[Video] Blade and Soul CN Open Beta: Intro Pure Soul Posted: Here it is my newest series. Blade and Soul Chinese open beta. I'll roll with this as long as I can. I have plenty of ways to figure out what to do. And I already know pretty much how to play. 1080p for all the BNS fans.  |
[Discussion] Founder Packs Posted: Over the last year more and more F2P publishers offered Founder Packs, a limited package which usually includes a few ingame goodies, like a limited mount/pet/costume/title, early/granted Beta access and maybe even some items that need to be shipped, may it be a figure/statue, cards or a plushie.  |
Riot's Meddler on LoL Soraka Changes Posted: We've been keeping a close eye on Soraka after the support changes went out. Current thoughts as follows..  |
Overdue News Week: Exclusive Neverwinter Interview Posted: During the early stages of Neverwinter's closed beta, I had prepared some questions to ask Andy Velasquez, Cryptic's Lead Producer, about Neverwinter and some of the things we might expect for the game's launch, which I had sent some time around March.  |
WoW: Ghostcrawler Leaves Blizzard Posted: Yesterday, Greg Street, the Leader of Game Design, has announced that he would be leaving Blizzard to follow other pursues. Today, Ghostcrawler had a final goodbye on the Blizzard forums.  |
Dragon Nest SEA Teases Jasmine Expedition Base Posted: Well, it's the time of the month again and your favourite teaser, Addison Kang is here to tease stuff on the next month's update for dragon nest SEA.  |
Blade and Soul CN Guide: Pin Yin Translation For Items, Basic Etiquette etc Posted: Game doesn't allow copy pasting so you'll have to rely yourself to type in Chinese. For that, we'll need to install Chinese keyboard! Thanks Freedom Guild for such great job!  |
RIFT's Iron Pine Peak Redesigned Posted: According to the RIFT Team, Iron Pine Peak has been completely rebuilt and will provide a new place to adventure for the mid-level RIFT players after the 2.5 update. The zone has changed to 27-35 level zone instead of 40-48 one. Scenery, story line, quest continuity are all overhauled, as well as the look and feel of the zone  |
Advanced School Skills of Age of Wushu Posted: Snail Games has released eight new screenshots highlighting ultimate skills, one for each school. It's the pinnacle of each school that only the most skilled martial artists can acquire them.  |
Neverwinter: Details of Upcoming Collection System Revealed Posted: Neverwinter will introduce the collection system in the new patch Module 2: Shadowmantle, which is supposed to launch on December 5.2013. They've revealed the details of the system today, so we can take a closer look at what the collection system is before the official launch date.  |