.

General: Design Director Craig Scott Leaves CCP for Bigpoint

Posted: 24 Feb 2014 12:58 PM PST

Design Director Craig Scott Leaves CCP for Bigpoint

CCP's Design Director, Craig Scott, has left the company for a position as Lead Designer at Bigpoint. According to the press release, Scott will take on the Lead Designer role at Bigpoint and bring "innovative" new games to the MMO-space.

Defiance: Gunslinger Trials Will Change the Way You Play

Posted: 24 Feb 2014 08:49 AM PST

Gunslinger Trials Will Change the Way You Play

The Defiance team at Trion Worlds is on fire. The folks have been pushing out content much quicker since the team consolidated to San Francisco. Hot on the heels of the 7th Legion DLC, new outfits and weapons, new factions, and incursions, Trion is prepping The Gunslinger Trials: it's first major story-focused DLC. We caught up with Creative Lead Trick Dempsey to chat about the Trials. There will be some story spoilers ahead, so be warned!

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen: Crowd Funding Moves to Official Site

Posted: 24 Feb 2014 10:22 AM PST

Crowd Funding Moves to Official Site

Crowd funding for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen has moved from KickStarter, where the initiative fell short by a significant amount, to the official site. In addition to this news, the Pantheon team is pleased to announce that it has moved into "development mode" and that it is hard at work on the game.

Star Citizen: Squadron 42 with Erin Roberts

Posted: 24 Feb 2014 02:15 AM PST

Squadron 42 with Erin Roberts

Erin Roberts graciously agreed to give me his first interview with a US-based audience and I learned a lot about Star Citizen's optional introductory military campaign. While SC is an MMO, the S42 mission pack will be sort of a tutorial for new players. Today we're going to take a look at what sorts of missions you should expect to see, what options players will have going into those missions, and what the success or failure of those missions will do to impact the rest of the campaign.

Guild Wars 2: Is the Gem Store Ruining Guild Wars 2?

Posted: 22 Feb 2014 05:20 PM PST

Is the Gem Store Ruining Guild Wars 2?

Over the years the MMO genre has gone through some changes, but has mostly stuck to well established norms. ArenaNet wanted to go in a separate direction with Guild Wars 2, going against what we see in MMO game design. One little feature that has become very common in MMOs, did make its way into Guild Wars 2. I'm talking about micro-transaction, which happen in the gem store. Does this mean ArenaNet kicked the need of skill to the curb, and embraced pay to win?!

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