State of Decay Game Leaves Steam Early Access Program Posted: 02 Nov 2013 11:53 AM PDT Brains and more brains are on the way Back near the end of September we reported on zombie apocalypse sim State of Decay as it made its way to Steam via the Early Access Program. Now it's time for the game to graduate into the real world on November 5th, which means it's one step closer to an official release. The controller-only mandate from its less polished iteration will be dropped, and the game will now support mouse and keyboard. It's also been bolstered with additional updates to make it extra creepy for those of you who like a healthy dose of survival horror in your zombie game. Check out State of Decay and let us know your thoughts. In the meantime, you can check the Steam Announcements page for improvements and tweaks made to the game. |
Updated Microsoft Privacy Policy Details What Xbox One Is Recording Posted: 02 Nov 2013 11:32 AM PDT New privacy policy details outlined Microsoft brought privacy concerns to the forefront of gaming with the introduction of the Kinect peripheral, and with the advent of the Xbox One, which uses the same technology, users are concerned as to what exactly the console will collect as far as personal information goes. This must be a bugbear for Microsoft as well, as a brand new privacy policy was rolled out on Thursday night that attempts to clarify what, exactly, will be collected and reported back to the source. PC World has compiled a primer on what you can expect your Xbox One to be collecting about you during play sessions, though it doesn't seem to be that much of a leap. There's a dedicated way to turn off the Kinect's recording feature, it's obvious your conversations via multiplayer won't always be private, and you probably won't want to sit around in the nude while playing. But that's all pretty basic. It's not long now until the Xbox One is released. How will you be spending your launch day with it? |
Microsoft and Twitter Renew Agreement for Tweets on Bing Posted: 02 Nov 2013 11:06 AM PDT Bing and Twitter, together again Microsoft is renewing its partnership with Twitter that allows its Bing search engine to index tweets as search results. This stems from an announcement Friday, but comes at no surprise since Bing has been in on this practice for some time now, featuring tweets in Bing for the past few years. Microsoft, via PC World, took to a blog post to explain the machinations behind the partnership: "Whether it's a politician, celebrity, thought leader or friend, our renewed partnership with Twitter ensures that you have near real-time access to what people are tweeting tailored to what you're searching for." The efforts to keep Bing a social search engine aren't for naught, as Microsoft has incorporated information from other networks as well, such a Facebook and Klout. If you can't beat Google, might as well try a different method, right? |
PC Gamers Affected By Mouse Problems From Windows 8.1 Update Posted: 02 Nov 2013 10:39 AM PDT  Mouse problems emerge as a result of Windows 8.1 upgrade Gamers who went ahead and snagged the upgrade to Windows 8.1 may be rethinking their decision right about now, as many are experiencing mouse problems during games. Microsoft has acknowledged the issues as a known problem this week after users began pouring in with reported issues on their tech support forums. However, despite the numerous reports from gamers who experienced unacceptable performance from their input devices, Microsoft is still without a solution: "First off, we want to thank our gaming community for the detailed feedback many of you have provided on these issues. While we don't have a date yet for the release of a fix, we are working to get these issues resolved as quickly as possible," wrote Naman R., Microsoft forum moderator, as reported via PC World. Hopefully as the week wears on some sort of solution will be proposed. Have you been affected by any issues as a result of the update? |