SMITE Revealed A New God: Ah Muzen Cab - The God of Bees Posted: SMITE revealed that a new Mayan god will be added to the god roster: Ah Muzen Cab - The God of Bees. You can check out the video below for the lore, abilities and battle gameplay of Ah Muzen Cab. His skill description is available to be checked here.  |
Echo of Soul (KR) Earns $ 3.6 Million In Pocket Per Month Posted: Korean publisher NHN Entertainment recently unveiled the Q3 financial report, which states that the fantasy MMORPG Echo of Soul earns 4 billion Won (about $ 3.6 million) per month and NHN is preparing for subsidiary companies for China and North America.  |
Shroud of the Avatar Release Schedule Confirmed, Release 1 Coming December Posted: Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues has got a detailed release schedule of early access over the next few months. The first phase of test will begin Dec 12 and end Dec 14th, 2013. While the second, third and fourth phase time are Jan 24 - 6 2014, Feb 20 - 22 2014, and March 20 - ? 2014 respectively. Different phase of test focuses on different gameplay content.  |
Archlord 2 Open Beta Merge Servers in 22 Days Posted: As you may remember our previous reports on Archlord 2 KR server's bugs, logging problem, hack issues and "pay" to play in Open Beta. Today Webzen has announced that Archloard 2 will merge servers and raise the level cap to 45 in the upcoming patch.  |
Galaxy Legend: How to Earn More Leptons, Quarks, and Battle Supply Posted: In Galaxy Legend, you are able to recruit as many commanders as you want for your ships. However, you will need leptons and quarks in order to do this. Leptons are used to recruit the standard commanders, while quarks are used to recruit the elite commanders, who are statistically superior to standard commanders. Read on to find out how to get more leptons, quarks, and battle supply!  |
RIFT Update 2.5: Song of Dreams Has Been Live Posted: The Song of Dreams, RIFT's update 2.5, has been launched. This update features an all-new underwater saga, a new level 60 dungeon, a new Planar Attunement Nexus, improved PvP matchmaking, a new Infinity Gate Dimension, International Shards, and more.  |
Top 10 Best Free Racing Mobile Games Posted: Want to grab some top-quality racing games for your new iPad or iPhone? Here we will share with you the top 10 best free racing mobile games. These games are amazing, don't miss out on them.  |
NinJump Rooftops for Jade Coins Cheats Posted: NinJump Rooftops is a new endless running game for the iPhone and iPad. It is the sequel to the original NinJump, which came out for the Android platform as well, so expect this game to show up there soon, too. Your goal in this game is to run as far as you can, while defeating as many enemies as possible, and collecting as much coins and Jade as you can.  |
Square Enix Saves Profit Margin Thanks to Final Fantasy XIV Posted: Square Enix recently revised its financial outlook in an Announcement of Revision to Consolidated Results Forecasts.It's thanks in no small part to the success of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, its MMORPG for PC, current and next generation PlayStation consoles.  |
NCsoft Revealed More Details For Valiance, The Upcoming Expansion of Lineage II Posted: NCsoft today revealed additional information for the next content expansion of Lineage II -Valiance. Planned to release later this year, Valiance will put players to the ultimate test with 4 major returning raid bosses: Beleth, Darion, Lilith and Anakim. Each of them has unique skills, waiting for skilled players to challenge.  |
Clash Of Clans 5.64 Update Coming to App Store Posted: The developer Supercell has pushed out a a new update for their chart-topping game: Clash of Clans. The update introduces a re-working of the game's trap systems, and a generous round of general balancing. Check out the following changes featured in Version 5.64 of the game:  |
Astro Boy Dash Top 10 Cheats & Tips Posted: Astro Boy Dash is a new endless runner game from Animoca. Here's some advice on how to unlock some of the better power-ups in the game, as well as how to collect coins  |
ArcheAge (KR) Video Highlights Cute Bear Costumes Posted: XL Games yesterday released a brand new video for fantasy MMOPRG ArcheAge, featuring the new bear costumes in the November cash shop update. Four new bear costumes are added to the cash shop, these costumes come with unique actions.  |
LoL Patch 3.13 Aftermath: The Statistics of the Nerfs and Buffs Posted: LoL newest patch is 3.13. Statistics are taken from LoLKing. The data covers the last 7 days. So it is the last 7 days before the patch and then the 7 days after the patch. It is ranked solo queue only.  |