Shadowmantle of Neverwinter Goes Live Posted: Neverwinter finally revealed the veil of Shadowmantle today with great amounts of new features and changes.Players are now able to play the new class-the Hunter Ranger, as well as to enter the new zone-Dread Ring. There are also several new systems added to Neverwinter: Active Campaign Bonus System, Collection System, Artifacts System and Item Progress System. Shadowmantle is also introducing Paragon Paths in the game for all the existing classes. Now players will have sets of powers and features to choose from for each character.  |
Wind of Changes - New Expansion for ALLODS ONLINE is Live Worldwide Posted: 5th December 2013 (Dublin, Ireland) – All ALLODS ONLINE players can enjoy "Wind of Changes," the latest expansion now live on all European and American servers.In "Wind of Changes," some major game features have been redesigned, and one of the most important changes being made is in the new Dominion!  |
The Awakening of the Emerald Dragon Posted: Next week, on the 11th of December, the Action-RPG Dragon Nest Europe's big level 60 update will be launched. Except for pushing the level cap from 40 to 60, introducing the second job specialization and opening the new area „Lotus Marsh", there are many more updates waiting for the players.  |
Brushy's One Week in BnS, and Plenty of Fun :D Posted: It's been a week! and as i guessed, the big weekly maintenance falls on thurdays, exactly one week after the start of open beta. This maintenance is quite the long one, involving trading house issues and more.  |