MMO Updates |
- Neverwinter's Shadowmantle launches with new class, zone, and more
- Fallen Earth adds holiday spirit to the wasteland
- Mobile shooter APB: Retribution announced
- War Thunder Ground Forces closed beta has begun
- First cast members for World of Warcraft movie revealed
- The Think Tank: Which MMOs are you looking forward to the most in 2014?
- Alter Ego: Issue #4 - Kid Critical in the Scarecrow's Lair
- The Daily Grind: How influential is pre-launch art?
- The Stream Team: Dota 2's most thankless job
- The Stream Team: Tank time in TERA
- Explore Destiny's early fantasy, sci-fi, and space western art
- The Art of Wushu: Taking all comers with Shaolin boxing
- Elder Scrolls Online classes won't 'chain you to any one playstyle'
- Free for All: Ten of my favorite in-game items
- World of Warcraft livestreamer detained by police during livestream
- Blacklight: Retribution launches today for European PS4 consoles
- EVE Online's New Eden Open II boasts $25,000 prize pool
- War Thunder CEO discusses free-to-play's future on consoles
- RIFT shows off its customer service department
Neverwinter's Shadowmantle launches with new class, zone, and more Posted: 05 Dec 2013 09:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Classes, Game Mechanics, Patches, News Items, Free-to-Play, Dungeons, Neverwinter Neverwinter's latest content hit today as the Shadowmantle module launched, giving players a variety of new things to occupy their time, from places to go to people to be. Players can now embark on their adventures as a brand-new class, the Hunter Ranger, which is a mix of both ranged and melee abilities. For the level-60 crowd, there is also a new dungeon to dive into (Valindra's Tower), a new skirmish to participate in (Dread Legion), and a whole new region to explore (the Dread Ring). The over-level-21 crowd can get its hands on new artifacts thanks to new quests.Other updates included in this module are a collections system, active companion bonuses, more Paragon Path choices, a voting system to kick out party members, and more. A full-run down of all the changes, balances, and additions are available in the patch notes.
Fallen Earth adds holiday spirit to the wasteland Posted: 05 Dec 2013 08:30 AM PST Filed under: Fallen Earth, Patches, Free-to-Play, Post-Apocalyptic, Dev Diaries The Fallen Earth dev blog is singing a merry tune today with the reveal of this year's winter holiday gear and a look at what's in store for 2014.Even in the wasteland, holidays sweaters seem to persist, and you can grab one for yourself in the Fallen Earth store. The team also mentioned bug fixes in this new patch, as well as a look toward The Outpost's new design, featuring an area to explore and build. "Our focus for this expansion is putting more control of the players' experience in their hands and giving crafters more of a role at the higher levels," says lead designer Marie Croall in the blog. Check out the full entry for more details and images of holiday-wrapped post-apocalyptic vehicles.... because that's just something you don't see every day.
Mobile shooter APB: Retribution announced Posted: 05 Dec 2013 08:15 AM PST Filed under: Trailers, Video, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, Mobile, All Points Bulletin Players wanting a little more shooter action while on the go will soon be able to jump into APB: Retribution, a top-down tactical shooter developed expressly for mobile devices. Not too much more is known about the game (like whether or not it is multiplayer let alone massive is any way) other than it is set in the same universe of the MMO APB: Reloaded.Retribution is the first step along the planned route of expanding beyond the main MMO. This project was completed in six months, and Blazing Griffin, working with Reloaded Productions, already has a spin off planned. APB: Retribution is slated to release for iOS devices this month. Continue reading Mobile shooter APB: Retribution announced
War Thunder Ground Forces closed beta has begun Posted: 05 Dec 2013 08:00 AM PST Filed under: Betas, Historical, PvP War Thunder's Ground Forces expansion has opened the gates to closed beta earlier this week, allowing players who participated in daily in-game challenges throughout November to experience the new content first."Our ultimate goal is to have hundreds of thousands of individual games made up of dozens of players who can experience intense battles where they come from the skies, the land and eventually from the sea," said Anton Yudintsev, CEO, Gaijin Entertainment. "The launch of Ground Forces Expansion closed beta is another step towards that goal." You can purchase an advanced pack full of exclusive content that will also allow access to December's closed beta events by visiting the game's online store.
First cast members for World of Warcraft movie revealed Posted: 05 Dec 2013 07:30 AM PST Filed under: World of Warcraft, Fantasy, Events (Real-World), MMO Industry, Subscription If you were secretly hoping your leet World of Warcraft skills would land you a leading role in the upcoming live-action movie adaptation, we hate to burst your bubble but the first cast members have been revealed. Universal Pictures has announced that Ben Foster, Paula Patton, Rob Kazinsky, Travis Fimme, and Toby Kebbell have all be signed on to the project. Another cast member, Dominic Cooper, was named, but remains in negotiation. Each of the stars have various television and film credits to their name. The Azeroth-based movie is set to release in 2016 after being delayed from December 2015.
The Think Tank: Which MMOs are you looking forward to the most in 2014? Posted: 05 Dec 2013 07:00 AM PST Filed under: MMO Industry, New Titles, Opinion, Miscellaneous, The Think Tank We have some great titles to look forward to in 2014, including The Elder Scrolls Online, EQN Landmark, WildStar, and more. Since we've got a diverse team of MMO fans here on staff, I was curious about each writer's anticipated picks for the new year. Check out the answers just after the cut! And don't forget we'll do our official most-anticipated vote later on this month. Continue reading The Think Tank: Which MMOs are you looking forward to the most in 2014?
Alter Ego: Issue #4 - Kid Critical in the Scarecrow's Lair Posted: 05 Dec 2013 06:00 AM PST Filed under: Super-hero, Galleries, Screenshots, MMO Industry, PvE, Free-to-Play, Comics, Roleplaying, DC Universe Online, Alter-Ego, Dungeons Last time in Massively's DC Universe Online comic, Kid Critical helped Batman foil the Scarecrow's plan to turn Gotham's East End into a living nightmare. The mad scientist subsequently retreated to his lair beneath the city streets, where he managed to capture Batwoman and unleash his hellish fear gas on the pursuing Kid Critical.Now, Batwoman and the Kid must join forces to survive Scarecrow's hallucinogenic traps -- not to mention his cheesy banter. Will they make it out of the Scarecrow's Lair with their sanity intact? Turn the page to find out! Continue reading Alter Ego: Issue #4 - Kid Critical in the Scarecrow's Lair
The Daily Grind: How influential is pre-launch art? Posted: 05 Dec 2013 05:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Culture, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, The Daily Grind, Destiny, Buy-to-Play Slowly but surely Bungie is roping me onto its Destiny bandwagon. It didn't take much, to be frank, since I rarely meet a sci-fi shooter I don't enjoy at least a little bit. And hey, I'm one of those infernal dudebros who loves the heck out of the Halo franchise, too!Anyway, Destiny. It's got some really sick art. Plus it seems like Bungie has taken the time to create a proper world and properly age it, if yesterday's art-focused video is any indication. That leads me to this morning's Daily Grind question. Does concept art affect your excitement for a title one way or the other? Put another way, how influential is a game's pre-launch art?
The Stream Team: Dota 2's most thankless job Posted: 04 Dec 2013 05:30 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Video, PvE, Free-to-Play, Massively Meta, Hands-On, MOBA, The Stream Team Dota 2, like most MOBAs, is a team sport. And in order for the team to succeed, some players have to shy away from glory and instead focus on propping up others. This is the thankless role of a Dota 2 support, the person who buys couriers, is always under-leveled, and never has gold for the game's coolest items. Tune in as Massively's Mike Foster leaps into the support role in the hopes of propping his team up into a glorious victory by letting others stand in the limelight. Feeding begins at 8:30 p.m. EST.Game: Dota 2 Host: Mike Foster Date: Wednesday, December 4, 2013 Time: 8:30 p.m. EST Enjoy our Steam Team video below. Continue reading The Stream Team: Dota 2's most thankless job
The Stream Team: Tank time in TERA Posted: 04 Dec 2013 04:00 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Video, PvE, Free-to-Play, Massively Meta, Hands-On, TERA, Livestream, Dungeons, The Stream Team, MMORPG The world of TERA is filled with gigantic monsters just waiting to make mincemeat out of an unsuspecting group of adventurers. The only thing between a brave party and death is a good tank, and Massively's Mike Foster is happy to take on the task. Tune in for a closer look at TERA's action-combat-oriented tanking mechanics, and for a glance at some of the enormous, dangerous foes that make this particular MMO unique. The action starts at 7:00 p.m. EST.Game: TERA Host: Mike Foster Date: Wednesday, December 4, 2013 Time: 7:00 p.m. EST Enjoy our Steam Team video below. Continue reading The Stream Team: Tank time in TERA
Explore Destiny's early fantasy, sci-fi, and space western art Posted: 04 Dec 2013 03:30 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Culture, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, Consoles, Destiny, Buy-to-Play Game Informer is gearing up for some Destiny content reveals, the first of which is a six-minute video journey through the sci-fantasy shooter's art direction.The clip also features an extended Thundarr the Barbarian segment, so there's that. Art director Christopher Barrett says that for a while, Bungie wasn't sure if it had a fantasy, a space western, or hard sci-fi on its hands, and the early art reflects a lot of that "fun exploration." Most of the ideas ultimately ended up in the game, too, as Barrett says that Bungie was able to create a sort of "historical or aged look with sci-fi that felt new."
The Art of Wushu: Taking all comers with Shaolin boxing Posted: 04 Dec 2013 03:00 PM PST Filed under: Historical, Classes, PvP, Opinion, Free-to-Play, Guides, Age of Wushu, The Art of Wushu, MMORPG However, I don't dislike Long Boxing because it's the best. There has to be a "best" style, though that can be obfuscated a bit with counters (which is the case for many other top-tier styles). The reason I hate it is that it has no counterplay. Even if you understand exactly what your opponent will do next with Long Boxing, there are only a tiny handful of style-specific answers if your opponent just follows a basic flowchart. Everyone else just loses. It's really that frustrating. Continue reading The Art of Wushu: Taking all comers with Shaolin boxing
Elder Scrolls Online classes won't 'chain you to any one playstyle' Posted: 04 Dec 2013 02:00 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Classes, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, PvE, Dev Diaries, The Elder Scrolls Online, Subscription Ready for more Elder Scrolls Online progression info? We hope so, because ZeniMax has dropped a fairly meaty dev blog this afternoon that details the upcoming fantasy MMO's skill lines.Wait, isn't ESO a class-based game? Well, yes, but ZeniMax says that classes won't "chain you to any one playstyle." Each class has three skill lines, and each line has different skills that are "thematically related to the class." When you combine those three lines "with the many, many other lines available to every character, each member of a particular class can be wildly different from the next," the company claims. ESO is also tying some of its skill lines into exploration activities. For example, some skill lines have to be discovered out in the wide world of Tamriel, and ZeniMax took inspiration from Skyrim's Dragon Words when it designed additional skill point rewards that are acquired by finding hidden Skyshards. Finally, the dev blog touches on skill morphing, so head the ESO website and give it a full read.
Free for All: Ten of my favorite in-game items Posted: 04 Dec 2013 01:00 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, EVE Online, Culture, Ryzom, Opinion, Ultima Online, RuneScape, Free-to-Play, Browser, Casual, Mabinogi, Allods Online, Free for All, Battlestar Galactica Online, Miscellaneous, PlanetSide 2, Sandbox, Subscription I love things. Truly I do. Only specific things, though. Over the last year I have doubled my efforts to catalog most of the best things in my life, from pictures and artwork to writings and songs I have played on. It's a sort of meta-hobby. As part of the effort I want to organize many of my favorite MMO in-game items, simply because I have played MMOs for so long and they are such a part of my life. I have a lot of favorite items, but some tend to stick out in my memory like a favorite smell or place.After I finished an initial list of MMO items (it was well over 50 items in the beginning), I was surprised at how much variety there was in the items and in the games I listed. I think it reflects my character a lot, but also shows that I am a sentimental plod most of the time. I cut the list down to these 10, but I am sure I will wish to adjust the list again in the future. Feel free to add your own favorites in the comments section! Continue reading Free for All: Ten of my favorite in-game items
World of Warcraft livestreamer detained by police during livestream Posted: 04 Dec 2013 12:30 PM PST Filed under: World of Warcraft, Fantasy, Video, News Items, Subscription During his livestream last night, Swifty -- a popular World of Warcraft player and livestreamer -- was paid a visit by the police after they received a call regarding "a false accusation that Swifty was threatening someone with a knife." As he was streaming, the officers questioned Swifty, searched his home, and finally detained him for a trip to the station. This is the second time that Swifty has been the target of what appears to be a remarkably extreme prank caller, and he's understandably more than a little upset. However, it's currently unknown what kind of action -- if any -- Swifty will be taking to catch the perpetrator. You can see the whole hullabaloo for yourself in a recording of the stream past the cut. Continue reading World of Warcraft livestreamer detained by police during livestream
Blacklight: Retribution launches today for European PS4 consoles Posted: 04 Dec 2013 12:00 PM PST Filed under: Sci-Fi, Launches, News Items, War, Free-to-Play, Consoles, MMOFPS, Post-Apocalyptic Zombie Studios' free-to-play multiplayer shooter, Blacklight: Retribution, is set for launch on European PlayStation 4 consoles today. The game, which hit North American PS4s as a launch-day beta, does not require a subscription to PlayStation Plus.Blacklight: Retribution originally released in April of 2012, hitting Steam a few months later. Since then, it has become one of the most-played shooters on Valve's digital distribution platform. The game was originally slated to land in Europe with the PS4 but suffered a brief delay.
EVE Online's New Eden Open II boasts $25,000 prize pool Posted: 04 Dec 2013 11:30 AM PST Filed under: Sci-Fi, EVE Online, Contests, Events (In-Game), Sandbox, Subscription Lock and load, space jockeys: EVE Online's back with New Eden Open II -- and this year the prize pool is far larger than 2012's.The New Eden Open is a space combat tournament between 32 12-player teams, all competing for real cash prizes. First place will net $12,000, second place $8,000, and third place $5,000. To compete, a team must win a spot via a silent auction or through a raffle. CCP is fine-tuning the tournament based on last year's performance and is taking care to schedule it around the holidays. Signups begin on December 12th, with the auction proceeding on the 20th and the tournament taking place on three consecutive weekends in February.
War Thunder CEO discusses free-to-play's future on consoles Posted: 04 Dec 2013 11:00 AM PST Filed under: Interviews, MMO Industry, News Items, Free-to-Play Free has become the entry point for a lot of games on both mobile devices and the computer. If you enjoy the game, you spend money, but it costs nothing to try it. But what about free-to-play on consoles? War Thunder is on the PlayStation 4 and is looking to the future, but as Gaijin Entertainment CEO Anton Yudintsev explains, the problem with a large number of free-to-play games is a matter of polish.Yudintsev goes on to compare his company's flagship game to Call of Duty and its record-breaking profits, stating, "We're not the greedy bastards here." He sees a bright future for free-to-play on consoles but also asserts that free developers have to step up to a higher level of refinement, delivering more polished mechanics to get past the initial bias of console gamers. Take a look at the full interview with Yudintsev for more elaboration on his views of the console makret compared to the PC market.
RIFT shows off its customer service department Posted: 04 Dec 2013 10:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Culture, MMO Industry, News Items, Free-to-Play, RIFT, Subscription What's it like working a day in customer service? Most of you probably don't have to speculate, since the odds of you having worked retail at some point hover right around almost certainty. But have you worked customer service for a game before? If you have, then you probably don't have any need to look at RIFT's new post about the perils of working in the game's CS team. If you haven't, maybe you'd like to know a bit more about the people you're cursing about as you try to get your character bugs resolved.Aside from showing off some anecdotes and company-wide teamwork for the team, the post also contains the helpful reminder for players of every games that things which seem to be exploits are probably better off reported rather than, well, exploited. If you want a peek behind the curtain to see how the service team operates within games in general and RIFT in particular, take a look at the full article.
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