Heva Clonia Online Kicks Off Open Beta Test Today! Posted: OGPlanet is extremely excited to announce that their new, Free-to-Play MMORPG, Heva Clonia Online, begins its Open Beta Test Today. Available in North America only, servers officially open at 4:00PM PT / 7:00PM ET. If you haven't tried Heva Clonia Online, here is your access to play the game.  |
Batman: Arkham Origins Hits the App Store Worldwide Posted: The mobile version of Batman: Arkham Origins has hit the App Store, which is free to play and pretty similar to Injustice: Gods Among Us, as it also will hook up to the console version of the game for some exclusive crossover unlockables.  |
Deer Hunter 2014 Video Walkthrough 1-18 Posted: Hunting season is officially upon us. Although we avoid killing animals for sport, we're more than happy to slaughter virtual critters in Deer Hunter 2014. Glu Games' sequel features a variety of high-powered weapons and plenty of targets, from harmless deer to ferocious grizzly bears. That said, we have video walkthroughs of the game's kills. With this in mind, check out the first five below.  |
Legend of Fighters(KR) Released the First Teaser Trailer Posted: The Korean 3D side-scrolling action RPG, Legend of Fighters released a new gameplay video on 16th. Previously revealed as Carbon Project A and developed by Galaxy Gate, Legend of Fighters sets in a fantasy world. Players need to master heroes' special skills to take endless challenges.  |
Bulkypix's Dead Effect Hits Google Play Posted: Last month, Bulkypix's Dead Effect hit the App Store, which left us to wonder when exactly they will release the Android version. Now, the wonder has come to an end: Dead Effect has just been released on the Google Play service.  |
Aion 4.0 Guide - Level 65 Gear Cost and Base Discounts Posted: The cheapest place to get your Level 65 AP gear!  |
Counter Strike Online 2 (KR) Unveiled New Pig Mode Posted: Nexon Korea has announced a new game mode for their shooter game Counter-Strike Online 2 earlier today -- the Pig mode. Players who deal a total of 3,000 health points damage in each game will be turned in a giant walking pig.  |
Pocket Trains Guide: How to Repair Trains Posted: Trains will randomly breakdown and need repairs in Pocket Trains. Trains that need repairs will show a yellow caution sign in the railroads list. Here below will guide you how to repair you trains  |
League of Legends Pro Builds: Worlds 2013 Part 1 - Ahri Posted: Ahri is a champion with great maneuverability, excellent sustain in her lane, and true damage, one of the most valuable sources of damage. Here's a look at how the pros at Worlds 2013 built her for maximum destruction.  |
Random Runners Tips & Tricks Posted: Random Runners combines endless runner-style skills with shooting and platforming across some intricately designed levels. Here Have got some tips that will help you get the most out of your next sprint for survival.  |
Samurai Siege: How to Win without Spending Any Money Posted: Samurai Siege is a freemium strategy game, sort of a reverse tower-defense game (you send out the troops and attack the base) for the iOS and Android platforms. It gets very addicting, and a surprising amount of gameplay can be had for without having to pay one single thing on the game. Read on to find out how to win without spending any money!  |
Black Gold - Expanding the Horizon of Creativity with PETROL Posted: Snail Games readies for another round of closed beta testing in China as Black Gold Online reaches key developmental stages. Along with the new perspective of Victorian Steampunk and High Fantasy settings, the Development team aims to add style and flavor to the story's main characters.  |
This WildStar Wednesday Unveils Dominion Arkship Destiny Posted: This week, WildStar Wednesday unveils the details of Arkship Destiny - the jewel of the Dominion Fleet. Players who are interested in how it works or what you can do with it, might have a check. The Destiny was designed to meet every need of the discerning Dominion traveler. You will enjoy your journey through the stars safely within a well-appointed cryopod!  |
Samurai Siege Walkthrough, Wiki, FAQ and Beginner's Guide Posted: Welcome to the beginner's guide to Samurai Siege for the iOS and Android! Samurai Siege has gameplay that will be immediately familiar to anyone who has played Clash of Clans or Backyard Monsters. Read on for the beginner's guide to Samurai Siege!  |
Korean Fantasy MMORPG Asta Open Beta Live! Posted: With the busy beta season in Korea, you can hear Korean MMOs enter beta tests everyday, today, it is the oriental fantasy MMORPG Asta: The War of Tears and Winds that kick off its Open Beta test in Korea.  |
NCsoft Announced the Next Expansion For Lineage II, Named Valiance Posted: NCsoft announced that Valiance, the next content expansion for the Lineage II, will be released later this year. As one of the longest-running MMOs in history and a flagship title for NCsoft, Lineage II is in the 9th year of operation in NA. The next chapter in the Lineage II story, Lineage II: Valiance is packed with content targeting the best of the best, allowing players to hone their skills and abilities to their liking while facing the return of the popular hunting ground, Hellbound.  |
Deer Hunter 2014 Complete Guide: Rifle Posted: A solid rifle is the backbone of any successful hunting expedition in Deer Hunter 2014. Here's a look at each of the rifles available from the shop, and which ones are worth spending that hard-earned cash on.  |
Hands-on with Dungeon Keeper - A Clash of Fans Posted: Mythic Entertainment's Jeff Skalski has a suggestion for fans who are pissed off that his upcoming free-to-play Dungeon Keeper game is not like the originals.  |
What is your Favorite Small Race in EverQuest Next? Posted: In the latest EverQuest Next Round Table, Art Director Rosie Rapaport joins Omeed Dariani on the round table topic on the question 'what is your favorite small race?' Players's poll is going to help developers decide which race to be added in the game.  |
XAOC JP Version's Theme Song Unveiled, New Skills and Events To Release Tomorrow Posted: The Taiwanese MMORPG, XAOC, has announced to be published in Japan by USERJOY JAPAN in Sep. Recently, Winking Entertainment unveiled Japanese version's theme song, along with an update announcement which will be live on Oct 17th, as well as 43 new skills.  |