Dragon Ball Online: Korea and Taiwan Servers Shutting Down Posted: The classic Japanese manga based MMORPG Dragon Ball Online recently announced the closure of the Korea and Taiwan servers. The Korea server will shut down tomorrow (26th September), while the Taiwan server will be closing on 31st October.  |
World of Tanks Assistant Updated With Interface Overhaul and Other Improvements Posted: Wargaming recently updated World of Tanks Assistant smartphone app to which allows on-the-go access for World of Tanks player statistics, global rankings, Wargaming.net news, and social media integration. Players can download it for their iOS, Android or Windows Phone devices.  |
Dragon Nest KR V166: New Baseball Costumes and New Weapons Posted: Dragon Nest KR v.166 has revealed new baseball costumes for all classes, which include two factions: Devils and Angels. There are three colors for each costume set. The update also introduces weapons for Devils and Angels respectively.  |
FIFA 14 Tips, Tricks & Strategies Guide Posted: Feel the excitement of every pass, shot, and tackle with new touch controls in FIFA 14. Here are some essential tips for getting to grips with the game.  |
FIFA 14 Controls Tips Posted: Struggling to get to grips with the basics? Here's the guide to staying on top of the ball.  |
FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Tips & Tricks Posted: If you're completely new to the Ultimate Team section of this year's mobile FIFA, here are some videos to help you get stuck into the action.  |
FIFA 14 Cheats & Tips: Manager Mode Posted: The trickiest part of football management life you'll have to deal with in FIFA 14 is negotiating new players for your squad. Need some help with player statuses? Here's a complete, at-a-glance breakdown of what each player status means.  |
SOE Released New Launch Trailer for Dragon's Prophet Posted: Dragon's Prophet has been live for a week, recently SOE launched a brand new trailer for the game. Players are invited to the world of Auratia, where dragons fill the lands, seas and skies. But this beautiful, immersive world belies darkness, treachery and war. Take up arms with unique, distinct classes to choose from and hundreds of dragons to fight by your side.  |
Grand Theft Auto: iFruit Chop the Dog Intro Posted: In Grand Theft Auto: iFruit, not only you can customize vehicles, but can also play with Chop, Franklin's canine sidekick. Play fetch, teach him tricks and more, as you'll see in this heartwarming intro.  |
TERA(KR)'s Crazy Mount Collector - 32 Mounts Showcased Posted: Mount is necessary in most of MMOs. Of course, in the other side, players can show how rich they are according to their mounts. There is a crazy guy in KR Tera who collected 32 mounts by various means. Some of the mounts are out-of-print , and some are expensive. His most expensive mount is Black Funky which is worth about 70,000 KRW. Now let's have a look at some of his collection.  |
WoW: Connected Realms Start September 25 Posted: Blizzard Community Manager Nethaera has updated the world today, as we wait anxiously for Connected Realms to revitalize our low population homes. We've known for a while that Boulderfist and Bloodscalp would be the guinea pigs, but we now have a timeframe, and Blizzard are sticking to the redefinition of Soon(tm). The connected realms will launch tomorrow, as Nethaera clarifies.  |
Guild Wars 2 Announced Twilight Assault Detail and Free Trial Posted: ArenaNet today revealed the next Living World content update for Guild Wars 2 - Twilight Assault – and announced an extended free trial and sale that will make it easier than ever for players to experience everything the game has to offer.  |
Pay to Win? Grand Theft Auto Online Probably Have Micro-transactions Posted: Now everyone is focusing on Grand Theft Auto Online since a gamer who has sharp eyes found that GTA Online probably have microtransactions(via Reddit) - players maybe are able to buy in-game cash by real-world money. The details were spotted in webpage data for the game's online store. The packs are not currently viewable in-game, but are on Rockstar's website in a publicly viewable XML file.  |
LoL Huge Update on Rengar's Rework Posted: Today, Riot's designer Scarizard post an article on forum talking about Rengar's rework.  |
Dragon Nest KR Future Update: 16-Man Dungeon and New Dragon's Nest Posted: According to the news from Dragon Nest CN V181 file. Dragon Nest KR will update a new 16-men dungeon in November. And Dragon Nest KR will also update with new dragon's nest this December.  |
CROSSFIRE SEA Is Now Commercialized in Malaysia and Singapore Posted: Gambooz has announced that CROSSFIRE SEA is now commercialized in Malaysia and Singapore - 25th September 2013, 3:00PM (GMT+8).With the official launch, a brand new cash shop is added, friend referral system and also, new exciting maps.  |
Strategy Card Game Faeria Kicks Off Closed Beta Posted: A brand new strategy card game Faeria is announced by Abrakam, the team crosses the trading card game tradition with tactical battles, resource management and ground control, adds the particularity that players build the battlefield as they play, giving a completely new gaming experience for players.  |
SOE's New Video Tells Planetside 2 Optimization - Performance Improvement Posted: Some days ago, SOE unveiled a documentary style series of video to show first hand their efforts to correct the performance problems. The video mainly tells that there are a lot of moving parts and each part has various things that can be done to it in order to improve performance. It seems that the dev team is taking it seriously and working very hard on it. Check out the video if you could stand the dry content which filled with lots of technical words.  |
Blade and Soul China: Vote for the Character You Want To See For A Play Through Done By Aspenach Posted: I have put up a page to let you guys vote which character you wish to see for this Play Test series and I will create a character and class based on the most popular vote. A lot of people are getting eager to play this game and this series will aim to provide a little guidance and direction of what to do in those difficult circumstances.  |