
MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

Wrapping Up 2013 And Anticipating 2014 Thoughts!


Wrapping Up 2013 And Anticipating 2014 Thoughts!

In this Late Night Ramble, Zach Sharpes gives his thoughts on 2013 for the MMO industry while also thinking about his anticipations and hopes for 2014. Topics discussed include games released in 2013, directions taken in 2013, games releasing in 2014, directions we hope the industry goes in 2014, and also games we hope are announced in 2014.

Naruto Spirit starts Grand Open Beta period


Naruto Spirit starts Grand Open Beta period

The game which successfully replicates the world of Naruto will officially start its Open Beta on December 26, 2013 at 10 a.m.Naruto Spirit is a cherished product as its creation consumed a lot of resources and manpower of Young World Technology.

The Repopulation Greenlight Trailer Revealed


The Repopulation Greenlight Trailer Revealed

The Repopulation recently revealed its Greenlight Trailer and also brought us some news. Closed Alpha Round 3 will be set in March 2014. And all Closed Beta Round 1 backers will be getting a preview weekend during Closed Alpha Round 3.

Nanbo's Neverwinter Experience Levels 20 - 30


Nanbo's Neverwinter Experience Levels 20 - 30

You will note in my first run I had a score of 4/5. In the next run I had an evolving score of 3.5 as the game started to take a turn for the mediocre. What happened half way to end game? Will this game gain, lose, or retain it's score? Read on!

Heroes of the Storm: First Gameplay Video !


Heroes of the Storm: First Gameplay Video !

Even thought Heroes of the Storm, is still in an early alpha version, we finally have a video of an actual gameplay.Blizzard showcased a few matches, where you can see everything, starting with the user interface up to character models and abilities! They promised that we'll see news on the development now on a more regular basis!

LOL Cosplay Collection [12.25]


LOL Cosplay Collection [12.25]

League of Legends weekly champions cosplay is here with you again. This week we present you Katarina in page one, Nidalee and Akali in page two as well as Annie in page three. Which do you think is the best one?

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