
MMORPG Reviews

MMORPG Reviews

Auto Club Revolution adds a new track: Brands Hatch

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 12:10 PM PDT

Eutechnyx has announced that Auto Club Revolution is going to add the iconic British racing track, Brands Hatch to its wide selection of tracks.This circuit has been recreated using laser-scanning technology, which uses an advanced mapping system that recreates the exact positions, depths and angles of curbs, paint, trees barrier and fences. This extra level of [...]

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Exclusive review: Pirate Storm

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 10:15 AM PDT

Arr pirates! Today we have awakened wanting to feel the sea breeze in our faces, so we wear an eyepatch, a wooden leg and we have gotten us into Pirate Storm to live the life of a real pirate; or at least that was the idea. The game is a pirate themed 2D browser MMO game [...]

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PvP space battles are coming to SW:ToR

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 03:01 AM PDT

BioWare and LucasArts have announced that Star Wars: The Old Republic will add space PvP battles in the upcoming Free-to-Play Digital Expansion Galactic Starfighter. With a wide variety of spaceships, plenty of upgrade and customization options, various gameplay modes and battle zones, Galactic Starfighter will allow players to engage in exciting 12v12 space battles. Subscribers [...]

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