MMO Updates |
- To Infinity Gate and beyond: Previewing RIFT 2.4's instances
- The Guild Counsel: How to make PUG raids work
- Lord of the Rings Online: Helm's Deep launches on November 18th
- Perfect Ten: MMO industry moves I didn't see coming
- The Daily Grind: What's the largest MMO battle you've experienced?
- Free for All: Recapping the vastness of Mabinogi's Saga Iria
- Choose My Adventure: Age of Wushu charms and confuses
- Pathfinder dev blog discusses guild design, functionality
- 38 Studios loan under SEC investigation
- Original Age of Conan game director talks combat influences
- Square readying FFXIV gear checks, recruiting window, and more
- RIFT gives Beyond Infinity update overview
- Conan O'Brien spoofs Diablo III
- Smashmuck Champions now on Steam Early Access
- The Art of Wushu: The limits of human reaction time
To Infinity Gate and beyond: Previewing RIFT 2.4's instances Posted: 12 Sep 2013 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Patches, Previews, Free-to-Play, RIFT, Dungeons RIFT's 2.4 update is expected to land next week with a big, meaty thud that tells you it's packing some serious content. While 2.4 is peppered with many nice bullet points, including cross-shard instant adventuring and new PvP ranks, the bulk of it is devoted to instances, more instances, and even more instances. Namely, a 20-person raid (with a second one to follow), a new five-person expert dungeon, and a two-person chronicle.Trion Worlds took us on a whirlwind tour of RIFT's four new instances, giving us an oh-so-brief taste of the terror and exhilaration that is to come. Care to join our raid group to see? Continue reading To Infinity Gate and beyond: Previewing RIFT 2.4's instances
The Guild Counsel: How to make PUG raids work Posted: 12 Sep 2013 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Guilds, Opinion, The Guild Counsel, Miscellaneous, Dungeons There's one thing every guild leader dreads: It's raid night and your guild is short on numbers. You could call it a night and postpone it, but that will mean a dip in morale and an increase in frustration within the guild. Too many postponed raids will eventually lead to an empty roster as people move on to other guilds.An alternative is to PUG it and advertise for more guests in general chat. The upside is that you'll be able to do the raid, but inviting in the unknown can bring plenty of new problems. Like the misfit toys above, there are plenty of players who have their own set of flaws and can make even the best-planned raids a true test of patience. Can a PUG raid work, or is it a recipe for disaster? Let's consider that question in this week's Guild Counsel. Continue reading The Guild Counsel: How to make PUG raids work
Lord of the Rings Online: Helm's Deep launches on November 18th Posted: 12 Sep 2013 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Lord of the Rings Online, Expansions, Launches, News Items, Free-to-Play It's the news every Lord of the Rings Online player has been waiting on for what seems like a long while. Helm's Deep is launching on November 18th, bringing with it new regions to explore, an increase in the level cap to 95, and of course the eponymous battle itself. And there's even a new trailer to get players all pumped to wage war against a whole lot of orcs.Now that the launch date is announced, Turbine is also willing to take your money for the expansion. The base edition costs $39.99 and includes a cosmetic chestpiece, a title, and 1000 Turbine points, while also providing a new mount and experience booster usable right now. The Premium edition costs $59.99 and offers everything in the base edition along with another title, a full suit of cosmetic armor, 10 extra quest log slots, another 1000 Turbine points (so 2000 total), and an item to add a Legacy to your weapon. Oh, and a special cloak to use right now. Click on past the break to see the trailer, and get ready for the siege starting in November. [Source: Turbine Entertainment press release] Continue reading Lord of the Rings Online: Helm's Deep launches on November 18th
Perfect Ten: MMO industry moves I didn't see coming Posted: 12 Sep 2013 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Asheron's Call, City of Heroes, Dungeons and Dragons Online, EverQuest, MMO Industry, Opinion, Star Wars Galaxies, Vanguard, Final Fantasy XIV, Perfect Ten, Miscellaneous, WildStar, Defiance, The Elder Scrolls Online Despite -- or more accurately, because of -- my love for video games, I would never want to work in the games industry as a developer or what have you. I think it's an industry that doesn't have a good track record of job security, sane hours, or products that you could feasibly spend years working on that might not make it to ship. But I love writing about the industry. I love the news. That's why I adore being at Massively.I also love the news because MMOs and studios constantly surprise me. Hey, maybe you're an amazing clairvoyant person who can not only predict but accurately foresee all of the jukes and twists that the industry makes. I am not. When mental superpowers were being handed out, I got "setting people on fire with a mere thought" instead of what appears to be the widespread "know it all" ability. I don't regret it. I mean, you probably already knew that I was going to post a picture of Daniel-san and Mr. Miyagi being attacked by bees on the front page of Massively. But I think that the surprises are part of the fun. No matter what we've seen in the past and no matter how knowledgeable any of us is about MMOs, the strange developments keep on coming. So this week I want to list 10 stories that I really didn't see coming at all. Continue reading Perfect Ten: MMO industry moves I didn't see coming
The Daily Grind: What's the largest MMO battle you've experienced? Posted: 12 Sep 2013 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Game Mechanics, The Daily Grind, MMOFPS We've talked about the definition of the term MMO in this column on numerous occasions, and while it's completely subjective, most people generally take the number of concurrent players into account when having the discussion.I was having the discussion -- again -- with some friends the other day, and I kept thinking about the biggest MMO battles I've seen since I started playing way back when. I don't have exact numbers, but I do remember some engagements in both Battleground Europe and PlanetSide that involved several hundred people at a minimum. What about you, Massively readers? What's the largest MMO battle you've experienced?
Free for All: Recapping the vastness of Mabinogi's Saga Iria Posted: 11 Sep 2013 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Events (In-Game), PvE, Free-to-Play, Roleplaying, Mabinogi, Free for All, Livestream, Sandbox My summer has been filled with a massive, 10-part adventure called The Saga Iria. It's an event that happened inside the world of Mabinogi, one of my favorite free-to-play sandbox MMOs. Once a week Nexon released a new chapter, and each time I streamed my first few steps into it, often resulting in my immediate and embarrassing death. Actually, make that deaths. I died a lot.My companion for this wild ride was Mabinogi Community Manager Sabina. Sabina is a "fashionogi" (as they call it in-game), someone who enjoys customizing her characters more than sending them into battle. Mabinogi allows for almost any style of play, from combat mastery to roleplay to fashion obsession. The community showed up during my livestreams to give me plenty of advice during my hard times in combat because the game is known for its challenge level. It's time to recap some of my favorite moments of those times and discuss what I liked... and didn't like. Continue reading Free for All: Recapping the vastness of Mabinogi's Saga Iria
Choose My Adventure: Age of Wushu charms and confuses Posted: 11 Sep 2013 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Polls, Video, Events (In-Game), Game Mechanics, PvP, PvE, Opinion, Free-to-Play, Choose My Adventure, Livestream, Sandbox, Age of Wushu So here we are in the second week of the Age of Wushu Choose My Adventure coverage. There's no way that even a dozen weeks would cover everything there is to know about this awesome MMO, but luckily the point of this column is to show what it's like to jump into game not only while I'm blind but also when a crowd is directing my every major decision. That means that I get to act like myself and enjoy getting lost in a game that is truly a living world. Age of Wushu is fantastic for certain newbies just as it seems it is for vets.Of course, it's not all that rosy. In almost every article I have read about the game, and even in the chat room while I streamed the game live (it's embedded after the cut), I saw players who expressed their disappointment in how confusing the game is. Massively's own Patrick Mackey has been helping me along the way, and he said on the stream that the best thing to do to alleviate confusion is to "join a guild." I agree, so that's going to be one of the questions I put up for a vote. Having access to Patrick, the readers and players, and the developers themselves does put me at an advantage over typical newbies. Click past the cut and lets get to what I thought about the choices that were made last time, and be sure to vote on this week's poll questions! Continue reading Choose My Adventure: Age of Wushu charms and confuses
Pathfinder dev blog discusses guild design, functionality Posted: 11 Sep 2013 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Game Mechanics, Guilds, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, Sandbox, Pathfinder Online If you've been wondering about companies in Pathfinder Online, today's dev blog is for you. And no, that's not companies as in GoblinWorks or Paizo, but companies as in adventuring companies! Designer Tork Shaw says that companies are the "most basic form of permanent player organization" in the game. If that sounds a lot like "guilds" in other MMOs, that's intentional, though Shaw explains that Pathfinder's companies work best with 50 or fewer members as opposed to giant, hundred-member zergs.Companies can be sponsored by certain in-game settlements, which affords them bonuses, protection, and perhaps danger if said settlements are engaged in hostilities with other in-game groups. Companies advance via an influence mechanic that stems from the deeds of their members. Click through the links below for more info!
38 Studios loan under SEC investigation Posted: 11 Sep 2013 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, MMO Industry, News Items, Consoles, Legal, Miscellaneous It seems as though we can't go more than a few weeks without hearing about some new complication related to the collapse of 38 Studios and the financial catastrophe it left in its wake. This week's news comes in the form of an SEC probe into the $75 million in loan guarantees offered to the studio by the Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation.The RIEDC has secured the services of a law firm to help it handle the SEC's investigation. Further details are sparse, as the RIEDC has offered only that it "doesn't discuss ongoing matters related to 38 Studios and maintains a level of confidentiality as requested by the SEC." Strangely, the SEC investigation, which launched in early 2012, was not mentioned to investors when Rhode Island published financial documents related to a bond transaction in April of that year. According to the treasurer's spokesperson, the state's treasury was not aware of the probe at that time. The RIEDC is currently involved in a lawsuit against studio head Curt Schilling and former RIEDC members responsible for the 38 Studios deal.
Original Age of Conan game director talks combat influences Posted: 11 Sep 2013 03:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Age of Conan, Game Mechanics, Interviews, MMO Industry, News Items, Free-to-Play If you've been around the MMO block a time or two, you probably know the name Gaute Godager. If not, he's an original Funcom founder, as well as a game director on 2001's Anarchy Online and 2008's Age of Conan.AoC fansite Assassin's Hideout recently scored an interview with the elusive developer, and it's an interesting read thanks to tidbits about the game's setting and its unique combo combat system. As for the former, Godager says that while Funcom considered many IPs -- including George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire -- the Conan property made the most sense because it lent itself to the "stylized HBO-like grown-up game" the team desired. It also helped that Robert E. Howard's Hyboria license had recently been acquired by Funcom partner Paradox. Age of Conan's combo system is indebted to a 1993 fighting game called Samurai Showdown that served as one of Funcom's very first projects. The developers all took a fencing lesson, during which the instructor said that "all sword fighting [is] based around only six attacks. Up left, up right, straight down, down side up left, down side up right, and stab." Godager says that the explanation stuck with him and ultimately had a significant influence on MMO combat. "Look at EverQuest and draw a line to Neverwinter," he explained. "You will see Conan in there directing the speed, intensity, and flow of combat." [Thanks Slith!]
Square readying FFXIV gear checks, recruiting window, and more Posted: 11 Sep 2013 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, PvE, Final Fantasy XIV, Dungeons, Subscription Square is tweaking Final Fantasy XIV with an eye toward helping players conquer content with fewer hassles. A post on the game's forums indicates that repair fee reductions, dark matter cost adjustments, and a party recruitment window are on the way.The devs are also adding gear checks for high-level dungeons and hard mode primal battles, according to community team member Devin "Camate" Casadey.
RIFT gives Beyond Infinity update overview Posted: 11 Sep 2013 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Patches, Previews, Free-to-Play, RIFT Get ready to blast off beyond infinity and just you shush if you're already starting to argue with that logical fallacy. Trion Worlds has put up an overview page for RIFT's Update 2.4: Beyond Infinity, and the list is pretty impressive for this upcoming content patch.Beyond Infinity includes two 20-person raids, a new five-person expert dungeon, the Infernal Dawn: Laethys chronicle, additional barbershop options, cross-shard instant adventures, and PvP prestige rank 90. Massively has a preview of Update 2.4 coming tomorrow, so stay tuned! [Update: Reader Chris tipped us off to a post on RiftScene, which quotes a German community manager claiming the release date will be September 18th.]
Conan O'Brien spoofs Diablo III Posted: 11 Sep 2013 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Humor, Diablo III Talk show comedian Conan O'Brien spent a couple of minutes discussing his experiences playing Diablo III on a recent show. While he calls the graphics and gameplay "great," O'Brien takes issue with the voices and dialogue."They don't seem to suit the dark and violent tone," O'Brien complains. OK, so it's really just an excuse for him to show a few clips from the game while providing zany voiceovers. If you've played the game, perhaps you'll be amused by the following video. Team Coco forever? Continue reading Conan O'Brien spoofs Diablo III
Smashmuck Champions now on Steam Early Access Posted: 11 Sep 2013 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, Free-to-Play, MOBA If you were intrigued by our hands-on with new MOBA Smashmuck Champions at PAX Prime last week, we've got good news. The title is now available via Steam's early access program, according to a Kiz press release.The "program helps to further Kiz's commitment to open development, bringing the fans and players into the creation process to tweak, refine, and suggest new ideas that are incorporated into the game," the company says. Smashmuck Champions is free-to-play. You can view an announcement video after the break. [Source: Kiz press release] Continue reading Smashmuck Champions now on Steam Early Access
The Art of Wushu: The limits of human reaction time Posted: 11 Sep 2013 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Guilds, PvP, Opinion, Age of Wushu, The Art of Wushu We're finally back on track with the kung-fu lessons, and today we're going to talk about something very important: how being human limits what you can do in an Age of Wushu duel. Like a lot of skills relating to dueling and strategy, this is a fairly broad skill that can be applied to a lot of games.Reaction speed is one of the most difficult things to train in Age of Wushu, especially for old-timers like me. Reacting to things in a timely matter is a massive advantage; it lets you punish feints, interrupt sluggish normal attacks, and stun people out of dance-like moves. The trouble is, we're human, and humans are slow. This time, we're going to look at exactly what that means in hard technical terms. Continue reading The Art of Wushu: The limits of human reaction time
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