MMO Updates |
- ArcheAge to start Russian closed beta in December
- Scope out Black Gold Online's vehicular combat in new trailer
- Pathfinder Online explains role features
- The Stream Team: Slinging cards in the Hearthstone arena
- Perfect Ten: Why we need more post-apocalyptic MMOs
- The Daily Grind: When's the last time you got lost in an MMO?
- The Stream Team: Conquering a SWTOR rancor
- SWTOR's Strike Fighter is kinda like an X-Wing
- The Stream Team: PlanetSide 2's anniversary with the devs
- ZeniMax publishes Elder Scrolls Online interactive map
- The Stream Team: Dota 2's Three Spirits update
- Dragon Nest getting new dungeons, quests, and more
- Leaderboard: Do you play around with game development tools?
- Vindictus heralds upcoming Episode 3
- Perfect World unveils New Horizons expansion
- CCP turns PLEX for Good program toward typhoon relief
- Wargaming fans celebrate World of Warplanes launch from a mountain, for some reason
- Blizzard to launch Diablo III's Reaper of Souls closed beta before the end of the year
- Pirates of the Burning Sea opens new account creation
- EA holds onto Star Wars games license for 10 years, says SWTOR is 'profitable'
- Free for All: Five MMOs that deserve more of my time
- PlanetSide 2 anniversary contest will turn EU player stories into graphic novels
- WildStar takes aim at the Spellslinger
ArcheAge to start Russian closed beta in December Posted: 21 Nov 2013 09:00 AM PST Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Business Models, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, ArcheAge, Sandbox Good news for Russian ArcheAge fans eagerly waiting to dive in and experience the upcoming fantasy sandpark: closed beta begins next month. has announced that the closed beta testing for the game is scheduled for the end of December; exact dates, however, will come later, along with more information about the beta.Other news that the publisher did include in the announcement was the implementation of a new payment model. Players will be happy to know that after the successful petition to nix's initial plans and the subsequent player voting, ArcheAge in Russia will be launched with the very same economic model that is used on the Korean servers. [Thanks to James for the tip!]
Scope out Black Gold Online's vehicular combat in new trailer Posted: 21 Nov 2013 08:00 AM PST Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Game Mechanics, PvP, News Items, Free-to-Play, Steampunk By air or by land, Black Gold Online offers players a variety of transportation options that do more than just get you to the battle, but also take part in it! Muscled mounts face off against mechanized ones as The Erlandir Union (the fantasy faction) and The Kingdom of Isenhorst (steampunk faction) duke it out to get control of a mysterious energy substance.An essential part of Black Gold Online's PvP system, these mechanical mechs, war hounds, flying machines, and dragons can all be summoned in battlegrounds for PvP objectives as well as the open world. Players obtain these Raid, Aerial, Anti-Air, Penetration, and Assault vehicles through both questing and battleground achievements, and each mount has its own achievement path and customization options. Get a look at the vehicles in tactical battle formations in the trailer below. [Source: Snail Games press release] Continue reading Scope out Black Gold Online's vehicular combat in new trailer
Pathfinder Online explains role features Posted: 21 Nov 2013 07:30 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, New Titles, Dev Diaries, Pathfinder Online The latest dev blog from Pathfinder Online's team has been released this week, including news on the various character type mechanics, new hires to the Goblinworks team, and more.Of special note is the introduction of the "role feature" that allows characters to take on specific class roles. The role features are set active outside of combat, but can be switched around as you would with traditional alt characters. So, for instance, a Fighter role feature is a weapon specialization role that allows you to play as a fighter with a variety of melee weapons. A Rogue role feature focuses on stealth, evades, and sneak attacks, as you might expect. Read more about the Fighter and Rogue specialties and feats in this week's dev blog. [Thanks to Chris for the tip!]
The Stream Team: Slinging cards in the Hearthstone arena Posted: 21 Nov 2013 07:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Hands-On, Trading Card Games, Livestream, The Stream Team, Hearthstone The open beta for Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft draws near, and the slew of upcoming changes will alter how arenas work going forward. Instead of capping out and reaping rewards at nine wins, players will scramble to reach a cool dozen victories before they accrue three losses and get unceremoniously tossed from the arena. Are you curious to see the Hearthstone arena in action? Join Massively's Richie as he hones his arena deck-building skills live at 10:00 a.m. EST. Game: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Host: Richie "Bog Otter" Procopio Date: Thursday, November 21st, 2013 Time: 10:00 a.m. EST Enjoy our Steam Team video below. Continue reading The Stream Team: Slinging cards in the Hearthstone arena
Perfect Ten: Why we need more post-apocalyptic MMOs Posted: 21 Nov 2013 06:00 AM PST Filed under: Sci-Fi, Opinion, Humor, Post-Apocalyptic, Perfect Ten, Miscellaneous With the recent re-release of the 1988 classic RPG Wasteland and the development progress of Wasteland 2, my mind's swimming in post-apocalyptic wonderment these days. Aside from those titles and the insanely popular Fallout series, post-apoc hasn't proven to be as popular a setting for games as it is in, say, film, TV, and novels. And when it comes to MMOs, the only major effort that's been made to produce a similar title has been limited to Fallen Earth (and in a lesser sense, Defiance and Xsyon).Now, I love me some Fallen Earth, especially as of late, but every time I log in it makes me think of just how rich and fertile this setting is for MMO studios. Considering just how rampant fantasy titles are, I feel strongly that devs need to be exploring outside this well-trod path to other genres, and the post-apocalypse is a perfect place to start. Here are my reasons that we need more post-apoc MMOs, and no, I'm not going to list "rampant prostitution and drug use" because that would also apply to a Los Angeles MMO. Continue reading Perfect Ten: Why we need more post-apocalyptic MMOs
The Daily Grind: When's the last time you got lost in an MMO? Posted: 21 Nov 2013 05:00 AM PST Filed under: MMO Industry, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Sandbox Yesterday's reveal of The Elder Scrolls Online's interactive map got me to thinking about MMO cartography and how necessary it is outside of flavor or lore considerations. Sadly, I think the answer is that it's not necessary at all except in a few archaic sandbox games that eschew quest chains and the like.That said, you can still turn off your map and just explore even in a linear, themepark-style game, and so today I'd like to know how many Massively readers have ever done that. More specifically, when's the last time you got lost in an MMO, if ever?
The Stream Team: Conquering a SWTOR rancor Posted: 20 Nov 2013 06:00 PM PST Filed under: Sci-Fi, Endgame, PvE, Opinion, Free-to-Play, Hands-On, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Livestream, The Stream Team, MMORPG Inch by inch, the Nefarious Intent raid team pushes into the newest hardmode raid for Star Wars: The Old Republic. Every week, the team crawls closer to the end of the Dread Fortress. This week's goal: Grob'Thok, the giant cybornetic rancor. Join us live at 9:00 p.m. EST as Massively's SWTOR columnist Larry Everett and his guild attempt to tackle this raging monster.Game: Star Wars: The Old Republic Host: Larry Everett Date: Wednesday, November 20th, 2013 Time: 9:00 p.m. EST Enjoy our Steam Team video below. Continue reading The Stream Team: Conquering a SWTOR rancor
SWTOR's Strike Fighter is kinda like an X-Wing Posted: 20 Nov 2013 05:30 PM PST Filed under: Sci-Fi, Expansions, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, PvP, News Items, Free-to-Play, Star Wars: The Old Republic Ready for another dev blog on a Star Wars: The Old Republic starfighter? Well, good, because I'm going to summarize it for you right now. Today's entry is penned by BioWare's Brian Audette, who focuses on the Strike Fighter and calls it his "personal favorite ship role" from the game's Galactic Starfighter expansion.Audette compares SWTOR's Strike Fighters to the more familiar X-Wing from the original trilogy, saying that the former "are some of the most versatile and important ships to ever fly for either the Empire or the Republic." The ships are equally adept at dogfighting or hammering stationary targets, he continues, and Strike Fighter pilots can swap between two primary or secondary weapons.
The Stream Team: PlanetSide 2's anniversary with the devs Posted: 20 Nov 2013 05:00 PM PST Filed under: Sci-Fi, Video, Interviews, PvP, War, Free-to-Play, MMOFPS, Livestream, PlanetSide 2, Anniversaries, The Stream Team It's been a year since PlanetSide 2 went live, so what better excuse to send Beau to the front lines with members of the development team? They'll talk about the anniversary, the PlayStation 4 release, and other topics. Come join in the chat room to ask your own questions and watch Beau shoot multitudes of Vanu.Game: PlanetSide 2 Host: Beau Date: Wednesday, November 20th, 2013 Time: 8:00 p.m. EST Enjoy our Steam Team video below. Continue reading The Stream Team: PlanetSide 2's anniversary with the devs
ZeniMax publishes Elder Scrolls Online interactive map Posted: 20 Nov 2013 04:30 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Lore, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, The Elder Scrolls Online, Subscription MMO maps are pretty cool, no? Heck, maps in general tickle my fancy, and there's a new interactive one on The Elder Scrolls Online website that's worth checking out. ZeniMax says that users can "see new screenshots and concept art and read journals, excerpts from books [...] and more from the world of ESO" by using the map.
The Stream Team: Dota 2's Three Spirits update Posted: 20 Nov 2013 04:00 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Events (In-Game), PvP, Free-to-Play, Massively Meta, Hands-On, Livestream, MOBA, The Stream Team Valve's Three Spirits update for Dota 2 brings three new heroes, a host of new features, and the long-awaited return of Dota 2's Halloween-themed Diretide event. Join Massively's Mike Foster as he checks out the new characters and hops in on Diretide in the hopes of stealing enormous piles of delicious candy. The festivities begin at 7:00 p.m. EST.Game: Dota 2 Host: Mike Foster Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 Time: 7:00 p.m. EST Enjoy our Steam Team video below. Continue reading The Stream Team: Dota 2's Three Spirits update
Dragon Nest getting new dungeons, quests, and more Posted: 20 Nov 2013 03:30 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, News Items, PvE, Free-to-Play, Dragon Nest, Dungeons Dragon Nest is getting two new dungeons, new accessories and crests, and "new and unique game types within the Dragon Expedition." This is according to Nexon's latest press release, which says that level 50 players will have access to Apocrypha 2 Chapter dungeons and be able to "fight in the war against Jasmine." New daily and side quests are coming, too.Level 60 players can look forward to the Garden of Eternity as well as new missions, titles, costumes, and cooking recipes. Nexon says the Dragon Expedition requires teamwork and coordination in order to complete its two-player co-op content. [Source: Nexon press release]
Leaderboard: Do you play around with game development tools? Posted: 20 Nov 2013 03:00 PM PST Filed under: Culture, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, Opinion, Leaderboard For some reason that I can't quite fathom, I now have the Unreal Development Kit installed on my computer. I'm certainly no developer, nor would I make much of a designer I'm afraid, but something nonetheless compelled me to download the toolset and muck about with its documentation and various tutorials. Call it curiosity, or boredom, or whatever you like, really, but there it is.What about you, Massively readers? Do you play around with game development tools (assuming that you're not really a developer), or does your obsession only extend to finished games? Let us know after the cut. Continue reading Leaderboard: Do you play around with game development tools?
Vindictus heralds upcoming Episode 3 Posted: 20 Nov 2013 02:30 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Patches, Previews, Free-to-Play, Vindictus Episode 3 will be coming to Vindictus next week featuring a new area full of challenging monsters.In it, Vindictus players will be able to progress to the Misty Summit, which is a little bit of a misnomer due to the fact that it's made of four peaks. In any case, the cliff-themed region will keep players on their toes, especially if adventurers find a treasure map that's full of disappearing monsters. The update will happen on November 27th, but you can get an advance look by watching the trailer after the break! [Source: Nexon press release] Continue reading Vindictus heralds upcoming Episode 3
Perfect World unveils New Horizons expansion Posted: 20 Nov 2013 02:00 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Perfect World International, Expansions, News Items, PvE, Free-to-Play, MMORPG Perfect World Entertainment has just announced an all-new expansion for its flagship MMO Perfect World International, titled New Horizons. The expansion includes features both big and small, from the introduction of a trading card game to the optimization of early-level content.Perhaps the biggest change landing with New Horizons is the Ascension system, which allows you to take a level 100 or higher character back to level one and re-level through Perfect World's content. Ascended characters are more powerful than their non-ascended counterparts and will have access to special new "heights." Also on deck: streamlined starting zones, UI tweaks, new skills, new titles, new gear, new quests, and new everything else you'd expect with an MMO expansion. New Horizons is set for launch sometime this winter. Check out the screenshot gallery below for a first-look view of the expansion's zones and dungeons.
CCP turns PLEX for Good program toward typhoon relief Posted: 20 Nov 2013 01:30 PM PST Filed under: Sci-Fi, EVE Online, Events (In-Game), MMO Industry, PvP, News Items, PvE, Sandbox, MMORPG CCP announced today that EVE Online players who wish to help relief efforts in the wake of the typhoon that devastated parts of the Philippines can do so through the company's PLEX for Good program. For every PLEX donated between today and December 17th, CCP will contribute $15 to the Icelandic Red Cross. CCP will also award donating players with one in-game Sisters of EVE shirt as a thank-you gesture.In the world of EVE, PLEX is a tradeable item worth 30 days of game time. PLEX can be purchased with real money directly from CCP or with ISK inside EVE's incredibly complex marketplace. CCP has fired up PLEX for Good in the past; EVE players using the program have raised over $150,000 for disaster relief since it was debuted in the wake of the 2004 tsunami that struck Indonesia. To donate PLEX, contract the item/s directly to the CCP PLEX For GOOD character on a 14-day item exchange contract.
Wargaming fans celebrate World of Warplanes launch from a mountain, for some reason Posted: 20 Nov 2013 01:00 PM PST Filed under: Historical, Real-Life, Events (Real-World), Launches, PvP, News Items, War, Free-to-Play, World of Warplanes Seven World of Warplanes fans have combined their love of digital high altitude acrobatics and actual, real-life high altitude adventuring to celebrate the game's recent launch. The team trekked into the Himalayas reaching altitudes as high as 5,000 meters, stopping for World of Warplanes breaks along the way.Although it's not the first time we've climbed in the Himalayas, this expedition has been an amazing and special journey for us all. We've broken several new trails, which was a hard, but satisfying, experience. On our way upward, we stop to get some rest and play World of Warplanes.The team planted a World of Warplanes flag on one of the peaks, which we assume means Wargaming now owns Mount Everest. [Source: Wargaming press release]
Blizzard to launch Diablo III's Reaper of Souls closed beta before the end of the year Posted: 20 Nov 2013 12:30 PM PST Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Expansions, News Items, PvE, Diablo III, Buy-to-Play Blizzard Entertainment's friends and family beta of Diablo III's Reaper of Souls expansion is officially underway with invites going out to, well, friends and family of Blizzard employees. However, Blizzard is extending the beta pool by about 3,000 players; this time around the company plans to send invites to a few "valued media contacts and key members of the Blizzard community" in addition to the normal employee keys.Invites are already going out, so keep an eye on your inbox if you feel as though you fit the description. If you don't, take solace in the fact that Blizzard has confirmed that closed beta proper will launch before year's end and that while invites will be limited, they will be sent to a wider range of Diablo players. The beta will include all expansion content minus the final boss. None of the betas appears to be protected by NDA, meaning streams, videos, screenshots, and spoilers will soon be available across the web.
Pirates of the Burning Sea opens new account creation Posted: 20 Nov 2013 12:00 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Historical, Pirates of the Burning Sea, MMO Industry, Sandbox Pirates of the Burning Sea continues its voyage of transition from the old days of SOE to the new ones under Portalus Games. As such, the team has opened account creation for new players on the Portalus website and added new seasonal exchange items to the game.In addition to account creation, Pirates of the Burning Sea can be downloaded from that site as well. The official game site is currently being "rebuilt," so stick to Portalus' home page for the time being.
EA holds onto Star Wars games license for 10 years, says SWTOR is 'profitable' Posted: 20 Nov 2013 11:30 AM PST Filed under: Sci-Fi, MMO Industry, Free-to-Play, Star Wars: The Old Republic Electronic Arts' recent deal with Disney over the Star Wars video game license will extend for the next decade, meaning that any dreams of a non-EA Star Wars MMO are going to have to wait until 2023 or beyond.EA remains committed to the ongoing development of Star Wars: The Old Republic, and the publisher has given the go-head for a Battlefront reboot. Chief Financial Officer Blake Jorgensen commented on SWTOR's rocky first year: "Yes the original expectations obviously were very, very large, and obviously the multiplayer MMO world has -- the popularly has come down over time and we tried to restructure the Star Wars business to better match the economics. It's a great business that's very repeatable. We brought the economics in line so it's a profitable business for us."
Free for All: Five MMOs that deserve more of my time Posted: 20 Nov 2013 11:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Polls, Culture, Wurm Online, Opinion, RuneScape, Free-to-Play, The Secret World, Casual, MMOFPS, MMORTS, RIFT, Free for All, Sandbox, Buy-to-Play There's only so much time in the world for playing video games. Yes, yes, I know it pains us to admit it, but it's true: We really can't sit around and explore MMOs all day long. Well, we could, but it probably wouldn't be very good for our relationships or health or finances. For me, this means that I have to balance playing MMOs for work and playing them for the sake of the hobby. I typically take one of my weekend days to jump into any number of MMOs. I might even spend a good hour just updating them all.Let me tell you, it's plain painful to log into an MMO and realize just how much good content, events, and player interaction I have been missing. I'm sure this is a common issue though, right? In today's Free for All, I want to take a look at five MMOs that deserve more of my time. Continue reading Free for All: Five MMOs that deserve more of my time
PlanetSide 2 anniversary contest will turn EU player stories into graphic novels Posted: 20 Nov 2013 10:00 AM PST Filed under: Sci-Fi, Contests, PvP, News Items, Free-to-Play, PlanetSide 2, Anniversaries War has been raging on Auraxis for a year now, and ProSiebenSat.1 is celebrating PlanetSide 2's first birthday with a special contest and an exclusive anniversary bundle. The contest will transform European players' stories of their PS2 adventures into graphic novels, drawn by artist Colin M. Winkler. Players who feel they have compelling "WarStories" can submit them for consideration between now and December 17th, 2013. Three first-place winners (one for each Empire) will have their stories transformed into graphic novels and will earn various other prizes. All finalists, along with six second- and third-place winners, get some goodies.EU players can also purchase a special anniversary bundle that contains camo, decals, weapons, and boosts. Additionally, all PlanetSide 2 players who joined the beta phase, played on the launch day, or played the game anytime in the last year will snag exclusive anniversary decals automatically. [Source: ProSiebenSat.1 Games press release]
WildStar takes aim at the Spellslinger Posted: 20 Nov 2013 09:00 AM PST Filed under: Betas, Sci-Fi, Trailers, Video, Classes, Previews, News Items, WildStar, Subscription, Buy-to-Play There's a definite space western aesthetic at work within WildStar, the sort of thing that almost demands a character class who can stand out, one with two guns, a nice hat, and possibly the ability to teleport around. You know, exactly like the Spellslinger, the latest class to be (re)revealed for the game. But Spellslingers aren't just about shooting people and twirling around a bit, they're a magical class with a variety of options to take down enemies and look good doing it.Spellslingers supplement their guns with teleportation and sigils. The former works just like you'd expect, allowing a Spellslinger to jump to alternate dimensions, blink about the battlefield, and even phase partly out of reality for protection. Sigils, on the other hand, are symbols that the Spellslinger places to heal allies, swap places with enemies, lay traps, or otherwise mess with the flow of the battlefield. You don't have to take our word for it, though; check out the full DevSpeak on the class just past the break. [Source: Carbine Studios press release] Continue reading WildStar takes aim at the Spellslinger
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