Blade and Soul China : New Year Ang Bao 3 X Events! (17th feb to 28th feb) Posted: Level 40 players and above who have not logged into Blade and Soul from 29th Jan till 7th Feb, you will be able to collect 4 gifts when you enter game today. Every QQ account is limited to only one redemption.  |
The Elder Scrolls online: Blacksmithing in Tamriel Posted: There are tons of opportunities for crafters to flourish in ESO. You can learn to create helpful food and drink items with provisioning, fashion enchantments for gear, brew potions using alchemy, and forge and improve weapons and armor of all sorts with smithing, our most involved skill.  |
BLESS: Monsters and Mount Posted: BLESS official site today provide us some screenshots and art work about monsters and Mounts.There are supposed to have more than 200 mounts in BLESS, and some of them (20 or more) will revealed in CBT. Mounts can be got from variety ways, like game store, reward of tasks, and trophy form fight down enemies/monsters.  |
BNS New Class Warlock Leaked Posted: Apparently, a new class, WARLOCK will be introduced in Blade and Soul KR soon.The class icon has been found in the client.  |
Firefall New Milestone Thoughts !? Posted: Over the past months it has been quite a buzz on Firefall forums from Red5 talking about the changes and now as they have been introduced in the game is time to dig in and see what firetruck has been changed and if is it for the good or bad !  |
Warframe: Storm Files : Ep.7 "Latron Prime Is A Beast" Posted: 've been using Latron Prime for at least three months. So when the new 12.0 patch rolled around. I was happier then anyone with a buff to my main weapon of choice. The buff mainly effected status chance which ended up at 47%. And pushing up the crit damage on the gun. This now makes my crits on normal anything 3 to 4k. Vital area crits are 15-20 depending on if mods are correct for the enemies weakness.  |