MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

First CGI Trailer of MapleStory2


First CGI Trailer of MapleStory2

Yesterday, Nexon posted their first CGI Trailer which showed some PVP actions in their teaser site. The Beta tests are scheduled for 2014.

Guild Wars 2: So We Are 80 What Now? - Ep.31 "Ascended Gear Done Fast"


Guild Wars 2: So We Are 80 What Now? - Ep.31

What I wanted to do this episode. Was show how to get ascended gear faster. And make it easier for everyone to understand how to do it. I use Gw2stuff to hawk the hardest item to secure in the process.

Diablo III - Reaper of Souls Now in Closed Beta!


Diablo III - Reaper of Souls Now in Closed Beta!

Yesterday, Blizzard announced that the forthcoming Diablo III. expansion, entitled Reaper of Souls is available for testing in closed beta.

LoL Free Champion Rotation (Preseason Week 4)


LoL Free Champion Rotation (Preseason Week 4)

This week's, Preseason Week 4, free to play champion rotation includes Annie, Ashe, Morgana, Nunu, Sona, Trundle, Orianna, Volibear, Sejuani, and Draven. These champions will be available for free Talonstarting today!

The Three Main Classes in Naruto Spirit


The Three Main Classes in Naruto Spirit

Naruto Spirit is a tactical browser MMO based on the famous manga Naruto. Joining the ninja world of Naruto Spirit, players can choose one of the 3 Main Jutsu Classes: Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, & Taijutsu, for their character.

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