Black Desert Theme 6 Update InGame Features Showcased Posted: Korean medieval-theme sandbox MMORPG Black Desert (KR) launched the 6th Theme update, which is the final theme update at the weekend, showing the character creation, armor and weapon, trading system, social and crafting life. Check out the feature video below first.  |
Racing Rivals: More Cheats, Hints and Strategies Posted: Racing Rivals is a new drag racing game by Cie Games for the iOS and Android platforms, best known as the force behind Car Town and Car Town Streets.  |
WoW Patch 5.4 Goes Live on Sept, 10! Posted: It has been confirmed that the highly-anticipated last content patch of the Pandaria expansion, Patch 5.4 will go live starting September, 10th for Americas (NA) and September, 11th for Europe.  |
Guns of Icarus Online Unveils New Adventure Mode and Upcoming Changes Posted: Muse Games's founder Howard Tsao talked about Guns of Icarus Online's upcoming Adventure Mode at PAX Prime. The new online mode of this steampunk MMORPG will add new content, including missions and factions to battles over the unfriendly skies, but it will not replace current lobby-based multiplayer mode.  |
ArcheAge Developer Rumored to Undergo Restructuring Posted: According to a Korean report with information from industry insiders, XLGAMES is preparing for restructuring after ArcheAge did not meet financial expectations in the Korean market after the massive outlay for its development.  |
Firefall Omnicon First Look Posted: Hello guys I'm Spammie and today I'm your host for episode 14 of Super Gameplay Time in witch I take a look at Omnidyme M D 647 "Arsenal" a battleframe based on Dreadnaught frame and I'm going to show you the new content from Stage 2 Update, The Omnicon Festival Challenges, Bonus EXP and Vending Machine.  |
Tactical Intervention Open Beta Started! Posted: After a very successful Closed Beta phase, 1337 Games has decided to launch the Tactical Intervention Open Beta now! Many people have been waiting for a long time but now the moment has finally arrived – head on over to Steam and download Tactical Intervention right away!  |
Blade and Soul KR Crafting Professions Limited Outfits Spoilers Posted: A player from Korea server just observed through the Client's Resource Tab to find out the other crafting professions exclusive outfits.  |
Dragon Nest Old Time Memory - 3D Models of Saint Heaven Posted: The old Saint Heaven has been destroied and new Saint Heaven has been built. As an old time player of DN, I really miss the old Saint Heaven. It recalled me the old times when I played with my friends.  |
Daily Recommendation: HellFire Posted: Hurl fireballs and evolve an army of mystical creatures, in this epic fantasy card collection game: HellFire.  |
Dragon Nest CN: Assassin Release on 12th September Posted: The much anticipated assassin will be released in Dragon Nest China on September 12th.  |
Civilization Online Unveiled Four Civilizations and Unique Gameplay Posted: Chinese media recently had an interview with XLGAMES founder, Mr Jake Song to talk about the upcoming turn-based strategy game -- Civilization Online. Unfortunately, the game is currently scheduled for release in Asia. Four playable civilizations: China, Rome, Egypt, and Aztec have been unveiled along with game classes and new screenshots.  |
WildStar Comic: Part 1 of Mystery and Mayhem Released Posted: Carbine Studios recently released a new digital web comic based on the WildStar universe, which is called "Tales From Beyond the Fringe". It features Mordesh alchemist Victor Lazarin, and the Chua psychopath Mondo Zax. Readers are able to get a deeper look into the terrible minds of the two characters. Part 1 of Mystery and Mayhem now is available at the official site.  |
FFXIV's NPC Fauna Posted: There's no denying that Square Enix successfully created a world in ffxiv. All the different things they've put into this game are amazing, but in my opinion, it's the little things that get me. For instance, the npcs are a bit different then what you'd see in games.  |
Hello MMO - August New MMO Collection Posted: At the last moment of August, we prepare you with the hot new MMOs announced this month. Looking for some new adventures to exlopre? Here you comes to the right place, now take your time to check out the August New MMO Collection, feel free to leave your comments about your favorite game!  |
MMOsite This Week: FFXIV Is Officially Released Posted: Here is the latest MMOsite This Week you have been waiting for, which is the right place for you to check out the important news during this week if you missed them.  |