Elsword's EVE Ascends with New Class "Code Battle Seraph" Posted: Kill3rCombo has introduced its latest class for popular character Eve in Elsword as part of its ongoing Transformation Evolution. With the new Code Battle Seraph class, Eve becomes an angel of destruction as she doubles the number of modes used to manipulate lasers and obliterates her enemies with deadly force.  |
Daily Recommendation: Racing Rivals Posted: Can you handle true head-to-head, player-vs-player racing? Race against live opponents for real competition in our engaging multiplayer racing system.  |
Anarchy Online Begins Beta for New Graphical Update Posted: Anarchy Online has announced the the beginning of beta for the new rendering engine signups in the latest monthly development update. The team will invite players into the closed beta in waves and transite to the open beta soon.  |
Pet Rescue Saga Hints & Tips Posted: Pet Rescue Saga finally made its way to iOS and Android. This includes a wealth of puzzles to solve, along with Facebook integration to compare high scores with friends.  |
The Lord of the Rings Online's Expansion Quad Pack is On Sale Now Posted: The most annoying thing for a pay-to-play game is sometimes we still need to purchase many expansions to enter the game after buy it. Unfortunately, The Lord of the Rings Online is a game like that. LotRO fans, if you are ready for playing Helm's Deep - the fifth expansion of LotRO - but lack all of four previous expansions, Turbine is offering a much cheaper way for you.  |
Minecraft: Pocket Edition 0.7.5 Update Comes With More Bug Fixes Posted: Mojang has pushed out the lastest update for Minecraft: Pocket Edition, which is version 0.7.5. This update is mostly just a bug fixing update, squashing a bunch of additional bugs in the game.  |
Jelly Splash Tips & Tricks to Keep Splashing Posted: Here share with you a complete set of Jelly Spash cheats, tips and tricks to help you beat each level and get as close as possible to getting that 3 star high score.  |
Madden NFL 25 Guide: Get More Energy, Cash and Coins Posted: In Madden NFL 25, energy makes its series debut. Coins and cash are the two currencies, both of them are used to buy goodies such as card packs. Read on to find out how to get more of all three of these  |
Madden NFL 25 Cheats & Tips: Gold, Platinum, Ultimate and Legend Players Posted: Normal cards are the ones you start with, but gold ones are far higher ranking, and platinum, legend and ultimate ones are even more powerful, and can make or break the playoffs. Read on to find out how to get more of all four of these types of cards  |
Dragon Nest KR September 11 Update: New Marriage Costumes Posted: Dragon Nest KR marriage costumes has been released with August 13's content update. And they will bring us another set of marriage costumes on September 11. Let's take a preview at them.  |
LoL Thresh Upcoming Changes and Heimerdinger's Rework in S4 Posted: Riot desiger CertainlyT had a few comments about Thresh's power level, mentioning his intent to shift some of his power from laning phase to mid and late game in the near future. They also ganna rework Heimerdinger.  |
Star Wars Force Collection Card Battling Game Available Now Posted: Last month, we posted that Konami announced a new card-battling game based in the Star Wars universe, which is named Star Wars Force Collection, and it is available now in the App Store.  |
Concept Arts of Riot Games' Artist Appreciation Posted: Brandon Liao is an artist that works at Riot Games. Today, we will see some concept arts by him, but the artworks have nothing to do with League of Legends. They are all about a sci-fi world - sci-fi characters, scenes and architectures. Enjoy!  |
District 187 Will Close on October 3rd Posted: After much consideration, CJ Games have made the difficult decision to close District 187. On October 3rd, 2013, the game servers will go offline.  |
[PAX Prime 2013] The Elder Scrolls Online Interview with Paul Sage Posted: Today a new round of beta keys have been sent out for The Elder Scrolls Online fans, did you check your mail box? As the game is getting more and more attention, we are going to learn more about TESO's dungeon, character and skill through a new interview from Tamriel Foundry and TESO Creative Director Paul Sage at PAX Prime.  |
WoW Patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar Raid Schedule Posted: With Patch 5.4 being deployed live within a week, Blizzard has today revealed the Siege of Orgrimmar Raid Schedule. With the new flex difficulty introduced in 5.4, not all wings will open at the same time in all difficulties.  |
LoL S3 Ranked Rewards Update Posted: In response to the community's concern about the recently announced S3 ranked rewards, Riot Socrates has posted an update to Ranked borders and changed the requirements on the ranked team rewards.  |
The Final Star Wars: The Old Republic Free-to-play Experiment Posted: After several months of playing Star Wars: The Old Republic on a free account, I think it's time to put this experiment to a rest. Some players have been able to conquer the grind that is a brand-new free character. I am not one of those determined individuals. However, if you've been following me in this little experiment, then you know that I have met a couple of people who have been able to persist through the free-to-play version of SWTOR.  |
Myrina(Pirate Fleet) - A New 3D Cute Pirate Theme MMO is Setting Sail Posted: GameCyber recently announced to be the publisher of PlayCoo's new MMO - Myrina(English translated name: Pirate Fleet) in Hong Kong and Macao. Different from PlayCoo previous MMOs which are based on fantasy world, such as Divina, Lucent Heart, Myrina is set in the background of pirate. In order to look for the treasure of Seven Seas, players set off to uncharted waters, land on desolate islands and begin exciting and breathtaking adventure challenges in the game.  |
Why Jane McGonigal Thinks Gamers Can Improve The World Posted: Jane McGonigal is a world-renowned designer of alternate reality games—or, games that are designed to improve real lives and solve real problems. She believes game designers are on a humanitarian mission—and her #1 goal in life is to see a game developer win a Nobel Peace Prize.  |